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It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.

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Put that thing back in your pants

-Well, things are alright in my world. I'm thinking of finally breaking down and buying an iPod or MP3 player of some sorts, because I'm tired of buying CR-R's   -My brother called me a conservative today because I don't see the draft coming back in the future. Oh, and Newt Gingrich, who as you remember, tried to get Clinton out of office for adultry when he himself was having an affair, says that World War III is inevetible.   -Also, I fucking pisses me off that Bush will veto a bill that allows stem cell research, because of his fucking convictions. Dude, you are the president: forget your religious convictions for a second and just let the bill pass.   -I'm still reading "The Bighead", and it is still sick. So far, there's been more cannibalism, more rape, vomit consumption, necrophillia, breast amputation, a piss enema, a doulbe urinary catherization, a baby having it's brains sucked out, and more. Also, I must have a stomach of cast Iron, because I haven't puked yet.   -I know it's against the law amongst hipsters, but the new Killers single is really catchy.   Well, that's all for now. Next time: a list of overrated horror movies

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


The Most overrated Horror Movies ever made

Earlier, I promised that yuou would see my list of what I think are the most overrated Horror Movies ever. Well, here's my list.   -Friday the 13th Part 4-I never got the love for this one. Sure, it's got some nice kills, but it's also not the best of the series (I think that would have to be Part 2). Plus, Jason is killed by Cory Feldman. Seriously, of all the people, why him?   -The Lost Boys-Everyone seems to love this one but me. Sure, it has it's moments, but compared to "From Dusk Till Dawn" or "Near Dark" (which came out that year), it's inferior. Check out "Near Dark" instead, which is considered a horror classic for good reasons.   -Cannibal Holocaust-Whether or not it inspired Blair Witch is beyond the point: this one is not as good as it's reputation says it is. Sure, the score is nice, and it is disturbing at times, but for the most part it fails due to some weak gore and the fact that it tries so hard to shock you, that you just grow bored. Then there's the whole "I wonder who the real savages are" ending which is forced and contrived. Seriously, this movie condemning sensationalism while wallowing in rape, tortue, and animal mutilation is pretty hypocritical.   -Zombi 2-Lucio Fulci's gorefest is actually kind of a bore. While the good parts work, the movie is mostly really talky and boring. To those who say it's better than Romero's zombie movies: Romero's Zombie movies have interesting characters you sympathize for, have much better acting, are more professional, have a plot you can follow, and are better than this movie could ever be. Oh, and there's the fact that some talk about the film pulling off social commentary. To those who think that: Fulci always thought that such things didn't belong in his movies/   -April Fools Day-It's ironic that so many horror fans hate "Scream" but love this movie, which is more self aware, and thinks that it's smarter than it's audience. I will agree that the sequals to Scream (and the many knock offs) do fall for that trap.   -NOES 3-I have to admit, I only liked the first NOES movies. I personally think that once Freddy started saying one liners and such, the series began to suck. To this day, the popularity of this movie alludes me.      

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


A picture of Steph's Baby

After countless web searching, I have found a picture of Stephanie McMahon's new baby. Here's the picture, in all it's glory:   now, onto other things   -Slant has to be one of the most retarded webzines online. If it wasn't for their undying love of Dario Argento Movies, I'd write them off completly.   -That Yates chick was found not guilty by insanity. My response: bullshit. It was five children, her own children might I add- that she killed. I don't care how crazy she is, that should count as guilty.   -Ever heard of David Icke? He's an anti-semetic nutcase who believes in a reptlilian alien illuminati that has taken over the government. Oh, and he thinks he's the son of God. And that he can communicate with the spirit world. His message board is full of wackos. Also, he thinks that somehow, the matrix is real, and he's had several books published.   -Lance Bass is gay. As I said in the music board, I thought he was "Bi, Bi, Bi". Christ, that joke sucked.   -Finally, Leena's avatar pictures are awesome as of late. Keep 'em coming Leeners.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


