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9/25: Second Shots, One More Time

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8:45 p.m.


• I was never really a Britney Spears "hater," and it's pitiful to see what she has done to herself over the last few years. I also don't get this joke by Sarah Silverman at some award show she did.


Silverman, known for her deadpan delivery and winsome depravity, drew criticism earlier this month when she followed Spears' much-panned VMA performance with an off-color monologue taking aim at the troubled singer and her two sons with ex-husband Kevin Federline.


"They are the most adorable mistakes you will ever see," Silverman said of Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1.


Mistakes? If memory serves she squirted both out while married. Now granted the "mistake" was getting married and not getting ready to take on the challenges of parenthood. However, to call these two kids "mistakes" is just not funny. And this is ME who's saying this!


8:30 p.m.


• So I was reading one of my favorite threads -- 1000 Reasons Why ESPN Sucks -- and found this gem from a few days ago.


Wilbon called Vince Young a "young, egomaniacal punk" on PTI today, simply for daring to disagree with McNabb playing the race card. Classy, and couldn't be less accurate.


Well, Ol' Mikey sure can't call Vince a RACIST~! I was already a Vince Young fan. This only solidifies it even more.


2:45 p.m.


• Figures. The one job interview I actually wouldn’t have minded a “don’t call us we’ll call you” response from called me for a second round. Do I really want to do this? Sure I hate the assholes I work with, but I love what I do. How do I know that the work I do at another place will feel just as rewarding? How do I know this place’s management won’t be as bad or worse? Jesus, this is what Stockholm Syndrome must feel like to those abducted by the Mohammads of the world. Perhaps I can make my current situation work out. Perhaps there is a light to the end of this tunnel. Perhaps…


Hmm, what’s this? A CD-Rom full of stuff that I have to work on from the idiot boss is my mail slot. It wasn't there when I left work yesterday but was in there when I got in this morning. Oh, what’s this? The creation date for these files is dated more than 10 days ago. Oh, what’s this? An e-mail from a co-worker telling me the idiot wants to know when these will be finalized because they should have been done yesterday.




So my second interview is for Friday at 8:30 a.m.

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Maybe one day Silverman will grow up. Dennis Miller always comments on his radio show about how he looks back at his earlier comedic career and cringes at what he was--a young, cynical mean-spirited punk.


God, Wilbon is a prick. I remember watching that the day it aired. I wish for once someone would punk him out on air, I mean for real, because Tony sure aint doing it.

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I'm not a Sarah Silverman fan at all, but this is kinda funny:

On June 3, 2007, Silverman hosted the MTV Movie Awards. During her opening act, she commented on Paris Hilton's then-upcoming jail sentence with Paris Hilton being in attendance: "In a couple of days, Paris Hilton is going to jail [...] As a matter of fact, I heard that to make her feel more comfortable in prison, the guards are going to paint the bars to look like penises. I think it is wrong, too. I just worry she is going to break her teeth on those things."


She was ranked #29 on FHM's hottest chicks of 2007 issue...further proof that FHM and Maxim and similar mags really are crap.

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was there anything else he said, such as "DONOVAN PAVED THE WAY FOR HIM TO BE A QB"?


Damn, you're good. He did say that, in so many words. Basically that Young is just an unwise, inexperienced, unknowing child that owes it all to McNabb for making it possible for him to be where he is, etc etc. A fist in the face at that point would have been nice.

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