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4/10: #31, Tax Return Infernos

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KKK's Top 103 Posters




Number 31: Meatwad


When it comes to smart-ass replies, you can’t beat my Meat. I don’t think this chap likes me very much, but fuck it; this isn’t kkk’s Top 103 Posters That Like Him. If that was the case, my list would have to be whittled down quite a bit. But this is kkk’s Top 103 Posters, and important subjects like this can't be taken lightly. Sure he hates the term “better half,” which would probably put me in his doghouse just as if he hated the words "hippie," "commie" and "I like it in my ass fast and hard." He also has a never-ending arsenal of quips regarding my frugality. But here’s what I like about Meat: When he makes fun of you, he usually does a good job, as shown here at the other place. Oh well, it may have done nothing for you, but it made me laugh. And in the end that’s all what really matters now, isn’t it?


And now a word or three from the expert panel I've assembled to comment on the people I've listed.


From Black Lushus:

what can I say about Meat? I love the basement dwelling dadibetic little douchebag!


From Carnival:

A very bitter person. He's cool, but he tries way too hard to be funny.


From Cancer Marney:

aka "Ladbag," I think. Another Steven Joseph kind of guy in philosophy if not in attitude, I think. Don't pay much attention to what he has to say, but that's all right, because he rarely says anything I need to pay attention to. Works out.


8:15 p.m.


cBS, lol.


A CBS News producer was fired and the network apologized after a Katie Couric video essay on libraries was found to be plagiarized from The Wall Street Journal.


The essay was removed from the CBS Web site and an editor's note was posted saying the item should have credited Jeffrey Zaslow of the Journal, the network said Tuesday.


The essays are carried regularly on "Couric & Co.," the anchor's blog on the CBS News Web site. Couric and producers meet once a week to decide on topics and the producers write them for Couric to read on camera.


An editor for The Wall Street Journal called CBS News to point out the similarities of the April 4 notebook item to Zaslow's article, headlined "Of the Places You'll Go, Is the Library Still One of Them?" The pieces talk about how libraries are seen differently by children from their parents.


"We were horrified," CBS News spokeswoman Sandra Genelius said. "It was almost verbatim."


CBS would not identify the producer fired for the transgression.


8 p.m.


• Over in Smues’ blog, he references a little brouhaha regarding Jackson Hewitt and their Jewing the government out of some cash. A few days back I was thinking of posting this story because I had an experience with these people a few years back but I didn’t feel like typing it out. Now I do.


Back in Ohio I didn’t feel like doing my taxes one year so I decided to go to one of these tax places and just get it over with; previously I had just used TurboTax when it went on sale for $2, which also included a bunch of rebates. But I didn’t care this year; I just wanted to plop down and be told by some temp accountant how much I overpaid the government. I thought it would be that easy, yes. No.


When I came in to the Jackson Hewitt store, I was assigned to this black guy who was gong to give me the hook up, or something like that. This guy was a dickhead to me the whole time, with condescending remarks concerning my desire not to donate $1 to the hippie public election fund thingy, along with a few other similar stupid issues. When it came time to do the actual transaction, he got a confused look on his face and told me that I couldn’t file because I needed to provide a copy of last year’s return. Wha-? Yeah. Exactly. He told me that I needed to provide him with all this other information, and with that I left, went straight to the nearest big-box retail store to get TurboTax. When I got home, this guy left a message on my answering machine saying that I didn’t need all that other information and that if I returned we could file my return. Well I did file my return the next day, but I did it in the comfort of my residence.


And while I’m on this subject, I HATE hearing people bitch about having to file their taxes this time of year. You get W-2s and all that other shit in January/February. You have more than TWO MONTHS to do this. Have there been years when I filed on April 15? Yes. Did I bitch about having to do this? No. Know what I did? I FILED EARLIER THE NEXT YEAR. Actually, I’m lying. It took me a couple of years to get my lazy ass in gear. Sometimes it takes me a while to let it sink in. Ain’t nothing wrong with that as long as you know you’re a fuck up.


11:30 a.m.


• I don't frequent the wrestling folders here, so it may already be a "hot topic" at TSM, but I heard this on Atlanta's WSB-AM this morning and had to laugh.


Former WCW and TNA star Disco Inferno Glen Gilberti was among those arrested late Monday night during a gambling bust involving high stakes no limit hold-em poker in Roswell, Georgia.


Local police had been investigating the gambling ring for six months after complaints from neighbors about the amount of people coming to and from the home.


Gamblers would have to pay a fee of $10,000 to get into the game with the basement of a home on Nesbit Ridge Drive converted to look like a casino. Players would sign up and pay a $10,000 entrance fee online, then receive an invitation to location of the game. A game was ongoing during the bust with some found holding poker chips and waitresses serving drinks.


Roswell police Sgt. B.C. Brackett told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "I've been with the city for going on 27 years, and I've not seen an operation like this in my tenure."


27 people were arrested with two, Gilberti and an accomplice, charged with felony gambling charges. The others were expected to be charged with misdemeanors. 20 cars, one of which contained over 200 ecstacy pills, were also impounded.


The gambling bust made all of the local newscasts and newspapers in the Atlanta market, but at this point, Gilberti's past as a professional wrestler has not been noted.


Gilberti, doing his 1970s Disco throwback character as a takeoff of John Travolta in "Staying Alive" was a regular with World Championship Wrestling from the mid-1990s to the end of the company when it was sold to World Wrestling Entertainment in 2001. Gilberti became a TNA regular and was with the company for much of its run in Nashville, TN as a weekly PPV series. He received a tryout as an agent for TNA last year as well but wasn't hired for the position.


Nationally, Gilberti was last seen wrestling Koko B. Ware as part of the World Wrestling Legends PPV in Orlando, Florida in March 2006.


And, regarding the third-to-last paragraph, WSB has been noting that Gilberti used to wrestle in WCW as "Disco Inferno." I guess the only thing worse than being known as the "guy who used to be the Disco wrestler" is when the media don't consider what you used to do for a living, in a profession where publicity is critical, as newsworthy.

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I just find it funny that the police are busting home poker games.


But it is Georgia, I guess. God probably frowns on no limit hold 'em.

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