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10/25: #6, All-Time Stupid Meetings

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kkk's Top 103 Posters




Number 6: Black Lushus


He’s black and he’s got mad hoes. Or at least that’s what his member title once said. Actually, Mr. Lushus is from Nebraska, has legitimate children and works a full-time job, so what little street cred he had is long gone. Hell, he’s completely sold out by becoming a message board administrator over at the other place; instead of being oppressed, he’s become The Man holding others down. Then again, I guess you could claim pimpage or something if you really wanted. With all that said, there are two things that would (and should) put Black in anyone’s Top XX list. 1) Three certain words. 2) He befriended a fellow poster in real life and has allowed his young daughter around said poster. Who is this person -- someone in his 30s with a steady job and family of his own?








































Not quite.


9 p.m.


• I was Googling, came across this and laughed.




8 p.m.


• So I heard this morning that the Steelers busted out their ALL-TIME TEAM or whatever it’s being called. It’s the franchise’s 75th anniversary, so naturally they’re doing gay stuff like this all season long. Time to guess who made it to this squad.


Quarterback: Terry Bradshaw.


Running Back: Jerome Bettis.


Fullback: Franco Harris.


Tight End: Trick question – the Steelers, until recently, never used them. I guess Bennie Cunningham since he never got to do anything but block while he played.


Wide Receivers: Lynn Swann, John Stallworth, Hines Ward.


Tackles: No clue.


Guards: Alan Faneca. That’s all I got.


Center: Mike Webster.


Defensive Ends: No clue. Was L.C. Greenwood a tackle or end?


Defensive Tackles: Joe Greene, Casey Hampton.


Outside Linebackers: Jack Ham, Greg Lloyd.


Middle Linebacker: Jack Lambert.


Cornerbacks: Mel Blount, Rod Woodson.


Free Safety: No clue.


Strong Safety: No clue. My guess is Donnie Shell, although I have a feeling Troy Pala-whatever will be named.


Kicker: Gary Anderson.


Punter: No clue. I’ll say Josh Miller.


Yeah, I know I named people from the 1970s, 90s and 00s – sue me. The Steelers were terrible until the ‘70s. Time to see the actual squad.




Terry Bradshaw - Quarterback (1970-83).

I still find it funny that even after winning two Super Bowls, he was benched in favor of a crackhead.


Jerome Bettis - Running Back (1996-05).


Rocky Bleier - Running Back (1968, 1970-80).

OK, so they went with three “running backs.” They have to give Rocky a break since his ex-wife beat him down in the court hearings.


Franco Harris - Running Back (1972-83).

If memory serves, I thought Franco played in the fullback position. Eh, whatever.


Bennie Cunningham - Tight End (1976-85).


Elbie Nickel - Tight End (1947-57).

No clue.


John Stallworth - Wide Receiver (1974-87).


Lynn Swann - Wide Receiver (1974-82).


Hines Ward - Wide Receiver (1998-Present).


Larry Brown – Offensive Tackle (1971-84).

I forgot about this guy. Shit.


Dermontti Dawson – Center (1988-00).

I love Dawson, but I only did one player per position. The least the Steelers can do is put Mike Webster on the list since he took roids and shortened his life so black and gold fans could feel good and stuff. Wait, he took drugs as a choice. Oh well.


Alan Faneca – Guard (1998-Present).


Tunch Ilkin – Offensive Tackle (1980-92).

Interesting. I liked Tunch’s local radio show when it was on. Didn’t realize he was that good.


Jon Kolb – Offensive Tackle (1969-81).

Heard the name. That’s all I got.


Mike Webster – Center (1974-88).




Joe Greene – Defensive Tackle (1969-81)


L.C. Greenwood – Defensive End (1969-81)

Ha. He was an end.


Casey Hampton – Nose Tackle (2001-Present)


Ernie Stautner – Defensive Tackle (1950-63)



Dwight White – Defensive End (1971-80)

OK. If they say so.


Jack Ham – Outside Linebacker (1971-82)


Jack Lambert – Middle Linebacker (1974-84)


Greg Lloyd – Outside Linebacker (1988-97)


Joey Porter – Outside Linebacker (1999-2006)

Cool. Joey got on the list.


Andy Russell – Outside Linebacker (1963, 1966-76)

I’d have him on the list if I was going with multiple players at a single position.


Mel Blount – Cornerback (1970-83)


Jack Butler – Defensive Back (1951-59)



Carnell Lake – Safety (1989-98)

Didn’t realize he was an “all-timer.”


Troy Polamalu – Safety (2003-Present)

Come on, guys. He’s only played a few seasons.


Donnie Shell – Safety (1974-87)


Rod Woodson – Cornerback (1987-96)




Gary Anderson – Kicker (1982-94)


Bobby Walden – Punter (1968-77)



Boo. The Steelers took the Jew route and put multiple people in certain positions.


4 p.m.


• So yesterday I talked about Mrs. kkk’s workplace a bit. Basically, she works in a study about crazy people, and the topic is stupid as hell. It’s something like trying to see if women drug addicts have more risky sex than those that don’t. Whatever. The pay is hella good, and the study will last several more years. After that, the better half can ride her boss’s teet for the next study she starts up, then the study after that. Now her boss has a Ph.D. and is still on the young side of things (40s, I think), so this will be a nice gravy train for years to come. Then again, being a Ph.D. and employed through a university, this doesn’t mean Mrs. kkk’s boss is well adjusted. For instance, she’s arranging an open house in the near future that is nothing more than a suck-up-fest for her boss and other people making more than her six-figure salary. So what did Mrs. kkk and her fellow co-worker on this study have to do today? Have a pre-planning pizza party meeting. Jesus Christ.


Oh, and on my side of things, my work monitor that’s more than 10 years old finally died. Time to go to the hippie Mac store and get a new one. Of course, the last time I was at this place I first had to get a price quote for all the shit I was to get (a new work computer and updated software), have someone from work write out a check and then go to the store and purchase the shit. Of course, the problem with this was that the dollar amount was too high and the check wasn’t accepted. I then just put everything on my credit card and got reimbursed for it, which is what I wanted to do all along because that would make the process easier. Thank God I was able to do that again this year. And thank God I was able to find a somewhat decent parking space. Christ is this part of Shittsburgh a left-wing hell hole; talk about being a pilgrim in an unholy land. Oh, yeah. I also suck at parallel parking. I think that’s a big reason many people live in the suburbs – to simply pull into a driveway/garage.

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he's #6 and I was #30 something. WHAT THE FUCK! To quote my main man czech when impersonating Lushus...


"Yep, that really happened!"




For one, don't get it twisted....he's in love with ME, not the other way around (like he tried to explain to my girlfriend the other night). And I didn't know he said that shit about me at Dave N Busters, I make almost as much as you do now hater! So suck a fat one. Next time I see him in the streets...he goes DOWN!


btw) bills game on sunday night? got plans? gotta stay home? what up?

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