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You cant be serious? Real Talk about Wrestling and Life as well?

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You Censor Ladies Butt Cracks...

But Not A Ladies "What was that?"   WCW Smackdown is FULL Of Suprises...   Christian and Orlando Jordan vs. Booker T (w/Sharmell) and Chris Benoit   ** stars. Orlando should not have the title.   Animal and Heidenreich (Dumb GAB booking decision #2) vs. Chris Hammrick & Chuck Sealy   I rember Hammrick from XPW and CZW... But squash and dud.   Melina (w/Jillian) vs. Torrie Wilson (w/Candace Michelle)   **RANT**UPN are full of gay people. No, I agrreed with them about Arab issue with Hassan, but seriously, Viacom outside of Spike TV and Nick are GAY, GAY, GAY. Please come out of the closet Mr Moonves, the asian girl trick aint working. You mean to tell me you can censor stumak turing shit like that thing on the Transexual Jillans face, but here comes the Censors on Melina's CR..ACK-OH! (Big Joe refrence) but then have a ad promoting summerslam with the diva's SANS Melina. A-FUCKING MAZING. No person in there right minds would PUT Veronica Mars OVER on CBS, over Enterprise. But you know what, Viacom SUCKS- And Spike TV along with Nick has so far excaped there suckyness. So keep blurring out nice, femine asses for all us breeders, ok faggots? ***RANT OVER***   William Regal vs. Scotty 2 Hotty NO Match. Mexicools are too cool to have one (but they did pretty damn well against Mistero)   JBL (w/Orlando Jordan) vs. The Undertaker (#1 Contender’s match)     I have to give this a * star. I am sorry, here comes my second rant of the day   **RANT** you would THINK that a champion would have to PIN SOMEBODY! NOBODY has PINNED JBL outside of The Blue Meanie in the last year and a half. That is BULLSHIT on the highest order. You mean the Blue Meanie is better than Booker T, John Cena (he made him quit in the best match of there careers tho), Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Bastisa etc? At least a Heel Top Lion would PIN for a win without interferrance. He still is falling on the wedge of the arm for his Lariats, which with his hips damaged, makes it even MUCH more weaker than before. EVEN TORRIE WILSON can get the Lariat CORRECTLY! And that utter bullshit because she doesnt even have a great moveset. I dont understand why the WWE still puts over JBL as some Stan Hanson- where Stan was motherfucking powerhouse. When he fased off Misawa back in 1993, Stan could NOT take the Tiger Drivers, but Misawa knew he was SO DANGEROUS. Stan could KNOCK the EYE SOCKET of one of the TOUGHEST Compedters in the game Vader. JBL will NEVER be in the League of that type of warrior so stop booking him as such. **RANT OVER**   Well Raw won this week. It had better storylines. As soon as TNA gets on Spike TV, I will reviewing that as well... Smackdowns long time review Peter Koaska is leaving for RAW starting august.   Here is some Brand News...         Is it me? Or even tho the Brand is like shit, the website sings like a golden harp? Its amazing...and a bit troublesome...   The troublesome part is this:     UGH... can we put some of the internet guys on the writing team...please?   Indy News:     If you think The WWE Is Bad...New Japan is WORSE...     The next day:     Whoa...     Holy Cow. Its bad...Bad Bad Bad...   Here is some fire pro news: But its in Japanese...   http://www.spike.co.jp/fr/column_no1.html   I will see you next week...




WWE Ratings goes up...TNA Gets Primetime show...

And a whole lot more in the return of Wrestling Week!   Oh im back...Thats right...Dance Like Kusko...Pixar and Disney merged into NOTHINGNESS...hell on earth coming... Ok OK G-DAMN...   So Im back- and a lot has happend.   WWE is ... well yeah...   TNA has grown up, taken strides...and needs a 90 min show.   Puro needs to make a move...before MMA starts running for keeps...   So lets start with...the results:   RAW     (The only storyline I liked in this is the womans storyline. Dont ask me why, I know IT SCREAMS Lesbo HLA, but I only hope that it doesnt lead into that- and Trish will drop the title to Mickie in what could be the best match in WM 22, booked and fought)   SMACKDOWN (Soon to become of the new CBS-DubyaWARNAKA!!!!)   MNM vs. Mexicools This match was ok...   Chris Benoit vs. Finlay (DQ) I loved the match...hated the ending...   Mark Henry & Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle   THREE MATCHES? THREE MATCHES? WTF? And not to mention... (yeah...you know who.)   Puro news:           Hmm...Orton was not there...   More news on the way...  




Wow...Long Time Isnt?

But...even I amazed.   Im not here to say 22 was a flop. It wasnt.   It just showed how close again they where from changing the matches on the fly and booking last min isnt going to change things for the Brand.   Of course, they had great matches. Edge and Foley, RVD heading to "HIS" Wrestlemania (ONS 2) with the MITB Contract (Right Now, they can build HHH or Cena to face RVD at ONS 2 and the same result will happen croud wise) Trish has held the Womans Title for a long time, and in a near 10 min match, Mickey James became Magumi Toyota circa 1988 with a Hint of Sherry circa 1990.   Im a little Sad that they had to treat Styles like a kid, but they needed JR as Styles will really become the air apparant - he called Edge/Foley better than I expected.   The interesting matches have to go to The US Title, the McMahn/Michals match. The US match was too short- and something tells me its just starting- Michales tried to out do Edge- and Vince is just crazy.   "Montezuma" Mysterio is your new world Champ.   Um...Ok...why?   Angle was cheered, Ortan was even cheered.   They didnt do this with The IWPG title...   Of course- the match might be three stars, but Cena winning over HHH comes as bit of a shock to me.   The fiddles were being played. The Fans in Chi-town fell for it.   Question now, how will they Bill RVD as the man who can beat both Cena or HHH?   The more intresting question...how is "Montezuma" Mysterio gonna be a good champ? Hes too small...and Angle made both men tap out twice, then you have Henry, Lashey, even Benoit- and lets not forget Bastista...unless we have some Haybusa type mircale spots, the WHC is a bit...screwed.   The brightest news out of all of the matches, was that James is truly what I saw her in OVW. She was Toyota 15 years younger. Now if they didnt give her a boob job she would have been perfect- but you know Vince. Now that shes the champ...Can she take the division (which has had its ups and downs) to new hights?       Wrestlemania 22, April 2, 2006 at Chicago's United Center   Kane & Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters (**)   [The steam rollers continue to steam roll.]   Money in the Bank- The Winner Gets a Title Shot within the next 12 months (really, 9 months) [Rod Van Dam wins, the plan now its to beat eather HHH or Cena at ONS 2 on June 12.] (***)   Chris Benoit vs. JBL (** 1/2) [WAY Too short even given the fact the show ended 15 min early]   Edge vs. Mick Foley (***)   [This was a better match than I expected]   Booker & Sharmell vs. Boogeyman   [uGH....] (DUD)   Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James   [Theres a new queen in town...and shes Insane, perfectly.] (**** Dispite the bad finsh, this is based on storyline and actual match- the actual match is ...yeah **** stars)   Undertaker vs. Mark Henry (**1/2)   [uneventful, but Undertaker is leaps and bounds better than he was years ago- he is the best on smackdown, my consern is when is he due for his WM moment?]   Vince vs. Shawn (***)   [i sense, that there will be new stables coming up soon...this was a better than expected match anyway, and pretty much contrasts the Hardcore Styles between ECW's (Edge/Foley) and the Brands]   Angle Vs Ortan Vs Mysterio- (** 1/2)   [TOO SHORT!]   Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle (DUD)   [TOO LONG!]   Cena vs. HHH (*** 3/4)   [Erere- this is the weirdest match i have ever seen. Ok ok, it makes Cena look unbeatable- and will make RVD's victory all that sweeter despite who is the holder.]    