On Lieberman, and other things

-In case you've been living under a rock for the past week and a half, Joe "I look just like Max Wright from Alf" Lieberman got his ass handed to him by Lamont. While some in the media talked about his pro-war stance, let's not forget that   -He loves censorship. Really, he's one of the reasons we have ratings on video games now. -He's not a big fan of Clinton -He looks like Droopy Dog   While I have no sympathy for the guy, I find it funny that it seems like the only position the Democrats can seem to agree on any more is Anti-War. We have yet to see most of them make a stand or stance on just about anything at this point.   Also, Ted Kennedy recently attacked Cheney for his comments on Lamont. While I'm all for ripping on Gargoyle, I don't think that Kennedy is the best choice to criticize.   -No, I'm not going to remind folks to see "The Descent", because I'm sure that some of you folks have already seen it. For those who did: I told you that it's great.   -It seems like there is an upcoming settlement between Isreal and Hezbollah. Well folks, it isn't going to last long. Hezbollah will just attack again in the future, and the U.N. and the governments of the world will continue to wonder why there is so much conflict. Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's just common sense, but there has always been conflict in the Middle East, and there will always be. Me, I have no idea how to fix things. Hell, I don't think things ever will be fixed. Some might call that negative thinking, I call it the truth.   That's all for now. Next time: A look at the movies of Dario Argento.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Stabbed in the crotch

-I was going to do a look at the movies of Dario Argento, but since nobody here unfortunately knows who that is, I decided not to. I will do a review of the book "The Bighead" next week.   -I will be seeing "Snakes on a Plane" tonight. Hopefully, I'll stop hearing about it soon, as it's not funny anymore.   -NHB needs fixed. Ban EHME, WP, and Cronoyasha for starts. Oh, and quit posting racist gag pictures already. Not even a highschool kid would find it funny. In other words: It's not funny, it's not offensive, it's just lame.   -The Venture Brothers is the best show on Adult Swim right now. I'll do a "reasons the Venture Brothers kicks ass" entry soon.   -Also, starting in September, I'll be doing a list of the manliest movies ever made. Unfortunately, only two Arnold movies will be on it.   -This is stupid folks, as well as overused.   -Book recommendation: The Conqueror Worms by Brian Keane. Great post apocalyptic sci-fi horror.   That's all for now. Next time: Why the Venture Brothers rules.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Reasons the Venture Brothers rules

If you ask me, "The Venture Brothers" is the best thing on Adult Swim right now. Here is why:   -It's from two guys who worked on The Tick. Remeber that awesome cartoon?   -JG "Foetus" Thirwell does the shows music. And he does a hell of a job.   -The best characterization and continuity on a comedy show since "Arrested Developement"   -Brock Sampson is the biggest badass in cartoon history   -Dr. Venture is such an asshole (he even used an orphans heart to operate a machine), and you can't hate him. In fact, you can't hate any of the characters   -Hank's obsession with Batman   -Dean's schoolboy crush on Trianna. You just have to like Dean. Plus, I think she's starting to like him back   -Dr. Orpheus. Everything he says is hilarious. Plus, he's a wonderful parody of Vincent Price   -The constant Pop Culture references, ie William Burroghs, Hunter S. Thompson, Star Wars, and even H.P. Lovecraft get nods   -The Monarch   -The Monarch's henchmen   -Girl Hitler   -The fact that most of the villans have grudges against Dr. Venture because he is such a prick   -The most quotable thing on TV right now. Plus, the quotes and one liners never get old   -The fact that Brock, Dr Girlfriend, and Phantom Limb are the smartest people on the show   -Dr Girlfriend's voice, and the fact that she's able to put up with complete losers. I'm suprised she actually has had sex with Monarch   -Brock thinking Dr Girlfriend was once a man. I've thought the same thing   -Brock's sadomasochistic relationship with Moltov Cocktease   -Hank's creepy crush on Moltov Cocktease   -Monarch's henchmen singing "Mars, Bringer of War"   -Brock, naked and covered in Blood, singing Technotronic as a man's last request   -Dean's testicle problems. The poor kid gets the most abuse, and it's hilarious   -The villains various origins.   -Stephen Colbert has been on the show   -"IGNORE ME!"   -Brock telling Hank it's like he channels dead people   -The best realization that laughing at fucked up people and their problems is great since "Arrested Developement"

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Here's your ticket to come and get wicked

-It seems like a woman was fired from her job as a sunday school teacher in New York because she's a woman. Read the story here. And people wonder why I became a deist.   -I just saw Dante Tomaselli's new movie "Satan's Playground". Avoid it. I wrote a review for it on the Internet Movie Database, and it should be up soon.   -Salon is retarded. According to them, "24" needs to stop. Well gee, I'm sorry that it didn't have enough about why Bush is a horrible president, you stupid fucks. Read it here. At least they ripped on Nancy Grace.   -Geraldo has a problem with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Seriously, has anybody ever taken Geraldo fucking seriously. The guy is a gigantic dick, and is only good for the unintentional humor he provides.   -I went to the mall again last Thursday. Why? Because I needed some new t-shirts. I didn't find any that were good unfortunately, though Spencers at least plays better music than Hot Topic. I do find it amusing, that so many kids sepend so much money on anti-Bush t-shirts, when they have no idea they are falling into the hands of the same corperations they so lovingly rail against.   That's all for now. Next time: A review of Edward Lee's book "The Bighead"

