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It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.
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Put that thing back in your pants
Psychic Warfare
Power's still out
Power's back
Post Thanksgiving Day Entry
Post Super Bowl Extravagenza, or Prince Kicks Ass
Post Christmas, and RIP James Brown
Popular and unpopular opinions
People I have on ignore-and why.
People I hate at the moment
Pay Your Respects to the Vultures, For They are Your Future
Paul is (Not) Dead
Part two of the worst feuds in wrestling history
One Dark Night (Day 8)
Plot: A sorority initiation goes horribly wrong when the body of Russian Occultist Karl "Raymar" Rhamarevich returns-as do some corpses that he controls.
Review: "One Dark Night" is a movie that is so 80's, you're surprised those annoying "I Love The 80's" shows didn't tell bad jokes about it. It's got an 80's look, everyone dresses like it's the 80's, it has a fun cast (Meg Tilly! Elizabeth G. Daily! Adam West-yes, that Adam West), and a plot that could only come out of the 80's.
The movie does have it's share of flaws. Well for starters, the fact that Raymar can cause corpses to awaken, float, and do his general bidding via telekineses is original. Thing is, it ends up being floating corpse dolls/models "attacking" their victims. While it's hilarious at first, it loses it's charm the 3rd or 4th time around. Also, Raymar isn't that frightening or interesting, though the dated optical effects accompanying him are amusing.
That's not to say that it's a disaster. In fact, I ended up enjoying it some. The direction by Tom (Friday the 13th Part 6) McLoughlin is solid lively, and the dead themselves are appropriately drippy and gross. The acting is also pretty good (again, a really fun cast), and the final scare works pretty well.
"One Dark Night" is pure 80's cheese. It might not be perfect, but it's fun, and would make a great triple feature with The Dead Pit and the underrated Sole Survivor.
Rating: Either 6.5 or 7/10. A flawed but watchable piece of 80's fluff.
Tomorrow: Das Komabrutale Duell
On Lieberman, and other things
On JN News
on conspiracy theories
Oh Baby I like it Raaaawwww
Obama is President
Night of the Sorcerers (Day 16)
Plot: A team of researchers go to Africa end up running into Leopard Vampire Goddesses and their zombie minions.
Review: From the man who gave us the "Blind Dead" series comes "Night of the Sorcerers", a wonderfully tacky exploitation mini-masterpiece.
First things first: this movie will offend some people. The African natives are portrayed stereotypically (you expect somebody to say "where all the white women at?" at any point"), with grass skirts, masks, voodoo rituals, and kidnapping white women, among other things. Those sensitive to such things should avoid this.
Those who fully embrace exploitation movies though, may have a blast. Yes, it's gleefully politically incorrect, but it's an exploitation movie. What do you expect? While there may not be a huge amount of zombie action, the movie fulfills it's exploitation elements: whippings, rape, zombies, vampirism, orgiastic voodoo ceremonies, gory beheadings, a face melted by acid, gratuitous nudity, melodramatic overacting, a fun score, hot chicks in leopard skin bikinis-what's not to love?
"Night of the Sorcerers" is not for everyone, but those who love exploitation at it's cheesiest will be in heaven.
Rating: 8/10 A real blast for fans of Eurotrash cinema.
Come back tomorrow for: The Dead Hate The Living.
Night of the Creeps (Day 1)
Night of the Comet (Day 30)
Plot: After a Comet destroys much of the population, two valley girls must fend for their lives against the living dead.
Review Remember when I said "One Dark Knight" was the most 80's movie to be reviewed here? I was wrong. That award goes to Thom ("Sole Survivor") Eberhardt's Sci-Fi Horror/Comedy cult classic "Night of the Comet", with its 80's soundtrack, dialogue, hair, clothes, etc.
The movie itself really isn't a horror movie. Sure, there's zombies, but at the end of the day, this is more of a comedy if anything. That out of the way, the dead aren't treated like a joke, and thankfully avoid being reduced to pratfalls and bad slapstick humor. The dead are pretty smart themselves, as they can fire guns, talk, and much more. Well, a few can, such as Willy and his gang. Willy by the way, gets away with great one liners ("I'm not crazy. I just don't give a fuck!" "Let's play a game, it's called scary noises.") Shame he kicks the bucket-again.
The movie is largely light hearted, and the cast have a ball with it, while fortunately not overselling or mugging for the camera. Also, there' a scene in a shopping mall, but unlike Romero, director Eberhardt is not interested in biting social commentary. He just wants to entertain you.
"Night of the Comet" may lack the eerie atmosphere of Eberhardt's previous entry in zombie movies "Sole Survivor", but it makes up for it with campy fun.
Rating: 8/10 "Daddy would have gotten us Uzis."
Tomorow, the final movie is: You'll see.
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