But let me do the best I can.   I didnt get much sleep last night.   Much sleep at all.   I have a 16 hour work day yesterday (as of this post) and I was just wating to relive my young and budding years.   All with the new heros, The new vision.   And maybe Sci-Fi would had some respect. (Duh, I watch it for Doctor Who and nothing else)   But NBC has to be...such liberals.   Guess what, Annie Coulter is right about you dumb pricks.   For this baby to fail, it needed that Hollywood bull crap Steffie plays.   It was full of it.   No, i didnt expect this promotion to be the one I remember telling Jayen about in 1999.   I expect this promotion as something fresh and new!   But like Time Warner, and Kids WB/Cartoon Network/Adult Swim- the fresh and new, is something old and rancur.   I wanted the OLD school I dont care about modern socity promotion! And there is a LOT of story arcs to play off this.   I wanted the new stars!   Here we are, 2006 nearly 5 years after a downturn- and you telling me that there no major superstars after HHH and HBK on the WWE main shows?   Well, in the end- the pessimests won the first battle of the 13 episode war.   Maybe Meltzer was right, they have moved on and may never come back. After this show, who can blame them.   This is going to be really hard for even Heyman to pull up from. I see mircales from him before. But this will trully prove how good can he be.   Because if this fails, TNA will get that two hour show, and will beat The Brand or take MUCH and MUCH audance from them in 6 months.   This will be pretty much be the end of The Brand. Because if they cant even expand in the pro game, what else are they going to do!? Even the hardcore marks know something is wrong. If they cant even succeed in PRO WRESTLING, THERE DEAD, and the business will change forever.   And some how Vince knows this. And thats why he will stick to his guns. And he would want to fix this.   But if he cant, and there are signs pointing to this- you are going to see such a shift in this buisness, that your not going to see more TNA's poping up to compete in the business, its going to be the RULE your going to see start ups.   Saturday Morning (when the ratings come in) is going to be a really intresting look.   12 episodes left.   Can they reverse the worst pro show in history?   Or is this the end of the WWE...




Wii! (Yeah right)

More...zany from Ninty.   The new name for the Rev. Crazy no?   I remember, Fanticom, and Superfanticom (Thats NES and SNES, not SVES) N64 and Gamecube.   BUT THE Wii?   Well, this has compleatly lost me. They could have called it the Leagacy and people would have run to get it.   This...well...needs more work and there isnt a lot of time to the GREATEST E3 of all time.    




Well... Orton dont look too bad.

But WCW Smackdown was Hit and Miss   Matches:   Mercury and Melina (w/Nitro and Jillian Hall) vs. Booker T and Sharmell   Hmm, The men did well, the women did better than most Divas. ** stars.   Legion of Doom 2K5 (WWE Tag Team Champions) vs. Ruffy Silverstein and J.P. Cartman   McDud.   John Bradshaw Layfield (w/Orlando Jordan) vs. Funaki   McSquash...   Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Simon Dean   Mc ** stars.   Summerslam Card: WCW Smackdown Only:   Ladder Match: Eddy Guerrero vs. Rey Misterio Jr. The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton US Title: Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan World Title No Holds Barred Match: JBL vs. Batista     Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit   The interferance was small. But I am docking this near 4 star half a point to 3 and 1/2 stars. Better Match then there last outing at summerslam last year.   WCW Smackdown won this week easy. But things could have been better.     So thats why the Mexicools tried to talk some sense into him...     In TNA News...       Some sad news from the CZW front:         Puro News:       There have been some rumors that Misawa has major eye problems. He will go to the doctors and see whats up...it might be the reason he wasnt at full strenth against Kawada. Lets hope he gets better- Rikio is not a main eventer, but he got more hope than New Japan's Champion has.   Now, Fire Pro news, as we are at least- 4 weeks away from the return of the greatest game since maybe Xenogears. Take a look at this...new videos!   http://www.spike.co.jp/fr/gallery2.html   It looks like you can make them hurt harder, fall faster...and the damage points might be higher too.   Oh and to dispell any rumors. There is a contest to get tickets to a DDT event. Get the code, and play the game on www.DDT.tv- to win the tickets. Now...why would they place the start of the contest at the 27th where everybody said the game will be realised the 28th? Please...its the 15th and thats the final date.   And thats it for us, This Sunday is Raw/WCW Smackdown co-production of Summerslam- Fat Joe and Nelly will provide the slutty song, as (can somebody tell me who is the going to play the main theame for Summerslam) will provide the war cry song...   We will see the results. Until Sunday Night Folks.  




Well At least the social worker made sense.

But WCW Smackdown didnt...much   Booker T w/Sharmell vs. Joey Mercury w/Nitro, Melina & Jillian Hall   ** It was just there...   Randy Orton vs. Kamala w/Kim Chee   Shoddy Match (half a star)   Super Crazy & Psicosis w/The Juice vs. Scotty 2 Hotty & William Regal   Good Match but only ** stars...   Much better video from Cena...   Chris Benoit vs. Simon Dean   ** Ok match.   Christian vs. Batista   No Match... JBL comes in and interferes.   This week...its a toss up again.   But good news for OVW fans!     Other Indy News:     Some more Puro News:   On the day that leaks came about the explosive interview Josh Barnett did in Gong Magazine, New Japan President Simon Inoki claimed that the promotion was in super-secret negotations with a top-class wrestler for their 10/8 Tokyo Dome show. Sports Nippon reveals that it's an ex-WWE wrestler.   - Nikkan Sports says NJ is targeting Brock Lesnar - again-however:   The promotion has announced that they are in super-secret negotations with a top-class wrestler for their 10/8 Tokyo Dome show.   That wrestler is none other than....   Spike Dudley?   Next IWGP Champ?   LOL...   More issues over Josh Barnett...           Guess who got a blog... Yinling...yeah...her....see it here:   http://blog.livedoor.jp/yinlingofjoytoy   However, if that is not of your intrests, and you need some life affriming things: Look no further than Momoe Nakanishi...   http://diary.fc2.com/cgi-sys/ed.cgi/momo-p...Y=2005&M=8&D=10   Time to go to fire pro news!   http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...9716497-1808267   This is the preview video for Fire Pro Returns!   You can download the video Here...   Some more info:   1) LAND MINE MATCH!!! Special ring with perhaps no ropes on some sides (as was theorized in the "deathmatch thread" on this board).   2) All wrestlers unlockable from the start!   3) 18 feds including free   4) Chairs hidden under the ring and are THROWABLE!   5) Charisma important for high audence grades! Which i guess means audience ranking!! Sweet   6) IN THE NEXT FIRE PRO (!!), there will be comedic mess-up "botch moves"   7) In matchmake mode, you need a certainm amount of poitns to hire wrestlers from other feds   Matchmake will have up to 7 matches: matches are of your choosing in terms of type...   As for new wrestlers in the game...   Amazing Kong Billy Ken Kid Brother Yassini Danshoku Dino Florida Bros. HERO! K-Ness Kohei Sato Kotaro Suzuki Mango Fukuda Masato Yoshino Meiko Satomura MIKAMI NOSAWA Ofune Pineapple Hanai Poison Sawada JULIE Ryuji Ito Seiji Sakaguchi Taiji Ishimori Takashi Sasaki Takeshi Minaminno Tomohiko Hashimoto Tomohiro Ishii Ryuji Itoh Sakimoto Mad Man Pondo 2 Tuff Tony KUDO HERO! Abdullah Kobayashi   There is going to be 327 from the start... we will see if some TNA stars are in as well...   Thats it for this week...        