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


A review of "The Bighead"

Sick. Perverted. Pornographic. Politically Incorrect. Darkly Comic. Scatalogical. Tasteless. Blasphemous. Disgusting. Evil. These are just some of the words that could describe Edward Lee's book "The Bighead"   First, a little background info on the man himself. Ed Lee is one of the most hardcore horror authors out there. Sure, he has written mainstram fare, a childrens book, and is a hell of a pulp horror writer (see "Creekers" and "Coven" for examples). However, it's works like "Goon", "The Pig", Ever Nat", and other small publisher books that have gained him notority. It's easy to see why, also. The are violent, repugnant, pornographic, and warped tales of grotesque erotic horror, laced in pitch black horror. Out of all his works though, his most well known is "The Bighead"   The Bighead tells the tale of Luntville, and two city girls: Charity and Jerrica, visiting Charity's aunt. While Charity is having problems finding the right man, Jerrica is a sex addict, who has taken a liking to a foul mouthed priest in Father Thomas, who is being haunted in his dreams by two nuns from hell, who have some stomach churning fetishes. Oh, and there are two sick rednecks, Travis and Dicky, who will rape and kill anyone in their path. Let's just say that these guys and the nuns give the book "American Psycho" a run for it's money in the torture and rape department.   Oh, and there is the legend of The Bighead. Who is the Bighead? Why, he's a seven foot something inches tall homocidal pervert with a hydrophalic (giant head filled with water) and a fourteen inch long cock, who loves rape, murder, and brain eating. And it seems Charity's Aunt Annie knows a bit too much about him...   Before you think of reading this, I might want to warn you: this book is sick. There's rape, murder, cannibalism, loads of sex, scatology, watersports, urinary catherization, sacriligious behaviour, abortion, babies having their heads smashed in, and more. This stuff makes "Jackass" look like the Teletubbies. If you think nothing can gross you out, then this will prove you wrong.   But is it a good?   Well yes, it is. For all the disgusting moments and general sickness on display, this book works. This is mainly due to it's warped sense of humor. One way to look at it is a horror answer to "The Aristocrats", in the fact that it constantly one ups itself with sick moments.   Also, the characters are interesting. The reader goes on to feel bad for Father Thomas, who only wants to do the right thing, as well as Jerrica. The other great thing is the redneck stereotypes, ranging from Travis (who outdoes the sickos from "Deliverence"), Dicky, and even handyman Goop Gooder. Over the top redneck dialogue, booger pickeng, and a general lack of "edu-ma-cation" makes for a good laugh.   There are a few problems. In particular, how have Dicky and Travis been able to get away with their rape and murder spree for so long? Oh, and the ending, when you find out Bighead's origins, will either disappoint you, or you will have no problem with it.   In the end, "Bighead" is a sick, demented ride of pornographic, scatalogical, and sadistic horrors that will either have you disgusted, or laughing your ass off. I ended up doing both.   8.5/10   You can get it here.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Psychic Warfare

I have no idea why this entry is called "psychic warfare" either folks.   -Well, it's back to the old grind for me tomorrow, because that's when classes start. I'm ready though, though I'll most likely be pretty busy. Also, I have roomate named Cameron, who's a pretty nice guy, which is good, since I was worried I'd get a complete asshole as a roomate.   -Happy Arbour day.   -Steve Irwin died. You know, I always thought that he'd die in a non-animal related accident, though the fact that he was killed by an animal doesn't suprise me in the least. The guy was an idiot, but he was a lovable one, and I always strangely admired how he straddled the line between bravery and stupidity with his antics. So RIP Steve.    

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


The Rover

-In case you didn't read this thread, I was coming home from class today, when these three guys offered me free bread and cream corn. I don't like cream corn, but I like bread, so I said why not. Well, it turns out that it was free if you visited Tom Green's website, so I didn't get a thing, except cream corn on my hand. So in other words, fuck Tom Green.   -CronoT 2.0 (Inuyasha) was banned, and I say good riddence. He'll be back, but for now, thank God he's gone.   -Congrats to alfdog and Agent of Oblivion for their new moderator gig. Maybe EHME and WP will be banned soon. Until then, let's keep our fingers crossed.   -I saw Katie Couric's CBS evening news debut. It was pretty lackluster, but Morgan Spurlock's appearence was great.    

