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Column 1: Inverted Atomic Drop/Manhatn Drop

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This is my first Column, where I look at things i like




Manhattan Drop (Inverse Atom Drop0




This isa move where you wasitlock a dude and then pick him up droop him on balls/spiune on your knee. OUCH! This done by Hret Bart, Shawn Michaels, Mankind/FOley/Cacuts/Dude Love, and like every dude in every AKI game (No Mercy/Wrestlemania2000, WCW/NWO revenege)


It is a good move because it looks damanging, and is easy to do. weak guys dom it like foley, hbk, so they can hit big guys with a move! and its a slam kinda, so they dont looka s weak. its like--hbk do this to batsita, maybe he can slam him? So it build uop well1!


I like it when hart do it, siunce sharpshooter hurt the lower back, thios move would hurt that area (ass/back) so it make sense!


This is a goode move, i like it when hart does it



That was my first column~

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Indirectly. It's called the Manhattan Drop because of the Watchmen character Dr. Manhattan, since his lads were always showing. Dr. Manhattan, of course, was named after the Project.

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Sting and Hart always had my favorite manhattan drops. Michaels looks cool, but he telegraphs it too much.


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Indirectly. It's called the Manhattan Drop because of the Watchmen character Dr. Manhattan, since his lads were always showing. Dr. Manhattan, of course, was named after the Project.


Incidentally, Dr. Manhattan's penis small and flaccid.

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Despite hitting the groin, the inverted atomic drop known also as Manhattan Drop is not considered a low blow. This is because it involves dropping the opponent so that their groin hits the wrestler's knee, rather than raising a knee to hit the opponent's groin. In the same fashion, if a wrestler is lifted so that they fall and straddle an object it is frowned upon but not deemed illegal. Another non-illegal method is to take the feet away from under an opponent while they are standing on the top rope so they drop and straddle the rope/corner turnbuckle.


Inverted atomic drop


A move in which the wrestler puts his or her head under the opponent's shoulder and lifts the opponent up and then drops him or her "lower abdomen region" or groin first on the wrestler's knee. It is called a Manhattan Drop in Japan, as named by Masahiro Chono. Even though this move is an indirect low blow, it is considered a legal move. Theoretically, it is the opponent's groin that has impacted with the wrestler's knee, not the other way around. Shawn Michaels is a well-known user of the move, as it usually proceeds his signature elbow drop.

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I've never heard it called a Manhattan Drop


I think the Manhattan Drop was the name for Buff Bagwell's Buff Blockbuster in WCW vs. nWo: World Tour for the Nintendo 64. I remember reading that in the Official Stragety Guide.

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I think the Manhattan Drop was the name for Buff Bagwell's Buff Blockbuster in WCW vs. nWo: World Tour for the Nintendo 64. I remember reading that in the Official Stragety Guide.


Speaking of that, I know it was AKI's first American wrestling game, but most of the finishers weren't accurate. Nash had a regular powerbomb and Hall had the Black Tiger Bomb for the Outsider's Edge.

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