Welcome to WCW Smackdown Thunder

YOU Can't Be Serious! WCW IS BACK...   Let me get to the Raw and Smackdown Matches First- then we will tell you HOW Intresting This Week Was, plus from REALLY FUNNY ****!   Raw Matches   Edge and Snitsky (w/Lita) vs. Kane and ?   Raw Commissioner Bishoff then changes the match to a 1 on 1 match   Snitsky vs. The Big Show   DUD...   RVD is the next Draft Pick? NOOO! (But this leads into the what happend in Smackdown and it sort of makes sense...)   Ric Flair vs. Kurt Angle   3 and 3/4 stars. The old man still got it. Once his Grandson finsh college and desides to come to the WWE, WATCH OUT. Hes gonna be Fire and Money in the Bank accout to Vince. But the Old man can still do it. Its remarkable! Hey, if you have 55 year old men still doing German Supexles (In Japan) well- that says alot...   John Cena, Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan vs. Christian, Y2J and Tyson Tomko   2 stars tops. They have fun in this tag match.   But the Diva Search HURTS the show badly...   WCW Smackdown Thunder Matches   Paul London© vs. Chavito Guerrero   (Mexicools Interfere again...)   Can we have a match...please?   (Typical Fanservice Anime Look at That ASS segment, before Melina gets pissed off...)   Melina vs. Michelle McCool   Tell you what, I will give this 3/4 stars, call it an ok WCW Smackdown Thundergirls Match, They already say McCool has a nice looking dererre... At least Melina has some moves...unlike...CARLTO!   ...eh...is it me... or... yeah...Maury Povich on the next WCW Smackdown...   Here is the Main Event:   Six Man Elimination Match for the new SmackDown Championship: JBL vs. Muhammad Hassan vs. Booker T vs. Chris Benoit vs. Christian vs. The Undertaker   Undertaker gets DQ with a Chair Shot to Hassan at 13:27 Hassan is also DQ seconds later.   JBL Cheats a DDT to pin over Benoit at 24:37   Christan (the new Draftpick from Raw) Pins Booker T at 43:08...   ...but that leads into a Cheating Lariat By JBL to win at 43:49.   Hold ON, Teddy Long says, NO need for Smackdown Champ! We got ourselfs a champ! Ladies and Gentlefolks! Batista!   JBL GETS OWNED! HAHAHAH! Cheaters Never Win...much.   So this sets the WCW Smackdown "Great American Bash" Title Event on July 26. 3 and 3/4 stars for the near 45 min match.   WCW Smackdown WINS again this week.   Anyway- It makes sense to have Smackdown to be called WCW Smackdown... (World Title, US Title, Smackdown Tag Team Titles- Unified Cruser Title...) Many of the stars where at one time in WCW... I expect a change in the seats for the annouers too.   Lets get to some REALLY Intresting news!   11 People have been traded, they are:   RAW brand gets:   * Mark Jindrak: Former WCW Tag Team Champion * Rene Dupree: Former WWE Tag Team Champion; former World Tag Team Champion * Danny Basham: Two-time former WWE Tag Team Champion * Kenzo Suzuki (with Hiroko): Former WWE Tag Team Champion * Chavo Guerrero: Five-time former Cruiserweight Champion; two-time former WWE Tag Team Champion   WCW Smackdown Gets:   * William Regal: Four-time former WCW Television Champion; three-time former Hardcore Champion; four-time former European Champion; former Intercontinental Champion; four-time former World Tag Team Champion * Candice: 2004 RAW Diva Search contestant * Sylvain Grenier: Four-time former World Tag Team Champion * Simon Dean: Former RAW sponsor * Steven Richards: Former two-time ECW Tag Team Champion; former 21-time Hardcore Champion     OH WHOA...WHAT THE! Where the fuck is Tajiri! There is Super Crazy and NO Tajiri! NOOOOOOO! and they traded Chavo? NOOOOOO as well.   Draft was better but worse in someways. But now its over (somewhat) We will see how it goes...   Wow... anyway- to other Intresting News...     Wow. Cena a star? Thats...intresting that he might lead Raw...As a actor? Who knows?   Man. I feel sorry for that Investor...they should have some of the cash...not all but some.   Here are some of the Major Investors: (You know these guys)   Kevin Dunn has 35,148 shares ($401,390) John Laurinaitis has 4,098 shares ($46,799) Shane McMahon has 27,922 shares ($318,869) Jim Ross has 20,027 shares ($228,708)   Lots of cash to spend.   Lets go to Puro News:   NOAH officially announced their 7/18 Tokyo Dome card line-up:   1. Takashi Sugiura, SUWA, & Masaji Aoyagi vs. Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, Mitsuo Momota, & Katsuhiko Nakajima 2. Mohammed Yone & Takeshi Morishima vs. Tamon Honda & Go Shiozaki 3. AKira Taue, Naoki Sano, Jun Izumida, & Haruka Eigen vs. Akitoshi Saito, Shiro Koshinaka, Masao Inoue, & Kishin Kawabata 4. Mushiking Terry vs. Black Mask 5. GHC Jr. Title Match: Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. KENTA 6. GHC Tag Titles Match: Minoru Suzuki & Naomichi Marufuji vs. Jun Akiyama & Makoto Hashi 7. GHC Heavyweight Title Match: Takeshi Rikio vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi 8. Yoshinari Ogawa vs. Gen'ichiro Tenryu 9. Kenta Kobashi vs. Kensuke Sasaki 10. Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Toshiaki Kawada   The Great Sasuke was a great Super Junior... as a Politican however...     (From PuroresuPower Via Black Eye)   Oh This would get Over in Japan...   http://www.nydailynews.com/news/local/stor...3p-277190c.html   Hahah!   Chris Jericho in a meet and greet in japan stated: "This is my 36th visit to Japan. The Japanese fans understand wrestling and the fans of Japan are ichiban (number one, the best)."   Stacy Keiber (acting like the Anime Gajin Doe Face) states she would marry a Japanese guy (Hello Miss Kenta Kobashi, if you dont go to DVDR you wont get the Joke...) Jericho stated he would have to be rich... (Hey Kenta is Rich...)   As for Chono, he is planning with CMLL and possibly TNA for a would wide G-1 Tourny.   Aja Kong has a Blog (even though the WWE Dissed her YEARS Back she still loves them?) http://blog.livedoor.jp/aja_kong (I dont get the love for the Brewers anyway...If it was the Red Soks or the Yankees or the Mets or the Mariners I would understand... but the BREWERS? (No sense I tell you... NO Sense...)   And Kaz Hayashi has one as well: http://blog.livedoor.jp/imhere_kazhayashi   In Indy News:   What has happend to ROH's Title?       In other news:   More Results:     Here's some words for you to chew on before we get to the Fire Pro News of the Week...   Why is it that we have mostly females who lead wresling companies (Linda McMahan, Maokto Baba, and Dixie Carter)...YET...there is NO STABLE WOMENS DIVISION on any of their promotions/offshoots? The major Womans title (the IWA Mid South) is owned by a dude... Zenjo (All Japan Joshi) before it disbanded) was owned by a Guy (and he lead it to the ground) Taka Michinoku is planning a Michoinoku Joshi Division in 2006... YET you would think that Linda, Dixie and Maokto (granted, the latter promotion does not have the strenth it once had but still) would have a whole damn division, trainers, story boarders and story lines for the Womans Titles. Hell, it was Fabulous Mooluah and her onterage that went to Japan and changed the seedy game in the late 50s into a NEAR savior of the whole Puroesu landscape back in the 80's (Crush Girls Story Line) EVEN VKM Sr had a good Womans Promotion Rivialing AJW and LLPW (which is connected in some ways to New Japan and its owned by a dude) back in the 80's And Jumping Bomb Angels where the best damn tag team next to the Road Warriors! (IMO) (and The Road Warriors were the best in there class, only the Stiners could hold there own against them- and they were the best as well...) After the Match between Trish and Lita, I was hoping the WWE would at least TRY to do something with this...   But no...more diva searches. UGH. Sometimes, the men cant do it all. Your already seeing that.   Now to the Fire Pro NEWS!     Looks like Misawa gets a newer Emerial Fluision... (Brainbuster Set Up, or in WWE lingo, Suplex Set Up)   Newer Mega Burning Hammer! Kobashi will rip heads to shreds.   And there is a FIRE PRO For Your 1 Inch Cell Fone!   Update:   Results from the "SUPERSHOW" at Saitama Super Arena on July 1st:   Tony Chimel and Christy Hemme appeared. Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson appeared later in the show to shoot t-shirts out of an air-gun.   1. Edge (w/ Lita) defeated Kane in 8 minutes, 13 seconds after Lita distracted Kane and Edge used the briefcase to whack Kane for the win.   2. WWE Cruiserweight Title Match: Paul London defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. in 11 minutes, 55 seconds. They did a deal with Funaki running in and London getting attacked after the match.   3. Chris Jericho defeated Shelton Benjamin in 16 minutes with the Walls of Jericho (modified Boston Crab). Finish was Jericho catching Benjamin with a super kick and then using his finisher for the win. Both guys shook hands and hugged after the match.   4. The Big Show (w/ Akebono) defeated Carlito Caribbean Cool in 7 minutes, 3 seconds with a chokeslam.   5. Shawn Michaels & Chris Benoit defeated Muhammad Hassan & (Shawn) Daivari in 14 minutes, 11 seconds when used the Crippler Cross Face hold on Daivari for the submission win.   6. TAJIRI defeated Orlando Jordan in 8 minutes, 29 seconds.   7. Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Eddy Guerrero in 27 minutes, 15 seconds with the 619/Springboard Leg Drop finishing sequence for the win. After the match, Eddy tried to provoke Ricky Steamboat.   8. The Undertaker defeated Kurt Angle in 24 minutes, 11 seconds with a Tombstone Pile Driver.   9. Batista & John Cena defeated JBL & Triple H in 19 minutes, 49 seconds when Cena used the FU on JBL for the win.   More on Next weeks Wresling Week....   Few More things before we go...   Let Not your Hearts Be Troubled! ECW ONS Did 500,000 buys... tops. 300,000 is ok---more detales soon...   Anyway, thats all for this week...




We need to clear the air a bit...

There needs to be other topics done here as well. So its going to be after summerslam (and I believe it only going to be a month break) away from Wrestling week. But dont worry- Your Fire Pro news (it will be only two weeks away from the release of the game in Japan) will still continue. Besides, you have the new season of animation starting- PLUS the list of Best Females with little or no sluttyness- just beauty, brains, talent. And really, I need to add a video game review section.    





