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Patty O'Green

Booking for the 4/30 HD

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Attention you ignorant wcw marks who missed out on years of great wwf programming by watching an inferior wcw product, did WCW do an outdoor show at Orlando? Like inside a resort hotel and the ring was over a pool? I might have seen something like that as I was looking for the right television show to compare to dog shit. WWF! WWF! WWF! WWF! SUCK IT 3:16!


If so we'll do something like that for this show, if no then I hope you all burn in hell.

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No, that happened in 1999. But that Nitro did have a memorable moment though, with Sting arriving in a helicopter for his tag match with Luger against Hogan & Savage. Very cool.

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Panama Beach, Florida.

Well it like looks the only option is for everyone to burn in hell.


Or we could just do the show from Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando with the same set up as WCW's Beach Party. Yes, I think you all will be spared from the flames of eternal damnation.

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WCW did several Monday Nitros from the entrance of Disney-MGM Studios at Walt Disney World during the summer of 1996 when the Turner Television trucks were being used for the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia. It's where the infamous "Kevin Nash throws Rey Mysterio into a trailer like a lawndart" moment took place.


WCW also taped WCW Worldwide in a studio at Disney-MGM Studios from 1993-1997.

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Doesn't TNA tape somewhere in Florida, either Universal Studios or Disney world. That'd be cool if it was Disney world, because then dudes could dress up as Minny Mouse and lure another guy to the back for sexual relations and then BAM jumped by dudes dressed as Chip and Dale from the rescue rangers. A carefully orchestrated plot by the dastardly heel Scrooge McDuck!

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Power has been transferred to me. That means I'm the acting President of the OAOAST! Forget this week's show. It'll be a two hour Tony Brannigan lovefest! :lol:


All kidding aside, although I really am the acting OAOAST President, I got you covered. Hope to have the show up tonight.

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