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Fucking neighbors

-Well, the last two nights have sucked. Two nights ago, idiots outside kept me awake. Last night, I was asleep...until 4:26 AM, when the person who lives right above me felt the need not only to talk really load with friends, but also blare music. Even ear plugs couldn't block the noise out. Can't a guy get some fucking sleep? I know, it's college, but come on, I have classes in the fucking morning. Keep it down for God's sake   -Pope Benedict is still behing the times, currently denouncing science. You know, when John Paul was Pope, science was actually embraced sometimes. Bet you didn't know that.   -I didn't see the ABC docudrama on 9/11. It pissed off some democracts, claiming it had some of it's facts wrong. Again, I wouldn't know, because I skipped it.   -I also skipped the season premire of "Family Guy", though you probably know that I've grown tired of it. I did catch "American Dad" however, though it was disappointing.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd



-Well, I haven't posted much on TSM lately, mostly because I've been studying for tests. I took one today, and didn't do good. I have another one on Wednesday, and it's an essay test. So things are pretty shitty in Floydland right about now. At least my neighbors are starting to quiet down a bit.   -Here's a video of Uwe Boll beating up one of his online critics, Lowtax of "Something Awful." Yeah, beating up a dork from the net because he thinks your movies suck (and they do) is really impressive.   -I wan't online much this weekend, but it seems like wildpegasus was unbanned, and then banned again. Well, only on the internet.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Funny/Not Funny

-Funny: Last nights episode of South Park. I never played an MMORPG or whatever those things are called, but last nights episode was great. Also, it made fun of idiots who use phrases like "noob" and "pwned". I know I'll sound like an old man, but come on people, speak fucking english   -Not Funny: Freakshow. I really wanted to like this show, and while there were some amusing aspects, it just didn't work. A shame really, since it's from David Cross.   -Funny: The whole Mark Foley scandel. Now they are blaming alchoholism for his kiddie lust. I've been drunk before, and never once did I want to fuck a kid.   -Not Funny: Last Monday's edition of Raw. The Return of DX was annoying to begin with, but now it's just pathetic.   -Funny: "My Name Is Earl" and "The Office." Great stuff. Can't wait for tonight's episodes. Oh, Rain Wilson and Ethan Suplee rule.   -Not Funny: Last Sunday's SNL. While I'm glad Sanz is finally gone, why did Parnell have to leave? He was one of the good ones. Oh, and Dane Cook really sucks.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Make way for Homo Superior

-I did alright on my quiz today. Meaning I got a C. At least I passed   -A 14 year old girl was recently questioned by the FBI over threats she made about Bush on her Myspace. My thoughts: It's not like any of the threats would have happened. She's just a 14 year old idiot who gets her shitty opinions from shitty bands like Green Day. Besides, there are jackoffs on Democratic Underground and Free Republic who are older than her, and much more serious when they talk about killing political figures, and are probably more likely to try that kind of thing than a stupid 14 year old girl, yet I don't see the FBI going after them. I still hate kids today though...   -The season finale of "The Venture Brothers" was on last night, and it was awesome. Also, the title of this entry is a quote from that episode.   -I've been watching "Studio 60" as of late, and to be honest, I don't think it's all that good. Then again, it's from the creator of the overrated "Sports Night", so there you go. It has a great cast though.    

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd



-Well, things aren't too sunny in my life right now. I've got a test on Wednesday, and I'm scared as hell. Also, it's freezing cold here in Dayton, and I've got a headache.   -It's seems like Cronoyasha was banned again after a day or two of being unbanned. Also, this amuses me, but it seems like wildpegasus keeps coming back under different pseudonyms, only to have his ass banned each time. I have two theories on this: either 1.) He knows he won't be unbanned, and he's just fucking with us, or 2.) He really thinks he'll be allowed back again. Either way, he's getting what he wants: attention. He gets attention even when he's banned. Even MikeSC and CronoT never got this kind of attention.   -Finally, I reccomend the movie "Feast." It was out in September in a limited midnight show relase, and is now on DVD. It's no classic, but it's a hell of a lot of fun, and pretty damn gory to boot.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Be Aggressive

-Back from my test. Don't know how I did, but I hope I did good.   -Rush Limbaugh recently attacked Michael J Fox for supporting a Democratic candidate, and said that he's probably faking his Parkinsons. For fucks sake, this is pathetic. Look, I usually understand it when people get annoyed by celebrities getting behind politicians, but that's just sick Limbaugh. Of course, it doesn't come to any suprise to me. I just hope I don't end up getting a verbal lashing from kkktookmybabyaway. Normally I'm up for it, but I don't want to hear it right now.   -Just a reminder: Season 2 of Masters of Horror begins Friday at 10:00 PM on Showtime. The premier episode is called "The Damned Thing", and is directed by Tobe ("Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 & 2", "Poltergeist", "Lifeforce", The better than the original remake of "Toolbox Murders") Hooper.    

