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Guest *KNK*


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Guest *KNK*

All in all?


A hot ending to a surprisingly entertaining main event that delivered what it promised, a so-so performence throughout the rest of the show, but it left a flat feeling. The EX was a disapointment but the double turn was nice although it was lost on the crowd. The Abyss/Sabu match was decent as well.


The first 2 matches nearly killed the show though

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overall, a good PPV. Most of the matches were solid, but not as good as BFG. Christian's promo was good, and his predictable run-in was nonetheless entertaining. It was good to see that that site had both Hi and Lo bandwidth feeds, as the hi one kept cutting out on me.

Can't wait for the replay!

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I liked this show quite a bit tonight. Aside from the goofy first couple of matches this show hit a nice groove and never looked back. It was a very ECWish type show, with the violent Sabu match and then of course the intense brawl in the main.


I wonder, how does Christian fit into the scene here? I don't see Joe fitting into the world title scene, he's looking to whoop AJ down for the X title soon.

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Guest Rrrsh

Two funniest moments of the night:


"Hey, remember when Stu stretched Adam's ass?"


Well, that was more than slightly gay.


Speaking of gay, what was what Jeff did? Did he seizure? And nice curtsey at the end.

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The shift from Joe being a "tweener" to being a full-blown heel is so silly. The only way it would have worked is if he gave that brutal beatdown to AJ. And even then, he'd still get cheers from the indy fan demographic of the audience. The crowd was dead for that segment, other than the bunch that were chanting "Joe is gonna kill you" and "One more time" after the muscle buster on the chair.

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With Joe being as over as he is, this heel turn will most likely backfire at TNA.


I also think Daniels is going to be awkward as a face once again like he was last year.

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The Joe turn didn't make sense to me at all. I mean, the last couple of shows they've been playing Daniels as a sort of egomaniac with the whole "I should be captain" thing, and we're supposed to sympathize with him in the end when Joe gets fed up and beats his ass?


Anyway, I was kinda tuning in and out on this show and there are a couple of matches that I've gotta watch again (AJ and Petey being one of them), but for the most part I enjoyed this show. The Christian stuff was good, although I wish that rather than turning him face off the bat, they'd played him in a role similar to Steve Austin's during his run in ECW. Elimination X was fun (they've gotta do more with Shelly. His gimmick--whatever it's supposed to be--really jumps out at me), Monty/Jeff and Abyss/Sabu were solid, and I thought the ME tag match was pretty good.

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Guest Fishyswa

The "double turn" makes no sense whatsoever. You build up a heel so people cheer when he gets destroyed, you can't expect people to not only sympathize, but sympathize enough to turn whoever did it as well. They should be selling Joe's destruction of people, not making him evil because of it.

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I think it was more like Joe taking out someone that was in his way. Joe is neutral, he's in it for himself. Good or Bad? The heel/face dynamics aren't really relevant, fact is you had Joe DESTROY Christopher Daniels. Daniels, the longest reigning X Division Champion. A guy who took AJ Styles to his limit. And Joe fucks him up like he was nothing. AJ Styles comes out and witnesses the result of Joes fury. If Joe could do that to Daniels, what could he do to AJ?

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I think it was more like Joe taking out someone that was in his way. Joe is neutral, he's in it for himself. Good or Bad? The heel/face dynamics aren't really relevant, fact is you had Joe DESTROY Christopher Daniels. Daniels, the longest reigning X Division Champion. A guy who took AJ Styles to his limit. And Joe fucks him up like he was nothing. AJ Styles comes out and witnesses the result of Joes fury. If Joe could do that to Daniels, what could he do to AJ?

If that's what they were shooting for, it should've been reflected in the commentary. Instead of stressing how wrong Joe was for attacking Daniels, they should have been reacting as if they were in awe of it all. As is, it came off as if they were trying to force a heel turn on him, which really didn't work in the context of the storyline.

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Nothing. That's basically the point.