Then its the Return of Monday Night Raw on usa   Torrie Wilson (w/Candace and Victoria) vs. Trish Stratus (w/Ashley)   Dud...   Trevor Murdoch (w/Lance Cade) vs. The Hurricane (w/Rosey)   Ok match- * star   Ric Flair © vs. Carlito (IC Title)   *** stars. 60 years old and can still put it down.   Kurt Angle, Chris Masters, Snitsky and Edge vs. John Cena, Matt Hardy, Shawn Michaels and Big Show   *** stars. Good match. Edge gets owned.   Some Puro News:   Sankei Sports notes that K-1 matchmaker Sadaharu Tanigawa is interested in booking Akira Taue vs. Akebono for the 10/2 WRESTLE-1 show in Yoyogi. Taue is slotted as the next GHC challenger for Takeshi Rikio's belt. That match will happen on 11/5 at Nippon Budokan.     Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa vs. Akebono & Scorpio was announced for the 10/2 Tokyo, Yoyogi National Stadium Gym I show.   The wrestlers formerly known as The Dudley Boys make their All Japan debut on 9/30 at Korakuen Hall against Tomoaki Honma & Kohei Suwama.   New Japan bring back the Tiger Mask LOVE to the US:   "The Rise of Tiger" brings a classic character to a whole new world of readers. In collaboration with New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW), Narwain will present the new comic adventures of Tiger Mask, a hero who has dazzled Japanese wrestling fans for decades! Tiger Mask will face his villains both inside the ring and outside, while serving the greater good and bringing justice to the people. The book is written by Gianluca Piredda (already familiar to Narwain fans for his hotly anticipated heist thriller "Free Fall") with art by Marvel mainstay and former CrossGen artist Ron Wagner ("Punisher", "Morbius", "The First").   "The Rise of the Tiger" is a 32-page monthly comic, which also features news with interviews from the world of the NJPW.   The partnership between Narwain, NJPW, and the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) expands with the all-new "NWA Magazine." This first magazine ever dedicated to the NWA will feature interviews, news, in-depth articles, comics, a direct lifeline for all the fans of the world's biggest wrestling federation. The NWA is home to top name combatants like Ric Flair, Sting, and gods of the ring like Primo Carnera. As if the magazine wasn't enough, each issue will contain a DVD with a selection of the most exciting NWA matches.   (now I understand why they brought Liger in...my only worry is that Jarret wants to train in Noah...)   So thats it for now...   In two weeks- Monday Night Raw, Friday Night Smackdown and NWA-TNA Saturday Impact.





The Thundercats...are coming back.   BUT not the way you think its coming back!   NOOOOO!   The Faggots at AOL Time Warner wants to do one...thing.   Restart the series.   YOU heard me.   RESTART THE SERIES   FUCK   THESE   MOTHERFUCKERS!   The same faggots, that love them hot and heavy transsexual action, who created great "classics" as the batman and the upcoming Loonatics!   Will give us some action in the form of what was the best there was, the best there is and the best that ever will be!   But this is not going to become the beautifly animated, multi-consptual, multi-fasisted, multi-leveled story arc series I wanted this show to be.   If this show airs, there will be such a falling out-   This is just on the level with the Loonitics issue.   Its going to lead into the greatest disaster the animation industry will ever see or face.   The animation industry I love and hold dear is about to face changes that will become totally unbearable.   And now I know- its going to be the end pretty damn soon of american domance over the animation industry.




Three Words to say about this week so far

OHMYGOD!   I have nothing to say but that. I am serious.   Vince must had too many drinks Holloween Night.   The next day, he makes the smartest desision in the history of the busness. Getting the last great known Announcer, and my Favorite of the Bunch, Joey Styles to do Play By Play.   He WAS THE KING of the PPV. I am sorry. The way he covered Flair/HHH was near masterpeace. He made that Match (along with Flairs unbeliveble ablity to still be master and commander of the Ring at age 60) into a near **** star match. Ross should be proud at the fact that Vince finally made the right choice.   As for most of the PPV... UGH. All the faces won (which its a better trend- let the heros be heros) and the Fans want a more (TNA/ROH) workrate out of the Champ Cena because there starting to hate his guts...   This is after Christan quits, Torrie gets fired, Austin didnt want to Job to Coach...   And looking at the TNA Clash of Champions coming up on Thursday- We do have a competer in our mist...they Just Need Dan The Dragon/Or Eddie Gargulio and TNA would be set for a real Monday Night/Friday Night/Saturday Night wars.   The only issue is, where does New Japan fit in to the wars? Does Simon Inoki and Dixie Carter use Brock Lesnar as a wedge to get TNA and New Japan to american audeances and have McMahan quaking in his boots? Or Vince Uses the upcoming ROH/TNA war as a true WWE/TNA/ROH/UFC/NEW Japan/NOAH free for all for the future of the buisness?   This is becoming the most intresting time in a long while. I would not be suprised if there will become new Stables wars (because thats the only reason why WCW stayed as long as it did, the NWO/Four Horseman/WCW wars) Didnt Liger stated he was willing to make his CTU unit global? and if ROH is on the Noah side of things...   Damn I am just thinking too much into things... Match Results!   (No Smackdown Results Until Saturday- only Taboo Tusday results and Impact Results)   Rey Rey & Matt Hardy vs Masters & Snitsky   They are protecting Edge for now... Surivor Series the game really starts...   Eugene & Snuka vs Conway & Tomko   Superfly does it again...   Mankind vs Carlito   ** stars.   Kane & Show vs Cade & Murdoch   Batista vs Coach   They protected him Big Time. And at least he gets paid...   Battle Royal (Womans Title) The Mickie James Storyline is going to work, and might be the only good storyline on RAW...but can the work rate match up when it comes to SurviorSer?   Flair vs HHH   Flair continues to amaze me after all these years. When he was younger, he could not be stopped. 60 years young and the man can still pull out *** and 3/4 star matches and it pisses me off...   Cena vs Michaels vs Angle   ...that your 25 year old champion cant. It makes no sence to me. UGH, and he used to be much better in OVW.   Now Impact:   Abyss w/ James Mitchell vs. Lance Hoyt   Jerrelle Clark vs. Christopher Daniels   Alex Shelley & Roderick Strong vs. Sonjay Dutt & X Division Champion AJ Styles   NWA World Tag Team Champions America's Most Wanted (James Storm & Chris Harris) w/ Gail Kim vs. 3 Live Kru (BG James & Ron Killings) w/ Konnan   Now Puro News:   Antonio Inoki returned to the United States from Tokyo. Inoki said that he supported the current restructuring that is happening in the company and that Choshu would continue causing ripples from his changes. Inoki said that he was determined to change and that he had an iron will.   Razor Ramon HG had a public training session with Shinjiro Ohtani & Taichi Ishikari (playing the role of professional jobber) today. This was to promote the Hustle Mania show on 11/3 at Yokohama Arena. The fun doesn't end there - check out HG's new face mask and Hustle posing. The greatest part about all these skits is that HG (Sumitani) is actually a very good amateur wrestler and was Tanahashi's rival in Osaka in college.   Razor said that he had to slow down on his pelvic thrusts in order to give his hip-swiveling a tune-up so that he would be back to good shape. At the public workout, Ishikari made fun of HG which prompted HG to beat him up. HG gave Ishikari a high-angle dropkick and then put him in a modified cobra twist, which HG is calling the "comaratwist." It's a cobra twist with pelvic thrusting action. Razor gave Ishikari a Tombstone Pile Driver and decided to call this move the "69 Driver." Razor also showed off his devastating "Hard Gay Triangle Lock" submission hold. To finish off his comments, HG stated that when he applies his new and exciting moves on Yinling the Erotic Terrorist, he will imagine that he is putting the holds on Kawada and get excited/aroused.   After losing the tag titles today to Chono & Tenzan, is the Nakamura/Tanahashi tag team about to break-up?   Junji Hirata (Black Strong Machine) criticized Riki Choshu for being at the Hustle show, stating that if Choshu was really a boss, he would have been at the Kobe show to oversee the two title matches on the card. Osamu Nishimura said that Riki Choshu has come back to New Japan to turn the company from a democracy into a communist state.   The promotion's marketing plan for their 1/4 Tokyo Dome show is starting to go into effect. According to Nikkan Sports, the promotion in touting that they will try to break the Guiness Book of World Records for the amount of shows consecutively (on the 1/4 date) at the Tokyo Dome. The promotion has ran the Tokyo Dome on every January 4th date since 1992. (From Puroesu Power)     From Strong Style Spirit...   More as it comes avlible...




Three Men, Three Stories.

