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Guest Czecherbear

The feds got Blagojevich

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I don't know if they could, though. It's only up to the governor, isn't it?


You may be right. I am not very knowledgable on the Illinois legislature. I'm still trying to wrap my head around Wisconsin's in light of my own upcoming bid for a seat there.


The state legislature could have stripped the governor of his power to appoint probably by way of an amendment to the state constitution. I believe Massachusetts did this when Mitt Romney became governor so that Mitt would not be able to appoint a Republican to a Senate seat if one became vacant.

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"My name is Blago, and I have giant balls."

Also, Bobby Rush is full of shit.

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Guest Czecherbear

They'll seat Burris because he's black. The p.r. would be horrible if they didn't. The end!


Blagojevich will be out, though.

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I don't see this going through.


First of all, I don't really like what it says about Burris to accept a tainted appointment from Blagojevich.


Second, there are going to be 3 other vacant seats. If Bobby Rush's entire argument for backing this pick is that the Senate needs black representation, concievably there's 3 other chances for this to happen. It is also a little hard to swallow an argument that denying Burris this seat would be a set back for African-Americans when (a) most of the time senators are elected in democratic contests, not handed appointments by crooks, and, oh yeah, (b) the incoming POTUS is African-American.

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Guest Czecherbear

I don't think Roland Burris has been relevant in Illinois politics in years and years. It'd be like dredging up Jane Byrne, which reminds me, I gotta post my dead pool for the year because she's so in it. "I've really enjoyed being in the limelight" fuuuuck you Rod. New rule: no more Chicago Democrats get to run the state. Just find some semi-retired insurance agent from Bloomington or Peoria, and elect him. Then let him nap through the whole term. That way he won't commit any felonies.

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Any truth to this, Czech?- The legislature isn't working towards a special election because the Dems there don't want to risk a Republican winning the seat.

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Guest Czecherbear
Any truth to this, Czech?- The legislature isn't working towards a special election because the Dems there don't want to risk a Republican winning the seat.

Yes, that's correct. Durbin said "what we need is a special election!" and then apparently this woke the sleeping giant that is the ILGOP who planned to run some negative ads and then we never heard anything about a special election again. Come on, though! If they re-elected Blagojevich, certainly they'll elect a Democrat that isn't retarded.

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Compromise alledgedly reached on the Illinios appointment.




Democratic leaders plan to grant few if any privileges next week to Roland Burris, the man picked by Gov. Rod Blagojevich to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate, even if he arrives on Capitol Hill with the right credentials. Senate officials involved in the tangle of legal and logistical planning said Friday that a Democrat will object to Burris being duly sworn with the rest of his class, and propose that his credentials be reviewed for a period of time by the Rules Committee.


The only way Burris will be allowed on the floor is if he possesses a certification of appointment signed personally by his embattled patron, Blagojevich, and Ill. Secretary of State Jesse White. Burris would then be treated as a senator-elect, which by tradition means he'll be allowed on the Senate floor without voting or speaking privileges - and he wouldn't be granted a desk, according to these officials. They demanded anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly on the matter.


There was a Constitutional question as to whether or not the Senate really had the authority to deny him the seat, given what the Constitution says on the matter.


The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of each State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.


This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.

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Guest Czecherbear

Well, they didn't let him in yesterday, so apparently a compromise has been reached wherein Burris will be seated without the signature of Jesse White, which White admitted Burris doesn't need anyway since he only needs the governor's appointment and the signature is just ceremonial, as long as Burris promises not to run in 2010. How can you forbid someone from running for elected office, though? "Aw but you promised!" doesn't seem like it would hold up. I heard an interview with Jesse White on the radio this morning. Apparently he likes Burris and wants him to be seated, but being a man of honor, he can't go back on his pledge not to sign anything from Blagojevich, a pledge that Messrs. Rush and Burris apparently made as well and have since broken. Maybe this whole thing will motivate downstate Illinois to produce a compelling and non-retarded politician or two.

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Didnt a really ugly man come out of the downstate woodwork about a hundred and fifty years ago? He did some good things in his day. Too bad that'll never happen again because nobody would want to drink a beer with Abraham Lincoln.

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Today's presser was one of the best. Blogo's worse than James Michael Curley. This shit is like reading Shelley for political junkies.

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Guest Czecherbear

Did we already go over how Bobby Rush, who insists on having a black man in the Senate, was the same guy that endorsed rich old white guy Blair Hull over Barack Obama in the 2004 primaries?


I keep missing these Blagojevich press conferences. I have the worst timing.

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Watching the press conference this afternoon was hilarious. When he was talking about how families are trying to make a better life for their families, my first thought was, "Did Blago do this for the kids?" :P

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Another embattled politician appears to be on the way down. They were talking about Mayor Sheila Dixon's various hijinx all the time on the local news when I was in Baltimore during the summer, in between the stories of the shootings (13 in celebration of July 4). Too bad she couldn't have reached the great heights of Spiro Agnew before going down.


Special Baltimore polictics prediction: Martin O' Malley, the governor of Maryland, will give the presidency a try in 2016.


Note to better relate this story to the thread topic: Sheila Dixon, try as she might in the felonious act category, can not match Rod Blogo for giving a fucking circus of a press conference. Or a brisk, unbelievably limp-wristed, are we sure he's not a cartoon?, jog around the block whilst being impeached.

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Well apparently he's making the talkshow circuit his place.


And also saying he's like MLK, Ghandi, etc.


Also, BECAUSE he's refusing to offer any defense, this might go much quicker than originally anticipated =)

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If this whole thing is a conspiracy by the Illinois Senate, why is the FBI involved? Why was he arrested? He is ridiculous.






This phone conversation is probably just the tip of the iceberg.



edit: Oh, snaps, here they are.


Edited by SuperJerk

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Blago is on right now, doing his thing and trying to get his picture taken with a couple of kids- but the news camera men won't shoot them, because the kids are minors and need thier parents permission. Man, the dude can't even kiss babies anymore!

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Guest Vitamin X

Or try just not using it. One of the worst internet memes to ever hit our precious corner of the web.

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