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HTQ shoots on YOU

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With little else to talk about right now, I've decided to amuse myself, and maybe others, by saying what I really think about certain people. If you'd like to be one of these people then post here, and I'll tell you what I really think of you.

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Eh, what the hell. What do you think of me? Granted, I don't post often, but I figure if I don't have anything to say, why say anything?

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Eh, what the hell. What do you think of me? Granted, I don't post often, but I figure if I don't have anything to say, why say anything?

As you admittedly don't post often, there isn't much I can say. I don't think you've posted anything of real stupidity, though if you have, it's not been anything memorable. You started a couple of "Which of these title belts do you like the most?" threads, which sparked a decent debate over whether the Big Gold Belt or the WWF Winged Belt looked the most prestigious.


I'd give you a C+.

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I'm down.

Ok, if you make it that easy, it's not fun for anyone.


You bring the quality content to the wrestling folders, and while it would be nice to have you posting in the forums again, I can understand why you don't. You know what you're talking about, and can back your line of thinking up with well reasoned points, which makes you one of the better posters here. I don't think you've ever posted anything stupid, at least not since I've been here, so that's a plus.

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Have at it, HTQ. What do you have on me?

Loss: The Next Generation.


You make consistently good posts in the wrestling forums, and raise the quality a great deal. You seem like an intelligent person, so I'm guessing any posts you make in other forums are just as good.

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Have at it, HTQ. What do you have on me?

Loss: The Next Generation.


You make consistently good posts in the wrestling forums, and raise the quality a great deal. You seem like an intelligent person, so I'm guessing any posts you make in other forums are just as good.




I have a successor. I'm so proud.

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DrVenkman in the house (if you need some memory jogging, I have a blog that I almost never update now and got into a stupid argument with you about internet spoilers. I also used to write for the main site!)

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Shoot Me.


You bring a decent level of content to the wrestling folders. I've found a few of your posts in the past to be a little substandard, but nothing of mindblowingly bad proportions. I know some people think you're a PBP, so you've obviously caught the attention of others, which can be good or bad on here. I've nothing against you that I know of, so keep up the good work.


DrVenkman in the house (if you need some memory jogging, I have a blog that I almost never update now and got into a stupid argument with you about internet spoilers. I also used to write for the main site!)


Another of the next generation in quality wrestling forum posters. Unless, that is, you posted a lot before I arrived, in which case you are of the old guard. I don't think I've read anything you did for the main site, so you must have been around before I joined, but I'm assuming it was good stuff if your current posts are anything to go by. Update the blog a little more often.

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Spaceman Spiff and Kingofthe 909


I've seen both of you post, but I've never paid either of you enough attention to form any substantial opinion on either of you. Though, if pressed, I'd put Kingofthe909 ahead of Spiff.

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I bet you don't know me.

The house always wins.


You seem to be a half-decent poster. I don't think you've posted anything that stands out either negatively or positively, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think you could turn out to be a pretty good poster over time.

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Come on HTQ- Have at it!

bob is a quality poster in the wrestling forum. I don't always agree with his line of thinking, but he has the smarts to back up pretty much any opinion he gives, so that's a good thing. He appears to have become a little more ornery lately, possibly in relation to RRR. (I've seen a few people start to take more frequent shots at RRR over his attitude, and I think you're one of them). TSM could do with more posters like bob.

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Bob, BOB, is this true????


No... I don't believe it.  Not you too, Bob.


I still love you Rudo. smile.gif


Thanks for the kind words HTQ, even though being called ornery makes me sound like an old man.

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Thank god. If two guys who like sissy television and movies can't stick together, we're done for.


I'd kill to be called ornery. You could call me Ornerudo. It'd be great times.


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Feel free to destroy me.

You bring good content to the WWE folder. You appear to know what you're talking about, which naturally makes you stand out. I think you could turn into one of TSM's more respected posters if you keep it up.

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