In a moment, a whole industry can been changed.   In a moment, lives will never been the same.   So was the moment at ONS2- the world champion, a TRUE world Champion was crowned.   But what makes a true champ, is the how he does under pressure. And so far, it has been with flying colors, despite what others tell you.   However, this is not about that man.   Its about the Main Writer and the President of the Company that owns them.   They pretty much wanted to say Sorry but didnt want to imbarrass the shareholders.   Thats the first true test of a man, its to own up to his mistakes.   However, this message isnt to put them down. Its to help them.   There is some storylines that will be both progressive, promote stars, hardcore, keeps Sci-Fi happy, get ready for the old guard to step down, and so on.   The Zombie story arc might work, however- he needs to be cleaned up more. Instead of a horror Zombie- its a Psyological one- he feeds on the emotions of the croud, and uses to his effect.   The Goth Story Arc- A tag team mostly.   The Cosplay arc, send out the geeks, until you get to the pretty girl. You figure out the rest   (Densha Otoko) Arc- The basic new Dreamer Vs Raven storyarc. Read the Wikipedia article on 2ch. Eugene, or Trever Murdock are perfect for the roles, with CM Punk or another being the heel.   Thats just off the top of my head.   However, the crowing from Jeff Jarret is well founded. Come on, who ever would believe that we care about Steiner and Nash again? And the fact the book has been very good at times, and there house shows have been amazing at times, He has reasons to talk smack. Hes got some of the best talent, old men ready shine one last time- and young lions HUNGRY for titles. The only thing hurting this, is the title situation. Christian is a talent, but years being in the midcard has hurt him. Joe- is too damn good for the X title- and I hope that if and when American Dragon heads to TNA, that Joe drops it to Dragon or maybe Homiside. The tag teams are about to get better with LAX ready to go. 6 good tag teams are better than none! All they need is just a little help from the Ladies side- more international flavor (Please get Nagata, Nakatashi, and Tanoshi here! Oh and when you and CMLL reconsile- I would like to have some of their big stars as well), and we have something that Heyman only WISH he can touch.   ---   But if there is one thing that made me happy this week, is that AJPW is starting a major rennasonce after many slow years. The Best World Champ, is Satoshi Kojima. He has held the title in his first defence, 9 times. After winning over Kawada back in 2005, he has faced some good...some bad, but truly showing hes a champ. Even though Akiama has been ok, Kojima is truly on another class of his own. Besting Brock Lesnar at his own game is not an easy feat. Sure, they dont have a major TV deal- and they havent been in the big venues for quite a while. But the upcoming match between him and Kea- will revenigurate AJPW back into form. Kea has been no slouch, but that will tell you how much Mutoh respects the company he took over- he let the young guy do his thing and he did it well. I wish this upcoming match makes people forget the Pride troubles, and see what they have been missing for the last several years.   Next week, can ECW Recover from the worst show in a genration? Will TNA get over 70,000 buys!? Is this the Summer of DX? King Booker might lose, but is he ready for a title shot against Rey? How come Rey keeps losing!? Is Batista gonna finsh off Henry? Will Kennady move Smackdown to new hights?   Thats all next week.    




This not really a Raw Review...

More like condemation.   Ok, I am not going to state matches here. There is really no reason to. All it has been that Smackdown, even though its the B (read Bush-Leauge) show- doesnt have the owners of the company basicly rampaging all over the Program. At least there are a few workers there, that might start to become stars. It makes no sense when McMahan is trying to get Lucha stars for the RAW based program...   Or maybe it does? Because it seems to me its indictive of the demographic changes that are happening all over the United States(part of it is based on Illegal Immagration, but then again- I am not in the buisness of talking Political issues.)   WWE has there PPV's numbers recounted, and a 4th Quarter Dividened. So now they make two BONEHEADED moves. The first was to take Jim Ross off of RAW. The second was to humilate him on live TV.   I dont even want to talk about the writing on the show. Other than Alexis Larree (who in her OVW days looked like Magumi Toyota, only 15 years younger- and back in 1989-1990 Toyota had appered in anime and her own MANGA) getting the X-Men Ladies look (if you ever read the comics you would understand what I am talking about), John Cena for all of his problems, is writing his own stuff again, and HHH keeping his rants to 10 mins, the rest of the show was off and got off kilter.   Now "The Power Is Back" it seems (wait- doesnt a Power Company own that now?) and they are going to find somebody Younger to replace Jim Ross. That seems intresting (didnt many in the boards wanted JR to go because he was a shell of his former self?) However, many on the IWC- want JR to stay. He might be the best since Solie (and after JR is Styles)- but is it time for new blood? Or Training at least to find new blood?   They had the perfect time to do so back in late 2000, they had time do it in when Chris Benoit won the title (which should have ended the 'tude Era in WWE- but now its nearly 2 years late) So why the delay?   Is it because the WWE screwed the pooch when they realized that Coachman and Cole was lambased by the fans (which the company also fired...how Ironic)   Then came the major changes to the WWE site (started way back with the ECW One Night Stand)   Then the WWE tried to get Mike Goldberg from the UFC- because Goldberg is not stupid, he stayed with UFC (remember- When Jim Ross was taken from the Crocket Era NWA-WCW, he was put in as a color man first and Vince was the Play By Play man)   Now Coachman- (who is not - a pretty man- by any strech, according to my "GF") is saying the IWC has no balls.   Now people are wondering (via this half shoot/half worked storyline) what is going on?   Its simple. The writing is trying to recapure the 'tude era of 1996-200(and when will it end?) and Failing majorly.   Its getting bad when catfights get started over copying of charators.   Its getting bad when the bush league show gets even more bush league (The sandman anyone?)   Its getting worse when midgets get to use illegal moves- and make the show even more bush league.   The intresting thing is about this week, it tells everything we need to hear about RAW, Smackdown and WWE- hell the whole pro game as well.   With all the money they have- and all dividends they will make and can make- there in crisis. TNA (where as Batista is doing the circa 2002 NJPW style half shoot/half work while talking about how AJ Styles sucks in the ring? I love ya Batista- your honest- but PLEASE. AJ has been in a few more **** star programs than you have yet. Your best chance AT one is the IWPG Heavywight Champ. He could have another **** match in Bound By Glory...) despite all there issues, is NOTHING compared to what happend with the WWE, and all the DRAMA, which need more in the ring and compent writers to tell that story- but we have nither. I am not a huge fan of TNA- but if Jarret was a smart man, he needs to remember the Jim Crockett days of NWA-WCW, where Corrnette based his bread and butter on when he was in OVW- and produce that type of product and make it fresh and exiting. If it worked with flair and steamboat- it can work for the Heavy division for TNA- where as the X division needs the NJPW/CMLL/AAA/ROH influance more. I see aspets of that in NOAH's Heavywaight matches. They need to create a system that ROH uses for Title Matches for ALL of there belts (it works somewhat in UFC-but they need to use this more often) Then the writing needs to be competant. Thats all. I can live with ** 1/2 matches once every four matches (which they can do- they have the talent to do so to do ***'s and up)   In a way, This week has been an clearing of the air of things I have kept to myself about The Brand for a while. They have been exposed badly, and if anybody was smart in this business, they will know what NOT to do by learning what the WWE has done this week.         Lets look at what the WWE did this week before, during and after Raw:                   More later...  




This is some anousments that go all over the place

-ECW...Returns?   After a near sellout for ONSII, Vince pulled the gun and ECW is reborn. The question is how in the world are they gonna pull this off? The question abounds why he did this, but right now its wait and see...   -Pokemon Leaving Kids WB? Recent news from Mediaweek states that Pokemon is not in the fall lineup...Yugi-Oh is also done (well it was nearing its end) In its place? Tom and Jerry. The returning Loontics, and a new version of Scooby Doo- this time with Hightech Gagets. More like 1976 and 1996 instead of 1966 and 1986 am i rite? Gamefaqs already call racism on Kids WB ON the Dubba-CDubba because anime isnt on the line up, but lets make one thing clear, Its isnt over yet and the anime correction has just started if Pokemon is TRULY gone from the line up.   -LocoRoco Happy Game for a system that needs a boost. PSP will get that boost and just at the nick of time. The demo is happy and everybody will pay 200 bucks for this baby. Sadly, the DS is starting to prove to be a gimmick (Wait, IGA- NO TOUCH Screen?) and now its only a matter of time before the cookie crumbles. (You dont make a game and not use the other screen for something...)   -Speaking of CV The 1999 game is set for Next Gen Systems. The new game is based on the MegaDrive/Genesis game, Bloodlines- now get this, they reconned CV 64. BUT the new game has one charitor that is the grandmother of the girl from CV 64. How can you reconn the granddauther...its a fucking mess. IGA- one thing please. WHERE IS MY CV PSP GAME damnit? Get a shave too man, and please dont tell me you like anime when you are bonking the artist that can acually draw a lick. Damnit its now wonder why Kojima is leery when he gives you a budget for a 3D game, since you still live in a 2D relem and need to get out of the shell. Get this, Sony aint stoping 2D RPG's from the PS2, even Disega got some play and they were reletively pleased. Your just envy Kojima. Well, if you do make a CV as good as MGS3 then you will have your own production company and so on...but your not doing it unless you make the transition. (GTA style perhaps?)   -Why Bleedman is running and gunning and still has nothing? The INTERWEB conterversy with Mandy being death and starting the Iraq war and being apart of 9-11 has made Bleedman a bit hated. Sadly, its not for the wrong reasons. Hes a good desiner- hes no artist. He's a window-SHOPPER, mad as **** they he cant see the real world pass by. The sad thing is he will get a job at warners because they suck horrible. Its time for him to really be an artist and truly be the worker of truth, and not some slave to his friend that cant write a lick. Or maybe he cant and everybody likes him because hes just like the rest of us, primitive- one season people that wishes for the end but it never comes.




