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Lil' Bitch

Oasis: clutching to relevance till their knuckles turn white

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Oasis are benefactors of constantly being compared to Blur, whose musical output ranges from mildly catchy to wholly unassuming. (What's the Story?) Morning Glory aside, they're really not anything special.

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Oasis are benefactors of constantly being compared to Blur, whose musical output ranges from mildly catchy to wholly unassuming.


Uhhhhhhhh Blur is about a thousand times better than Oasis and if you honestly think otherwise you have truly terrible taste. hth

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I really don't see the appeal.


Uhm, how about the fact that they boast a catalog filled with supersmart pop songs spanning a fairly wide variety of genres/styles? Or perhaps the fact they they're one of the few bands who's just as good at ironic social commentary as they are at real pathos? Or maybe the fact that they own??? Really a lot of reasons here bro.


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I like both. Blur is better, but that's really not a Britpop "explosion". By those standards, Blur was a one hit wonder. You had to go out of your way to seek out their other stuff. Oasis had several stateside hits.

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It's rancid and righteous schaedenfreude at work. The Gallaghers have created these monstrous personae for themselves that they started to live their gimmick. If you roll with "I hope [the guy from Blur] gets AIDS," then be a fucking man and accept that a drunken yob from Canada is going to push your overweening ass over and break a rib or two. They've positioned themselves so that not only are they targets for ridicule, abuse and scorn, but hey, the rest of us can enjoy without guilt Liam or Noel or whichever one that was getting tackled and Noel or Liam being such a priss that he won't get his fists up until half-a-dozen security dorks take him down. It's Glenn Danzig getting knocked out: the next generation.

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re Britpop: Blur's really good (duh) but Pulp was clearly the best thing to come out of that whole mess. Different Class is like the best album of the whole 1990s probably. And Jarvis Cocker is def. the best/hottest wry British waif guy.








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funny enough, i would want to replace 'parklife' for 'different class' in byron's statement. i like what little of pulp i've heard (mostly 'different class' and 'this is hardcore', neither with much regularity), but jarvis's speak-singing is a little too theatrical for my tastes. blur were catchy as shit and had a great sense of humor.


early oasis have little-by-little become sort of a guilty pleasure for me. i'm finally able to look past the obnoxiousness and noel's whiny voice to some of the catchiness, and i can sort of see why they were so popular for a time. i really like "cigarettes and alcohol."

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I immediately thought of Pulp after I made the post but didn't they sort of predate Britpop? Granted, their peak years were during Britpop's peak years. I never really got into them all that much for pretty much the reasons gtd explained which is not to say they're not a great band.

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funny enough, i would want to replace 'parklife' for 'different class' in byron's statement.


I love Parklife, but it's kinda poorly sequenced, ya know? The four best songs are all put right up front and after the title track it just sort of meanders around though weird one-off genre experiments and pointless interludes with actual good songs scattered about seemingly at random.


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funny enough, i would want to replace 'parklife' for 'different class' in byron's statement.


I love Parklife, but it's kinda poorly sequenced, ya know? The four best songs are all put right up front and after the title track it just sort of meanders around though weird one-off genre experiments and pointless interludes with actual good songs scattered about seemingly at random.


Yeah, I prefer The Great Escape for being a significantly more cohesive album, although the highs on Parklife are admittedly higher. Blur unfortunately never had a really great album.

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Guest Vitamin X
I like a lot of bands people think are shit.


oh man tell me about it





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considering that oasis sell out just about every show that they do live, i'd say that people still care about them. oasis are a very solid band.

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Yeah Oasis is selling out arenas on a US tour right now. It's not like they're struggling to pack people into a club show or anything.

I still dig Oasis when I hear them, I liked them when I was a kid in the 90s.


And Blur fucking sucks, aside from the nostalgia of the novelty of Song 2. Parklife? Fuck off.

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