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Guest bob_barron


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Guest bob_barron

No- not a geek test- I've always wanted to know.


President is pretty great.



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Guest Mattdotcom

I searched GameFAQS and Stargate Defender isn't real.


Oh, hey...ten pages. We're a couple of Regals, eh sunshines? I'd like to see the Saved by the Bell topic get this far. Hell, it's about EVERY teen show. This is pure NewsRadio...excluding the All-New Pyramid, King of the Hill, etc.

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Guest areacode212

Stargate Defender is indeed a real arcade game and in fact...the creator of Defender, Stargate Defender and Robotron 2084 appears in the episode as one of the delivery guys.


Oooh, yeah, 10 pages! Doesn't it suck how the Saved By the Bell thread has more views than this one?

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Guest Mattdotcom

Oops. Sorry for GameFAQS being wrong and not me. Daydream was on today, one of my favorites, the kind that remind me of my friends and I goofing off last semester. Those stories are still to come...stories like:


The day I went crazy and cursed everyone in the room (around seven people) out.


The days we snuck off to the football field/gym.


The day we had NO teacher whatsoever ALL day.

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Guest areacode212

Maybe GameFaqs didn't have it because it was more popularly known as just plain "Stargate" (Defender II).


Anyway, you can find the MAME rom here. Now you can have a high score in this game without being a pale, friendless virgin (if you are, I can't help you with that). Don't forget that your game improves if you pretend that they're members of your actual family.

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Guest bob_barron
Maybe GameFaqs didn't have it because it was more popularly known as just plain "Stargate" (Defender II).


Anyway, you can find the MAME rom here. Now you can have a high score in this game without being a pale, friendless virgin (if you are, I can't help you with that). Don't forget that your game improves if you pretend that they're members of your actual family.

It won't let me play if I play through media player.


Anyhelp AC??



Movie Star and the one where Matthew "goes to Japan" were today. Movie Star is just this weird, creepy episode that I find hilarious. Matthew really does look like he's gonna hurl all over Japan.


The Matthew Japan episode makes me laugh cause when my dad came back from Panama he brought me this big ass knife/sword thing. Needless to say he took it away two days later.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Being a huge Star Wars mark, I love the scene w/ Dave & the scimitar in his office.


Matthew (to Lisa): "You know, give him one of your 'sex looks'."


Plus the closing scene in the dark.


Great episode.

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Guest areacode212
Maybe GameFaqs didn't have it because it was more popularly known as just plain "Stargate" (Defender II).


Anyway, you can find the MAME rom here. Now you can have a high score in this game without being a pale, friendless virgin (if you are, I can't help you with that).  Don't forget that your game improves if you pretend that they're members of your actual family.

It won't let me play if I play through media player.


Anyhelp AC??



Movie Star and the one where Matthew "goes to Japan" were today. Movie Star is just this weird, creepy episode that I find hilarious. Matthew really does look like he's gonna hurl all over Japan.


The Matthew Japan episode makes me laugh cause when my dad came back from Panama he brought me this big ass knife/sword thing. Needless to say he took it away two days later.

No, no, you have to play it through MAME, an arcade game emulator...go to:




After you unzip MAME, stick stargate.zip into the ROMS directory.


But it's weird--the game that Dave describes in "Arcade" fits the description of Robotron 2084 (where you have to save a family) more than it does Stargate.

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Guest treble charged
I wish Maura Tierney would give me a sex look.



Is this good?

That's actually kind of creepy.

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Guest Incandenza

::fellow NEWSRADIO~! mark Incandenza steps into this thread for the first time and is greeted with the following::




::wonders what the hell kind of freaky ass thread is this::

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Guest bob_barron
I wish Maura Tierney would give me a sex look.



Is this good?

Best. Post. Ever.


Hey Incandeza- this is supposed to be a thread about NewsRadio but as you can see we somehow veer off into Maura Tierney wanting to fuck me and video games

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Guest bob_barron

Just a note for Canadians in Ontario-


NewsRadio airs on Sunday at 4 on some channel I think called Omni. It's one of the first channels like channel 6 or something

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Guest areacode212

Do they show complete episodes, or cut syndicated ones? (count the number of "penis" mentions)

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Guest bravesfan

I'm sorry that I haven't been in this thread for awhile, guys.


Anyways, I just sent out this SASE to a poster from the Google Newsradio Newsgroup who is going to hook me up with 3 CD-R's containing the ENTIRE Newsradio Series in MS Media-Player format.


If you guys want in, e-mail Ken at [email protected] and ask him politely.


EDIT: Ken does it for anyone who asks...anyone that loves Newsradio as much as he does. Only requirements for getting the CD-Rs, is to send him a bubble envelope (with $2.00-$3.00 worth of postage) enclosed in an envelope. BTW, they are "compressed" onto 3 discs, which means they must be of great quality.

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Guest areacode212

Yeah, Ken is how I got my set a couple of years back. I'll send it out today, Spiff dude.

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Guest bob_barron
Do they show complete episodes, or cut syndicated ones? (count the number of "penis" mentions)

I honestly don't know. They're on season 4- So far I've seen Bill adopting a baby and Bill becomes news director.


I got a good question-


Everyone is mad at Dave for how the evaluate a coworkerer thing went, including Matthew. By process of elimination I guess Catherine evaluated Matthew.


So- What went wrong with Catherine's evaluation of Matthew?

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Did Joe get evaluated, or evaluate someone else? I don't believe he did, so maybe Joe evaluated Matthew?

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Guest bob_barron

In business law we did a mock case and I went up to our teacher who was a judge and went: Dublecane.


We lost

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