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Guest alfdogg

The One & Only SmartMarks Battle Royal Thread

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Guest Sandman9000

::Sandman decapitates Urkel with one blast of his shotgun, set on "Soldier of Fortune" power. Sandman goes back to swinging lightbulbs towards Zack::

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20







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Guest alfdogg

::AD makes the save for his fellow DA member and whacks NBT in the nuts with a 2x4 thatb has a large nail sticking out::

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20







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Guest Sandman9000

::Sandman frees himself from the thumbtacks. He kicks Mini-Me back to 2000, where he was once popular::

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Guest Youth N Asia

dude...tiy can't re-enter YNA Thesz into the match...if that's the case...


*Sandman9000 admits homosexuality and makes sweet love to Anglesailt...*


I don't care if you jump my character...but you can't make him leave his stea dn re-enter the match on his own free will...that's for me to do

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20




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Guest Youth N Asia

*Youth N Asia Thesz feels pity fot NBT and gives him $15 so he can buy a goddamn keyboard since his messages are an eyesore to read...NBT runs to Best Buy to make his purchase and is never heard from again*

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20







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Guest Sandman9000

::Sandman reads what YNA wrote, but has a hard time understanding what he meant. YNA so butchered the English language, it is crying in the corner. Sandman comforts the English language and tells it that everything will be ok::

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Guest Austin3164life

::Austinhhh4life comes back only to find havoc happening. He sits down and wonders how the hell this is still going on, while drinking a beer of course::

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Guest Prince Paul

Prince Paul is running towards Sandman and HE'S GOT A....HE'S GOT A ....JUDY BAGWELL??? Prince swings Judy as hard as he can and connects with the head of Sandman.


Prince Paul:"(Enter city name here) is looking good tonight." cheap pop

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Guest Sandman9000

::Sandman is curled up in the fetal position in the corner. He's never been hit with that kind of force before. He can still hear her annoying voicing nagging him, that her son deserves better treatment, and should be a star::

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20








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Guest evenflowDDT

::evenflowDDT makes his grand appearance, but hey... the Vanilla Midgets forum is on EZboard...


evenflowDDT: cheap plug or what... what the funk is this all about?!


::evenflowDDT goes for Prince Paul, but remembers what a good producer he is, so he instead hits AustinHHH4life in the gut with the microphone and clotheslines him over the top rope, eliminating him from the battle royal::


Seriously, what the hell is going on here?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

**"Natural Born Killaz" hits and Laz, wearing gangsta attire, comes down pushing 2 shopping-carts full of assorted weapons. He tosses the shopping carts into the ring one at a time, taking out half of the people in the ring. He slides in, and immediately does a guitar shot to evenflowDDT, knocking him over the top rope and therefore eliminating him. Laz grabs a shopping cart, tosses it at Prince Paul, eliminating him by knocking him over the top rope.**




**Laz then begins destroying everybody in the ring NuJack style with assorted stupid weapons, including a PlaySkool funhouse to Sandman9000's head, forcing him to blade and bleed profusely Abdullah-style.**




**Laz walks up to NaturalBornThriller4:20 and sandwiches his head with 2 keyboards**



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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



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Guest GenerationNever

GN, annoyed by Corey, steals Judy Bagwell and throws her unto him.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

**Corey holds onto the top rope and pulls himself back in, then ducks Judy Bagwell. Laz then tosses NaturalBornThriller4:20 out and makes sure both feet land on the ground, thus eliminating him**

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Guest GenerationNever

GN kicks Corey in the testicles. After he is stunned, GN places him in a Dragon Sleeper.


"Tap out, bitch!"

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

**Corey backflips over GN's shoulder, applying a Dragon Sleeper himself. Corey then turns it into a Roll Of The Dice, but holds on and rolls GN onto his back, still applying the Dragon Sleeper. Corey then brings GN to his feet, and turns him around. Corey places GN's head between his legs from behind, the set-up to the Vertebreaker.**



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Guest GenerationNever

While in the set-up for the Vertebreaker, GN headbutts Laz in the testicles. Then places him back in the Dragon Sleeper.



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Guest caboose

::Caboose continues to sell Zack's blindsiding...


...ooops, wrong Parody E-Fed.


Caboose nails GenerationNever with his OAOAST World Championship belt which is digitally blurred by the OAOSMBRT because it's not their official championship!::

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Guest Prince Paul

Prince Paul gets up and dusts himself off from being thrown over the top rope. He gets Judy Bagwell.


Prince Paul:"someone has to pay for this disgrace." "Judy, bend the fuck over bitch." PP starts fucking Judy hard while calling her Sunny and slapping her ass as she's bent over the announce table in JR's face. All the while PP is thinking of what store to go to and get NBT a keyboard.



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Guest evenflowDDT

Dammit! SoCal Angst (aka Suburban Angst aka The Vertebreaker) is MY move... so why does everybody else have to use it? For as long as I've been in OAOAT, that's been my finisher, since the WWE will never allow The Hurricane, or even that Helms guy that kinda looks like him to use it.


What? You don't keep up with OAOAT? Why not? Check it out, dude!


Oh yea...


::evenflowDDT recovers from the electric guitar shot to the head (which takes substantially longer than an acoustic guitar shot, let me tell you). He's been busted open, but he still runs back into the ring, gives the ref the Hot In Herre DDT, and gives Laz a SoCal Angst proper. He then rolls out of the ring to go watch Spiderman (hey, it only took me two months)::

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Guest Sandman9000

::While CL is in the dragon sleeper, Sandman shoots him in the groin with a staple gun::


"Ain't no one gonna toss your salad now, ho!"

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

**Laz backflips over GN's shoulder again, this time falling down with a diving reverse DDT onto a trashcan. Corey gets to his feet, and pulls the staple out of his crotch, screaming.**


Laz: FUCK~!~


**Corey then grabs the staple gun and kicks Sandman in the face.**




**Laz then proceeds to staple Sandman's asscheeks together, and finishes it off with a tilt-a-whirl Russian Neckdrop. Corey draws his attention to GN, who is just getting back up, and then delivers the Director's Cut (double-cradle knee-drop piledriver) onto a STOP sign.**

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Guest alfdogg

::AD returns with his IRON~! nunchucks and lays everyone out except his fellow Deadly Alliance stablemate, Sandman. They proceed to lay a hellacious beating on every non-DA member::

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