These 40 days of ECW (Small Notes)

-If you would have told me that Joey Styles was done in the business, and is not as great as he was before, I would said you were wrong. You would be eating crow now. This promo shows how big this really is. And the fact that he wrote this himself- and Vince Let this go- shows the viewers (The marks, the causals) how damning things have been these last five years. -Then again, WWE has to come up with a retort just as good- I think DX- despite being the face team, still needs to show loyality to the fans. You pull out HHH and HBK plus two new guys (with a new mega powered female valet) and have them Face off Cena and McMahan on one end, and RVD and ECW at the other. -Theres a planned show between RAW, and PPV in New York- The Dayton Ohio show, where there billing a WWE vs ECW show. Now do you let RVD face John Cena? Or (Supposdely) JBL? Cena is the most logical choice- JBL cant do anything right now but spout emotional RTC promos- and how this guy was kissing the feet of Dibase many moons ago, how he was apart of All Japans great years...and so on. Dont get me wrong, JBL can cut good promos...but RVD beating John Cena-WWE's spinning Gold Belt Boy, will just put the ! in EC dub! -The issue now becomes, after the PPV (which will become nearly as big as this years WM- and make twice the money) How does the DX respond to Vince after these issues have come out? How does Cena or JBL deal with losing the title? Will the three week rule come to play? -All these issues plus the other storylines make this summer the hottest in years. If this ECW becomes successful, Japan no doubt will follow suit- and TNA will have to get there *** in gear and become motvated. I see nothing but good things if they pull this off.




The Final Episode Of WCW Smackdown!

Friday Night Smackdown Is next week! With PPV like action!   NOTE! Starting In Two Weeks, We will add TNA to the TV reviews. So it Will be, Monday Night Raw, Friday Night Smackdown, NWA-TNA Impact. That would mean updates would come On Tuesday (for TNA), Wed (Raw), Sunday(Smackdown).     Matches:   Heidenreich (WWE Tag Team Champion--w/Road Warrior Animal) vs. Joey Mercury (w/Melina and Nitro)   * star.   WWE United States Title: Orlando Jordan vs. Chris Benoit   When is Orlando Going to OVW? Maybe Heyman can save him...   Christy Hemme vs. Stacy Keibler   No Match...   Booker T (w/Sharmell) vs. Mr. Ken Kennedy   This was...well a good ** match. I didnt like how the used the distraction.   Simon Dean vs. Batista (World Heavyweight Champion)   Funny DUD. But Funny never the less.   Paul Burchill and William Regal vs. Scotty 2 Hotty and Funaki   This was an OK match. ** stars.   Randy Orton (w/Bob Orton Jr.) vs. Rey Misterio Jr.   There setting Eddy Guerrero to face Batista? UM NO. *** stars for this match, and Orton should face Batista.   This is somewhat a toss up. But I give the edge to Smackdown.   ALL READY BAD TIMING FOR SMACKDOWNS PREMERE!       Over at TNA:     CM Punk heads to OVW First...     Now To Puro News:           FIRE PRO News!   Not much really, just more info about the contest. 15 days away (or should I say 12 days)   Anyway, lets have prayers go out to all those in NO. Keep them in your prayers.   We will see you next week.    




The end of a wresling era...

A end of era did come.   In the year that UFC is getting 600,000 buys...   In year that ECW came back...with limited success...   There is one constently honest truth.   The Modern Womens Wrestling Era is over.   Not that it ended in a wimper, by the way.   The simple fact is that Trish Stratus, given all the challanges, the hate, and some times the overly stalking love from fans and detractors- is a talent.   The fact that some great matches are done with very little moves only shows why one division has been conistant even despite how the men mess it up, and the booking and so on.   A 30 year history, starting in 1976- with its peak starting in the 90's and the ladies of FMW, and one Magumi Kudo, the queen of all of Joshi at that time (despite the amazing work of Toyota, Kong and Kandori)...Trish belongs to those Goddess.   If there is one thing the WWE did right in these dark times, is that they have 80% of the time- they have left the Woman's Division alone. Granted, in 2004- the Division could have reached greater hights. However, that didnt happen.   But the matches from 2005 between Lita-Trish-Mickie at times Victoria were very well done. They hate it because its not Joshi- but you have to give some credit, before Fit Finley went to Smackdown, he trained the Divas. And you see aspets of this wonderful pro star in that division. Luckly, were just seeing Finley in action- and how truly good he is. But the Division never let up.   In fact, it had the best storyline of 2005-2006 with Trish/Mickie. And one of the better matches too.   In the end however, Lita and Trish was Kandori and Chigusa. Basicly, the best the women have to offer.   It a sad time in the business right now. But last night was a small memorial bright spot in the cloud of darkness and abstractness in the business.   Miss Stratus, Thanks. Thats all one fan has to say. Your the last of a kind, and we all wish you well.




The Court Jesters

As many not know (or do know) I have account over at the gamefaqs boards. I post most of my politcal issues- on a anime and manga social board (since there is NO cartoon and animation social board otherwise, it would not be warrented to even go to the other one) And when I kept telling telling them in the Terri Schivo matter- the court is out of control.   Since the last two decisions on the court, I havent heard a THING about the decisions on the court...yet   Its sad aint it. Its gone down to if Disega is going to have an animated series (which there is another board for it) to this that and very illegal things.   And these people have a fit- over One Pieces editing.   We live in ugly times. Very Ugly Times. Drudge (who I met some years back) is a huge downloading freak. Now they could sue him because someone shared music to him.   If somebody wants to own a house, a good looking house, and then all of a sudden, the city wants to put office buildings on the grounds, they can do it (unless they vote it out, which might be the only way to keep the 5th amendment intact)   And no ten commandments in the courthouse, which makes no sense. The Ten Commandments in the basic sence are ten rules of life! They are the basis of ALL Judeo-Christian Civliasation-esce laws. Of course, the Ten Commandments are allowed at other places- but the courthouse...no. Thats wrong.   I will update this if somebody over at that gfaqs board says anything...




The Cartoon Wars=Ambiguously Dumb.

Let get one thing clear.   The Simsons, Family Guy and South Park all have good things about there shows, and bad things about there shows.   The problem is that the bad at many times outwiegh the good.   Now, dont get me wrong- John K and Amid Amidi (who worked at Adult Cartoon Party at Spike TV) dismiss Family Guy on purely astetic reasons. Thats fine. But Sean MacFlane has proven he doesnt need asthetics.   This cartoon war however stems from the fact that Family Guy is stating the Simpsons are stealing Stories from there episodes and basicly have made there Charaters more like theirs. Then, it got worse when they showed Peter on an episode on the Simpsons. They retaliated by having Homer get knocked down by Stewie.   Then, here comes South Park- which after a disspointing issue with Issac Hayes, sets there sights on FG.   The war is stupid for so many reasons- im not saying dont compeate for ad dollars, and marketing and all that- but this little artist spat is just that- a "artists" spat. Not something to split the John K Gen away.   Oh sure, i called the John K Genration- because he said hes the one that changed the Business because he was a hardass to Nick, and Fox Kids (and before that CBS).   Yeah, i could understand that- he brought back the animation buisness from out of the gutters.   But my friend, all you did in your relvence of the old men of animation, was make every tom dick and harry to try to meet up to your standard. And as you see they are reaching your standard-   Of crass.   Sure, i love your blog, and the history of how the old men did it, and young guns in CN and Nick cant do it. Its true about that. Its one of the reasons why Spongebob continues to do gangbusters in the ratings.   But come on, you started this. You started everybody following your foot steps, it doesnt matter if the shows E/I or TV14- the whole egeist of what family guy and south park does comes from you.   Its not that I want you to change...Im in no posision to do so.   I just need you to just watch what you say about the weakness of the business when it comes to the new artists in CN and Nick...   You the one that started it, and this is the reward of all your work.   CN marketing Naruto over JLA Nick making two new japanese inspired series Adult Swim bring more Kiddie anime and your hear wondering why the buiness is at this state. You said you saved it man...   Saved it from this?




