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It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.
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Things everybody should like
They asked for it...
The Worst Shows on TV
The Worst Horror Movie Sequals Ever Made
The Saw is Family
The Rover
The Revenge of Anus Presley
The Politics of Dancing
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
The Most Pretentious Bands and Albums: Part 1
The Most overrated Horror Movies ever made
The Madcap Laughs
The lyrical genius of R.Kelly
The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue (Day 7)
Plot: Two hippies (ugh) are suspected of being behind a series of murders. Thing is, it's actually the living dead-brought back by chemical pesticides-who are responsible.
Review: After Night of the Living Dead, other filmmakers tried their hand at combining the living dead with social commentary. The first gory zombie movie from Italy to do so, "The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue" predates the likes of "Dawn of the Dead", as well as later Italian gore flicks.
While the hippie angle may turn some viewers off, the movie in itself is largely a success, mostly because it doesn't become too preachy with it's message, and remembers that it's a horror movie first and foremost. In case you were wondering, the movie have it's fare share of atmospheric and gory moments, including some creepy as hell walking dead, a wonderful sequence in the cemetery, a woman's breast being torn straight off, and more. Adding to it all is some strong acting, a nice score, and top notch directing.
"The Living Dead At Manchester Morgue" is considered one of the best European horror movies of all time, and for a good reason. Just be sure to get the new 2-disc DVD, as it's the definitive version.
Rating: 9/10 A classic zombie movie, and a must for those interested in seeing more of the sub-genre.
Next Time We Look At: One Dark Night
The Leena is Married Thread
The Internet is driving me crazy
The Grapes of Death (Day 23)
Plot: A woman finds herself trying to survive a French Countryside swarmed with the living dead.
Review: Prolific Exploitation autuer Jean Rollin's 1978 gem is actually his first in a trilogy of zombie movies: the others include the atrocious Zombie Lake and the surreal but good Living Dead Girl. However, "Grapes" is the best of the three movies, as well as the most coherent and conventional.
Fans hoping for graphic violence and bloodshed will be pleased with this movie. The eerie "just rotting" look of the zombies is effective, and we get plenty of nice gore, including a great bit involving a Pitchfork. There's also plenty of fog drenched atmosphere, and the requisite Rollin movie nudity, to make fans of horror happy. Especially effective is the way Rollin uses the desolate French countryside, creating a sense of menace and dread, which is accompanied by an excellent electronic score.
That out of the way, some will probably be turned off by the episodic feel of the movie, as scenes occur that may leave viewers confused. To me though,that's not a problem, as it adds to the nightmarish quality of the proceedings.
"The Grapes of Death" is both a classic Gallic horror movie and a classic zombie movie. See it if you want to get a gander at what Rollin was capable of.
Rating: 9/10 One of Jean Rollin's best movies, and a great, original zombie movie to boot.
Next Time: Horror Rises From the Tomb
The Friday The 13th Series: A Brief Retrospective
The Final 2007 Year in Review
The end of wildpegasus
The End of Spoontoaster, and Happy Thanksgiving
The End of EHME
The End of Deon Dark
The Dunwich Horror
you know not your fathers name
dope numbs the pain
ascend dark wooded hills to kane
your mothers witches
burnt at the stake for sorcery
you were conceived
upon the altar, rites obscene
child of Dunwich rise
you have your fathers eyes
child of Dunwich rise
end the world that you despise
Dunwich child,
of whispered past now they'll learn
high on the hill
black clouds gather, now they'll burn
bay at the stars
why was I born at all?
hear voices of doom
from other world your fathers call
our time has come
the end has begun.....
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