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Halloween TV

Well, it's about Halloween. Here's a list of what I've watched the last few days:   -"Masters of Horror"-Season premier was on last Friday. It was good, but not great. The ending was unsatisfactory, thoughg it still wasn't bad. Some nice gore in it though.   -"Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes"-This one was on last Saturday at 9:00 PM. Man, not even Doug "Pinhead" Bradley or Lance Hendrikson could save this shitty sequal. Granted, it was better than part II, (Which had Roger Clinton in a cameo, who also sings the title song. No, I'm not making this up) but it was still lacking. Also, the dubbed in Southern accents were laughable at best.   -"30 Even Scarier Movie Moments"-I caught the 3 AM showing. Weak compared to the previous "100 Scariest Movie Moments." Come on, I enjoyed "Hostel", but it didn't deserve to be #1. Also, "The Grudge"? Come on! At least "Wolf Creak" and "The Devils Rejects" made the list.   -"Exorcist II" Man, what a shitty movie. Granted, it has a reputation for being shitty, but still, its a really bad movie. Actually, I kind of flipped between this and Adult Swim. It has a great score by Ennio Moricone, but that's the only good thing about it.   -"Aqua Teen Hunger Force"-Yep, there's new episodes. Better than last weeks, especially since it was a Carl centered episode, and he's my favorite character.   -The Weather Channel-I only turn to this in the morning to see what the weather will be like later on.   So yeah, I liked ATHF and MOH, and not much else.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Kerry is a fucking idiot

-To John Kerry: Godamnit. I don't care if it was a botched joke, you really fucked up. Quit being high and mighty over it ("oh, it's all part of the Republicans trying to make us look bad") and fess up. Unfortunately, this will probably fuck things up, and make it that thr Republicans are still in office (remember folks, while I may rip on the republicans and tend to lean left, I'm still not a Democrat), so fuck you John Kerry, and thanks for nothing.   -Leena's getting shitloads of attention in the Chocolate Socket (I really think we need to change the name), and getting in arguments. Also, snuffbox insulted me (which I find amusing), and Cheesala congradulated me (whcih creeps me out). Anywho, I wonder how much longer this will go on.   -I've got another exam in a week, and one more in two weeks, so wish me luck bastards.   -I can't wait for the elections to end, mostly because I'm tired of seeing attack ads every time I watch TV.    

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


The Day After

-Well, right now, it seems like the Democrats are going to take over. While I'm no Democrat, it's good to see that some change might be coming. Meanwhile,I've seen Bleeding Heart Conservatives react in different ways. Some are complaining (talk radio), some are trying to spin it so it will look like they sort of won (talk radio, Fox News), and some are just going to act obnoxiously for the next few weeks (Czech, who's suddenly transformed into our new reactionary conservative over the previous days. Personally, it's good to see him squirm, since he seems to realize that time is running out.)   -Masters of Horror was good last Friday. It had George Wendt, believe it or not (who plays a pretty convincing psycho), and was a good balance between dry humor and creepy atmosphere.   -I went to a poetry reading headlined by Saul Williams last night. It was awesome, and I might buy some of his books in the future.   -Donald Rumsfeld resigned. I actually never expected it to happen, it's great to see that he's finally gone.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


I Am (not) Legend

-Well, in the past few days, I've been insulted by Hotbutter Spoontoaster and Banky. While Banky's was a typical "You're not funny", Spoontoasters was great. He said that he could beat me in a game of wits (not really a great feat) and called me "weird horror movie freak guy." This is why the internet exists folks.   -Cleetus and Jodine are breaking up. In all honesty, I still don't know what any woman on Earth would see in Kevin Federline. Just looking at the guy makes you want to vomit.   -It's official: The Democrats have taken over the senate. What amazes me is that this is the first time since 1964 that a Democrat won in Virginia. Now, some people are porobably going to be put in suicide watch.   -In horror movie news, it seems like a PG-13 horror movie called "The Return" opens today. It wasn't screened for critics, and it's a PG-13 horror movie, so it's going to suck.   -Finally, remember to watch "Masters of Horror" at 10:00 tonight on Showtime.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Unnatural History