Well I wouldn't say he did nothing. He had memorable feuds with AJ Styles and Sonny Siaki of all people, and a series of damn good matched with AJ as both a partner and opponent. After that, though, TNA dropped the ball with him and he got caught up in the revolving door.

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But how was it a heel turn? Was Joe a face before? Were Joe and Daniels best friends? This was a power play. Daniels was a bad guy. Joe is badder. That Joe "turned" on Daniels isn't the point, it's the severity of the beatdown which is the point. THAT is what Tenay and West were getting over.

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I guess my problem isn't so much a heel turn for Joe since you're right in that he wasn't face, but more the fact that they were trying to build sympathy for Daniels. Again, the lead in to the match had Daniels acting in a way where you'd really WANT Joe to beat him up, but when it happens we're supposed to sympathize with him. That aspect of the attack really wasn't working for me.

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I think they were going for a "Joe went to Far" / "No one deserves that" kinda thing. In the match, and even leading up to it, Daniels wasn't acting like a heel. He had a good case for being a team leader - he had the most experience, he was X division champ the longest. He gave Joe the credit of being the strongest wrestler, but Daniels was the smarter wrestler. Daniels was visibly happy that Joe was teaming with him - giving Joe a pat on the back for saving his ass. When I was watching it, I was like "Daniels is a heel? Why should I boo him??". And then I was expecting Daniels to turn on Joe at the end. I wasn't shocked that Joe turned on Daniels, but I didn't expect it.

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Changing the subject of the conversation slightly to one of the...lesser liked...TNA stars.


I'm personally seeing a plan unfolding with how Kip James has been working.


Step 1: Make yourself known, get people talking

Step 2: Gain 3 Live Kru's trust. He did with BG and Truth, and apparently after last night, FINALLY gained Konnan's.

Step 3: This is just me hypothesizing...now that you have their trust, do little things that don't draw MAJOR attention to slowly unravel the teamwork between BG and the other 2 Kru members.

Step 4: When the time is right, BG aligns, NAO reunion, Killings and Konnan don't know what hit them.

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It's weird because they are portraying Killings as a person who thinks Kip isn't bad and that Konnan is the only perso in the group with a problem with Kip. Not sure if the NAO reunion will have them face or heel. I am leaning towards face only because I've heard Konnan is trying to get a heel latino stable pushed.

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I think they were going for a "Joe went to Far" / "No one deserves that" kinda thing. 


Agreed...Here's what I wrote on another board:


It was all exactly like Sid turning on HBK on Raw the night after Wrestlemania 11 with AJ playing Diesel. The crowd cheered for Sid that night (until Nash appeared) and they cheered Joe tonight too.


However, TNA will play it like the WWF did, the monster took it too far and it becomes a dispicable act.


AJ (Diesel) will take on Joe (Sid) while Daniels (HBK) recovers. Whether this effectively turns Daniels face a la Michaels remains to be seen. Although, the Impact zone only really boos Jarrett and AMW so...




I am glad they cemented Joe's heeldom as they really need another top heel besides Jarrett and Christian Cage debuted face. If the plans are for Monty Brown to be the next champ, he can't just face Jarrett in numerous rematches (a la Batista / HHH). Guys like Joe and Abyss would make fine heel challengers as well.

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I think they had a 3-way with AJ, but as far as I know no 1-on-1.


Then again, I've only been watching since the Spike debut so don't take my word for it.

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Just a quick point...TNA did not drop the ball with D-Lo. D-Lo works part time for AJPW. TNA has made it clear that they are not going to get behind a wrestler who can only give them a part time commitment. That's one of the reasons Low Ki is not around anymore.


I'm not saying that they are right or wrong to do that...but I firmly believe that if D-Lo had stayed around full time, he'd still be a top player in TNA. He was on quite a roll, and then left for 4 weeks. This was while they're doing the weekly 2 hour PPVs. It's a little hard to get behind a guy when you need him for 2 hours every week, and then he leaves for 4.

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