Summerslam Raw AfterMath

Angle Vs Cena at Unforgiven is conferimed...   Shelton Benjamin vs. Kurt Angle   *** stars. Nice Match...   Matt Hardy vs. Rob Conway   What is this? Lost again? By Critcal?   Big Show vs. Snitsky   By Countout. By Countout...   John Cena © vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Title, loser is fired)   ** 1/2 stars. Hmm... Hmmm.... Somethings UP.   In Puro News:     Are you ready for one of the weirdest booking moves I have ever seen?     HOMICIDE? WTF? Hes talented, but how about Austin Aries? Lance Hoyt? MONTY BROWN even?   But...     Who is he gonna face first? Is he heading to TNA as well? Will he make an Impact in Bound By Glory? I have seen much more intresting things happen, but I see NOTHING but great things if Inoki gets screwed over by Misawa if Noah/TNA joined for a short time. Hey it will give Jarret a reason to take time off to tour with NOAH in order to become better than HHH wrestling wise. I like where this is leading. Very much so indeed.   And Its not only Stacy Kebler and Miss Wilson making inroads in hollywood...     NSFW!                   Quick...call management! Hire Kenzo back!   And thats it for now, Grades are coming!  




Summerslam 2005 Results and Rankings...

Smackdown Is in Blue RAW is in Red   Orlando Jordan vs. Chris Benoit   25 Seconds. Thats all that needs to be said.   Edge vs. Matt Hardy   This will contine in the RAW PPV   Guerrero vs. Mysterio   Good Ladder Match. Intresting Ending...** and 3/4 stars.   Kurt Angle vs. Eugene   This was smart booking. It looks like that Angle is going after Cena next.   Undertaker vs. Randy Orton   Can he win without Interferance? Please? ** stars.   John Cena vs. Chris Jericho   I am sorry, Cena was out classed and outdueled. Jericho is too damn good to stay in the Fedreation. Where is the Prototypes offence? Cant he get on of Kenta's sisters to help him fight like her Brother? (Since Cena is so LOVED in Japan) Come on, give me some Hashismoto Tokon Spirit Cena! It seems Jericho has it in spades. *** stars, only because Jericho is the best General in the ring since Flair and Austin. He needs to get in some me time, and if his contract goes up, by november he might be in TNA. I dont see nothing here but jobsville for Jericho if he stays.   JBL vs. Batista   ** stars. Expect to see Orton and Batista next Smackdown PPV for the Title. JBL is going for the US Title, or Gurrero- but I rather have it be Mysterio. Hes has won more matches than everybody else in the last sevral months.   Hogan vs. Michaels   If your going by the old school WWF rankings- ***. Now its ** 1/2. Hogan should have done his NJPW moves and i would have given this a easy ****.   As for summerslam... Please get the TNA PPV. I told you that The Brand had to be careful. They were careless and could care less. Cena has Hogan like Charisma, but right now he is becoming extremely shoody with his workrate. Please, I implore Cena, to get some Hashimoto and Kobashi tapes and see how they work... Please learn how to become a long term champion that way. The era of 5 moves of doom does not work anymore. And even if you just have 5 good moves, learn how to pace them. Hashimoto was not the best tech stars, but he had spirit. Charisma is not spirit. Hogan knows this. You should learn that too. At this rate, Batista will become better than Cena via workrate, and Orton will beat them BOTH but he cant take much punishment. And Eugene is better than all of the OVW stars- but he dont have the look, so they make him retarded.   So CM Punk is coming to THIS? UGH.   I think its time to give a grade between the Companies- This week is report card week on this journal. Its been 6 months- and its time to you who is doing well, who should get titles and so on...   Grades start Wed. Keep watching.




Special Edition Match Review: 7/18/2005 NOAH

Kenta Kobashi Vs Kensuke Sasaki   Kenta Kobashi (Ranked By DVDR - 7) (2003) Kensuke Sasaki (Ranked By DVDR -126)   This match was long awaited. It didnt dissapoint. One thing that makes NOAH a great company now, consitanicy and idologley when it comes the wrestling style, at times, yes its over the top but it works and keeps things simple.   Sasaki is one of those men, that never gets any respect. Like Shina Hashimoto before him, he could have a great match with anybody (just ask Bob Sapp) and won the IWGP title.   Kobashi is a power house. Even though he loses more than he wins, when he wins he wins big. This guy is just as good as a big man as many WWE stars.   They both have very dangerous lariats (MUCH BETTER AND CLEANER than JBL's, which he falls down fully, making his larat much much weaker- and thats why he cheats to win, because hes clumsly-his legs give out too easy- watch his legs when he goes for a neckbreaker, he takes five steps when you only need three)   So the match starts (after good entrances and nice elivators)...Kobashi walks in and gets punished with a back drop. Now you notice he got stunned. That had to hurt youre pride. Croud is stunned. STUNNED. With all the problems New Japan is having, there thinking that New Japan has no good fighters. There best chance to get a better title was just STOPPED 15 min before! Kenta knows he is going for the long hawl.   Two Kicks to the head...   Then a toe kick, which lead into a chop (notice, no punches were thrown at ALL during the match) Then your NWA type chops, as Kenta returns the favor with a backdrop of his own. Now realise this, New Japan doesnt know where the hell its going. You know Sasaki is not going to take this liying down...as he uses the first Lariat of the night! They both leave the ring, and after some smack talking, they return back.   The test of strenth...lead into a grasped northern lights suplex, which is picture perfect. American Style Grapple, into a knee by Kobashi, that lead into a chop, then the irish whip, another knee, then as Kobashi holds him, he chops his neck and then as he is on the ground chops his neck again...then goes to the ropes and does a high chop to the neck. First Pin...NO. 2 count only.   First Summission Hold of the match, a back headlock. Kobashi uses this as a set up for high chop at the edge of the ring. A second high chop, then he gets Sasaki out of the ring for a DDT. Kobashi does not stay long as he jumps out of the ring and crashes into Sasaki. Brings him back into the ring, then gets him in a head lock. However, this gives Sasaki the upperhand as he pushes him back, and gives Kobashi a chop and a small lariat three times each...at the turnbuckle, which leads into a top rope frankinstiner. Then Sasaki goes to the top rope and goes for a lariat from there... Second Pin...NO.   Sasaki takes Kobashi out of the ring-Sasaki goes up top from the black side of the turn buckle, has some trouble getting there but-does so and gets the top rope take down outside the ring. Sasaki gets back in the ring along with Kobashi for the Third Pin of the Match...no dice.   Sasaki asks Kobashi to get up...then does chop, irish whip to the turnbuckle and then bulldogs Kobashi, does the Fourth Pin but is only a one count...Sasaki does a toe kick, but Kobashi has the NO sell POWAH! The second toe kick...then CHOP FEST 2005 BEGINS!   Kobashi chops twice, but Sasaki no sells. Then he does the spitshine chop and Sasaki stands. Then it goes back and forward for about two minites with both men standing. I seen a lot of WWE matches, BUT i never seen chops that can split water particles. By the time they reach one of the turnbuckles-Kobashi goes for his 5 time chop! But Sasaki reverses it! He returns the favor with chops of his own! But, it was not over; Kobashi reverses, does a much longer version of the 5 time chop...but Sasaki counters. They back away from the turnbucles and chop again in the middle of the ring...Sasaki tried to lariat, but Kobashi stops him with a chop...the chop battle continues, short face off, and the chops go flying again! Kobashi tries the spit shine, but its not enough! Two more chops are extanged, but Kobashi wins it out with a reverse arm Lariat.   (Total Time of Chop Fest 2005? 4 Min 18 Seconds)   Both men are now down at the middle of the ring. Croud is now up in there feet. Kobashi runs, but falls victim to a PowerSlam. Sasaki is going up top, but Kobashi counters for a second rope brainbuster. Sasaki missed the Lariat, as Kobashi goes for the HELL (Half) NELSON SUPLEX... Picks him up, and does it again! Now you know that New Japan is buckling in its knees. Sasaki is there only hope now and he is near losing...   It seems hope is lost for Sasaki, as at the ropes, Kobashi goes for a brain buster, but Sasaki blocks it...Sasaki is blocked by Kobashi, then Kobashi goes for the 5 time chop, its hits and Sasaki goes down...Kobashi chops him twice, but Sasaki grabs him an does a high angle powerslam on to the floor...the Noah Fans are stunned.     New Japan still might not yet get embarrised...Sasaki's wife looks on with very stoic eyes. But it almost became a count out match, as Kobashi (legit) could not get back in the ring, until the 19 second mark...Croud sighs a bit of relief. Sasaki grabs him for the underhook suplex...and gets it with the Fifth Pin...forget it, Kobashi suffered worse- thats not going to do it...then as Kobashi gets up, Sasaki pulls out the LARIAT! The Sixth PIN...NO FUCKING WAY PEOPLE!   Sasaki is in utter disbelifve...but he tries for the finsher, but some how...Kobashi seemed to use his calf as a wedge, pushes down on Sasaki's arm, and then does a semi air rana... but as he gets up, Kobashi does a LARIAT! (Upper Fore Arm and then falls down JBL, not the wedge) Sasaki gets up and does a upper knee, into a unrange. Then he does a submission hold to Kobashi's arm...but Kobashi gets to the Ropes. Head strike by Sasaki...goes for his Lariat, but Kobashi, blocks, counters with the rolling chops...then Sasaki tries to finish him, but Kobashi does a brainbuster, but because of his size, Sasaki does not take the brunt of the brainbuster, then because of Kobashi's waight, he does not take much of the brunt of Sasaki's brainbuster, and then double collsion Lariat! Both men pass out...   Sasaki guts up, and runs for a Lariat to the back of the head...Then goes for the Lariat...BUT Kobashi Blocks it, then goes for the SLEEPERHOLD SUPLEX! (picture perfect too) I dont think Sasaki cant take any more of this. Kobashi sets up for the Standing Lariat (a move that Brock Lesnar took and somewhat made it into a STO because he moves his leg in front and does the standing closeline downward.) Seventh PIN and NOTHING! 2.99999999999999999! Body Slam by Kobashi! He finally goes up top and does a VERY well done (for his age) moonsault from the top rope! PIN... YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! Sasaki is running on fumes. And not from the Kyoto Treaty. Sasaki goes for a short Lariat but NOTHING doing as Kobashi pulls out five reverse chops, runs to the ropes and then pulls out the final lariat, which wins the MATCH!   Kenta Kobashi beat Kensuke Sasaki (23:38) with a lariat.   Woah. I give this 4 stars. I love this match. This is Puroresu at is most fun. The latter match, which if I get a chance to see it, was better than this- but this was great for what it was. 1 and 2 in the big event at Tokyo Dome. Shinya would be proud.     I implore all ROH fans, GET YOUR Manhattan event tickets NOW! Kenta Kobashi is NO joke. You saw Liger and loved him, now get to see the man who could have Match of the Year!   Smackdown Review On Thursday Night and, Fire Pro news as well.   Until Then...




