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Guest Marneywasmurdered

I went into the TSM Chat and when Kamala found out we were going to get our powers back he started sucking up to me and saying he was faking it for Leena.

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I went into the TSM Chat and when Kamala found out we were going to get our powers back he started sucking up to me and saying he was faking it for Leena.


I was faking it. Cheech Tremendous can vouch for me. At the beginning of this ordeal, I PMd him, thinking this was a joke by The DMC saying that I would jokingly suck up to Leena.


I was also talking about it in the chat before you came in, CWM. I can't believe people didn't read my posts yesterday and didn't realize they were (poor) attempts at humor. If you want to punish me for it, that's fine. I probably should take a break from boarding.

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I'm pretty hungover, but I"m sure even if I wasn't I still wouldn't know what's going on. Can someone explain?

This should answer your questions.

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I'm pretty hungover, but I"m sure even if I wasn't I still wouldn't know what's going on. Can someone explain?


Leena hacked an Admin account and proclaimed herself Cesar. Some people decided to jokingly suck up, some legitimately did, and others correctly called her a stupid cunt. Then the actual bosses got back in and ended that pathetic coup.


This process will eventually repeat itself in 3-6 months.

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Guest Marneywasmurdered

Leena stole Mike's account and banned the mod staff and several posters, Mike got control back and everything is fine now.

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Guest Marneywasmurdered

What we need is some show trials. Appoint some judges and defense/prosecutors. Let's get all Nuremberg in here.

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Guest Marneywasmurdered

Yeah KOAB's fine by me. Judging by some PM's sent to me Kamala might be going into a short exile, so that just leaves Truthiness.

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Truthiness has always been a Leelee-lover, so it's not like this was a change of character for him.


Serious question: why are you certain Leena did the hacking? She claims it wasn't her, and there really isn't any evidence. Not that I couldn't see her doing something like this, but more like I couldn't see her doing something like this and then not laughing and taking credit afterwards.

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Guest Marneywasmurdered

Who else would do it and then claim to be leena? Paul? Eagan? Johnson? Fooster?! That and the IP matched the one she used for her last comeback.

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Guest Marneywasmurdered

I wouldn't put it past Fooser though, I never trusted that lurker.

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Yeah, I'm going to try and take a short exile from No Holds Barred. I'll be here on the top half of the board though.


I'd like to reiterate that what I said was tongue in cheek, I guess I just didn't play it well enough. Again, Cheech and I believe a few others (Dandy maybe?) can vouch for me. I apologize profusely and again I'll accept any punishment I receive from TSM High Courts.

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Yeah, I'm going to try and take a short exile from No Holds Barred. I'll be here on the top half of the board though.


I'd like to reiterate that what I said was tongue in cheek, I guess I just didn't play it well enough. Again, Cheech and I believe a few others (Dandy maybe?) can vouch for me. I apologize profusely and again I'll accept any punishment I receive from TSM High Courts.


Casket match with The Undertaker

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Guest Marneywasmurdered

Come up with a Top 10 list of why goldengreek is a superior poster to you.

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Why are people so mad at KOAB? It's pretty clear from what he said that it was all tongue-in-cheek.


That history line about white people being slow to change was pretty funny.



Yeah KOAB's fine by me. Judging by some PM's sent to me Kamala might be going into a short exile, so that just leaves Truthiness.


I'm just a TSM Whistle Blower and Shit Stirrer. No need to have hurt feelings, Marneywasmurderd.


I will say that I'm extremely glad no one has even considered giving me any kind of power on this board. With the hours I stay up compared to everyone else you'd come back to find a lot of people banned, everything locked up, and a lot of stuff deleted.


All I care about is amusing myself like some shit flinging chimp.

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1. He's got a remarkable tan. A bronze god, if you will.

2. His hair is stupendous.

3. He's banged way hotter broads than me.

4. He probably thinks that Leena bitch is fugly and would never even think of sucking up to her- even jokingly. Again---he's banged way hotter broads than me.

5. He isn't afraid to tell internet wrestling sensation CM Punk what's on his mind.


7. He was briefly moderator of one of the wrestling folders. A position I strive for and have yet to be able to achieve.

8. He's banged way hotter broads than any of you!

9. As an employee of a pizza place, I'm sure he knows how to make at least a decent pizza. I once left the cardboard thingy on the bottom on a frozen pizza.

10. He is an arbiter of sexiness for WWE Divas. I have virtually no standards.



There, now I'll see you guys in a little while.

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