-Well, I've got an exam on Wednesday in my Central Asian Arts class (we've gone over China and India already, so this one is Japan), and I've been studying since 1:00 PM today. I've got more to do tomorrow, an bit more on Wednesday, then the final. So I'm pretty much going to be busy for the next 2 days. I'd look up information about Sumo wrestling and Japanese pagodas on Wikipedia, but you really can't trust that place.   -Masters of Horror was a disappointment last Friday night. Fortunately, this Fridays episode, looks great.   -Things have been thankfuly quite down here lately, since it's finals week this week. This is great for me, as I have one more final to get ready for, and there haven't been any major distractions lately.   That's all for now. I know, it's not that much, but other than studying, nothing is really going on for me right now.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Cosmo Kramer Doesn't care about Black People

-In case you didn't hear, Michael Richards, aka Kramer from Seinfeld, was doing stand up recently, when a pair of black guys stated to heckle him. His response: He went on a huge racist tirade.   If he wasn't jewish, I'd call him KKKramer.   -Thanks for the responses in my last entry guys. My blog wasn't getting any attention at the time, and I wanted some, so thanks.   -I was unfortunately unable to catch Horrorfest's 8 Films To Die For. So, anyone who did, let me know how it was.   -Well, it's nearing December. I'm just mentioning this to let you guys know that I'll be doing a few year end reviews in December, looking at horror, music, and this whole mess of a message board.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


RIP Robert Altman

-In case you haven't heard, famous director Robert Altman passed away recently. His credits include "M*A*S*H", "Nashville", "The Player", "Gosford Park", and more. RIP Man   -In other news, Michael "Kramer" Richards appeared on Letterman last night to apologize. Whether or not he....THERE'S A NIGGER!!!!! I will never look at "Time for a drink from the firehose" the same way again.   -Well, I ordered Edward Lee's novel "Coven" from Shocklines. I highly recommend this website, as it has tons of cool horror related stuff. Oh yeah, look for a review of that on this blog soon, as well as one for Stephen King's novel "Cell" and some more.   -Finally, here's Andrew WK on the Aqua Teen Hungerforce Episode "Party All The Time" Yes, Frylock has cancer in this episode.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Post Thanksgiving Day Entry

-Well, yesterday was Thanksgiving. Really, that's it for me. Nothing bad happened. Relatives came by, nobody got into any arguments, and things were fine. I ate too many peanuts though, and I'm paying for it today, if you catch my drift.   -I got Edward Lee's Coven in the mail today. I'll start reading it tonight, and give you updates as it goes on, and a review once I'm done.   -In the music front, I've been listening to Unquestionable Precence by Athiest lately. While Death Metal normally isn't me kind of thing, I'm liking this, especially the jazz inspired chord progressions.   -Saw Borat Wednesday, making it the second time I've seen it. It's still hilarious. Not the funniest movie ever, but it still rules regardless, and is the funniest movie I've seen this year, though most of this years comedies have sucked.   -Finally, it seems like Coffey was banned for being an asshole. I haven't been in the Wrestling folders much lately, so I really just can't bring myself to care.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


Come on, a talking ass?!?

-Well, Adult Swim has a new show called "Assy McGee." It's about a hard drinking, foul mouthed, tough cop...who's a naked, talking ass who occasionally farts.   Seriously. I'm not making thid up.   This idea would be amusing as a one time SNL TV Funhouse skit, but as an 11 minute series...come on. Normally, I don't complain about this kind of thing, but give me a fucking break. Clearly, William Street is no longer trying if this is what they think should be greenlit. Then again, they probably know that it sucks, and are just testing our patience. Now normally, I'm all for that. Hell, I thought showing "Saved by the bell" on Adult Swil was hilarious. This isn't hilarious though. It's just...stupid.   -Now that I'm done ranting, I finished Edward Lee's book "Coven" earlier today. It's a real blast, that's a bit cliched, but still good fun. Expect a review of it in the future.   -Finally, it seems like British music magazine NME has voted this girl as the coolest person in rock. She's Beth Ditto, lesbian frontwoman of a band called The Gossip. At least she's from the US.   No offense to British TSM posters, but I'm glad I don't live in the UK all the sudden.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd

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