Sometimes I dont Get Vince. (and other things)

(Note: I havent been around and the reason being is that I am starting a Animation Production Company- Garou Gothic. And so that has been taken a lot of my time.)   This is from PWInisder:       Wow.   Im stunned. Utterlly Stunned. First lets go back what he stated about ECW. One, he was honest about it. Basicly I was left without a clue on where they were going to do with ECW after the Summerslam PPV. But after the deal, they went Taped, TEST (TEST...TEST?) and Bob Holly had great matches (with no Piledrivers sadly) against RVD (who is now pretty much become Hashimoto in his Offencive Style- which is the natural evloution of his AJPW/ECWv1 Offence).   The larger point i want to mention is the Divas. Ok, Vince- this is the strangest comments I have ever seen. You want to show Divas in a "classy way" but need more sexuality on the website. (The word your looking for is Senuality, Vince). Then he metioned the why the Divas went from a Joshi based Divison, to a strippers. He stated that we want to see more female matches and relationships between the male and the females...then states...Times have changed... Times have changed. However, will there be a new focus on the Division? Time will tell (But Strip Poker...uhh...yeah...but considering ECW's history)   Hes high on Finley, which is not a shock- because Finley is one of the last great Catch-based Pro Stars. He doesnt have the looks, but a damn good Finsher, and a interesting move set. His lariats (short range) are more blowback haymakers than true shortrange lariats. Benoit's planned Final run, (which i think it is) will be for a world title. Dont be suprised if its between Finley- or maybe Kennedy or MVP. Its gonna be at least 2 years before I even want Lashey start running for the Title- He needs to fix his punches, and change his power based move set into Hybrid style like Terkay.   But in a more intresting and somewhat sad note. Youtube is a bit of a problem for me. Bad Codecs, even worse streams. But there was a few things I saw. The way a Joshi match is done. Folks, lets put it this way. They fly around, they dont die, every damn MOVE COUNTS even when you think its not important. And because of Low Center Of Graverty, they are the purest fighters. In some of the links in Youtube, Kudo and Toyota (along with there partners) showed us how crazy these ladies fight. When you see Toyota fly, the girl rips the taste out of Kudos Mouth not once, BUT 6 TIMES! The later dated matches, shows a little bit of a old style the old ladies used to do, however it a little WWE fided. But its amazing how they turn out a show. But one of the videos there was a training episode with Sakamura (Mariko). One of her traininees tries a drop kick. She couldint get it. FIVE times. Then Sakamura does the drop kick and RIPS HER FUCKING HEAD OFF. The trainee is bleeding. Thats the love this lady as for the sport. If thats just the womens...Think about the men...and how far they go. Tough Enough has nothing on Puro/Joshi training. Were even lucky we have Joe and Danileson that can hang with these guys.   The sad thing is now, Zero One has a Joshi Fed called SUN. Which is bringing back the NWA and AWA titles for females. They brought some African American Bodybuilder, named Africa 55. (HEY Naki-San, WHY NOT call her Sista A while ya at it!) and others. But to bring big amazon like girls to to feed the need...ugh...   Will Joshi see a new sunrise? Our hope is for Sakamura and Senjo to prove themselfs.   I will see you guys soon...the website for my production company-   http://www.garougothic.com.




Smackdown, Raw and Impact Reviews!

Raw Returns to USA- Smackdown Tries to Crash The Party-and The Dames Returnes to TSM!   First off, sorry for the late, late reviews, but Man, I have been busy trying to get two shows down and get the rest compleated- note that this weeks episode of my Radio Show- Toon Radio Advance Regen- has a review of Fire Pro R.   So now first off the Smackdown Matches:   John Bradshaw Layfield and Mr. Kennedy.......................Kennedy vs. Rey Misterio Jr. and Hardcore Holly   ** and 1/2 stars. This was not a bad match. You cant do better than this with the talent level they have for this match:   Melina (w/Mercury and Nitro) vs. Christy Hemme...   * 1/2 star.   Bob Orton Jr. vs. The Undertaker * star...   Bobby Lashley vs. Russell Simpson   ** stars...   Christian vs. Booker T (w/Sharmell) vs. Orlando Jordan   Very intresting finish... ** and 3/4 stars...   One fall for the WWE Tag Team Championship: LOD 2K5© vs. Eddy Guerrero and Batista (World Heavyweight Champion)   DQ   Strange week...but Smackdown won this week...   Next- its the Impact Review- Just the matches and who won:   AJ Styles vs. Roderick Strong   “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown vs. Lex Lovett   Chris Sabin vs. Petey Williams vs. Alex Shelley   Rhino vs. Jeff Hardy...DQ   Now RAW's:   (its seems that the Raw-Smackdown Wars start)   Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels (It was a tie)   Edge Vs Matt Hardy   Triple H and Ric Flair Vs Chris Masters and Carlito   Trish, Ashley Vs Victoria, Torrie and Candice   John Cena vs Eric Bischoff   Yipes... the ending however saved the show...   We have matches from the BIGGEST weekend and week in a long time...       More indy News:   The St. Petersburg Times newspaper in Florida reports that Bam Bam Bigelow was injured in a motorcycle acccident. He is currently in the hospital.     Scott C. Bigelow, 44, whose address on the Florida Highway Patrol accident report is in Allenhurst, N.J., was in Oak Hill Hospital on Monday with injuries not considered life-threatening, FHP spokesman Larry Coggins said. But the passenger who was riding on the back of the bike, Janis Remiesiewicz, 41, of Port Richey, was flown to Tampa General Hospital, where on Monday she was listed in critical condition, according to spokeswoman Ellen Fiss.   "He's going to live," Coggins said.   Dave Prazak's new promotion called SHIMMER - WOMEN ATHLETES will have its debut show on 11/6 in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club. Sara del Ray, Mercedes Martinez, Allison Danger, Beth Phoenix, Lacey, Cheerleader Melissa, Daizee Haze, and Nikki Roxx are on the roster.     Puro News:   Revised 10/8 Tokyo Dome card line-up:   TAKA Michinoku vs. Shuji Kondo for the Jr. Heavyweight Title match was announced for the 10/22 Korakuen Hall show in Tokyo. Kensuke Sasaki & Tomoaki Honma will face Team 3D on the undercard. On the 10/14 Ibaraki show, Sasaki will face D-Lo Brown.   More news on Saturday...



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