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11/1: #5, Costume/Candy Count

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kkk's Top 103 Posters




Number 5: Cancer Marney


When you think about it, there are some scary-ass things in life. For example, remember the construction zone you drive through every day on the way to work/school? You know, the one with all the big machines that can crush your vehicle in an instant? There’s a good chance the guy operating that crane is the drunk cousin of a crew foreman. When you need an operation, how would you feel knowing that your surgeon was the one who cheated on his tests in order to pass them? And let’s not even talk about where the meat portion of your dinner came from and who helped put that dead flesh on your plate.


However, not everything in this world is negative. There are good people out there. Remember when those towel heads flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center? Well you probably don’t because there’s enough sheeple out there ready to elect Hitlery, but I digress. Remember when those towers were ready to crumble and New York’s finest were running into the burning buildings to rescue as many people as they could? There are people out there going after the bad guys, and this poster is one such freedom fighter. And who is Ms. Marney going after -- Arabs? Russians? Chinamen? The French? I don’t exactly know. From what I’ve read over the years, this person reads a bunch of government reports or something. But that’s not why she’s on this list. She’s on this list because she’s an evil


Tyler... shut up. Just shut up. You're a retard. A complete fucking retard. You snatch up the most inane left-wing conspiracy theories you can find without even THINKING to question them, gleefully swallow revisionist history like it's nectar and ambrosia, and practically choke yourself trying to vomit forth all the shit you've feasted on while everyone else watches in a mixture of stunned horror and disbelief. I mean Christ, you freely admit you know nothing about this depraved, disgusting creature and yet you see fit to post an article defending her filled with the most brazen lies imaginable, and then you hold it up as proof of your crazy hypotheses? What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you have any sense of shame? Don't you care that you look ignorant, obscenely gullible, blindly partisan, and almost unbelievably stupid? Greg Palast is a conscienceless liar. You are a willing, eager dupe.




Hilarious. So the CE folder would be just fine and dandy if we could only kick out all those gosh darn Republican nutjobs and let in only good sane Democrats and enlightened Europeans?


Well see the point of the folder is to discuss different points of view on social, political, cultural, economic, military, and international issues. Some points of view happen to be identified with Republicans, some with Democrats, and some with neither. So it rather sounds as if you're trying to win every argument you could possibly have by default - ban the Republicans, and CE will turn into a wonderland of happiness where the niceness police, as fk teale would say, keep order for you with their candycane batons. Sorry, chuckles, but it's not going to work out that way. You're just going to have to put up with points of view you don't agree with. It's this little something we ignorant Americans like to call "freedom of speech." I'm sure you've progressed beyond that in your far more advanced part of the world, but we're a little slow on this side of the pond - y'know, like you're so fond of saying, we're all a bunch of racist neo-Nazi imperialist lying murdering backwoods hayseed cowboys - so you'll have to forgive us. I'm sure your shining example will lead us to the light soon enough.*


Christ, I haven't seen such pompous condescending posturing, such insufferable stuck-up arrogant elitist bullshit since I was at that Senate subcommittee a week ago. You're trying to defeat the entire POINT of the folder by excluding all views but your own? Listen you gibbering idiot, we go to that folder to ARGUE, not to agree with each other before we've even discussed evidence and reason. Another quaint outdated tradition we Americans like to practice is that of debate; that's how our poor backwards little country was FOUNDED. That is how we get to the truth. That is how we test our ideas and that is why that goddamn folder EXISTS.


Do you fucking get it yet?


*When hell freezes over.


And that’s why she’s my goddess, not to mention protector -- if not from Abdul flying in coach with that fuse hanging out from his shoe, then from posters from across the pond.


8 p.m.


• So that trick-or-treat thing went on last night and we had the biggest turnout EVER~! Or at least for us. Mrs. kkk got through all 27 of her gi-normous candy bags (she puts like 10 pounds of shit in these tiny candy bags – it’s quite impressive, actually), finished off the “emergency stash” and she even had to give away a 100 calorie Nutter Butter bar because we had one brat late. Bitch, those Nutter Butters are hella good.


It’s amusing to be at the kkk house on Halloween. Our “official” trick-or-treat time is from 6-8 p.m. First the better half bitches when we don’t get anyone from 6-6:10. She also looks out the front window the whole time looking for people dressed as Spiderman and monsters. Then when we finally get a group of kids she gives them their candy and kicks them out. No, “awww, look, you’re a ladybug” small talk. Just “Get yo’ mothafuckin’ food, leave it in the car, n*gga get out.” (Three points for anyone that catches that reference without the help of Google.) It’s hilarious to watch this obsession, and when I made a comment about her lack of small talk she started bitching about how kids just want to go house to house and get candy. I agree, but the smaller kids like being gushed over while dressed up as Batman. Damn, I’m speaking for the children. Subject change. Now.


During this time we had Bravo’s 100 SCARIEST MOVIE MOMENTS. Good God was this retarded. But we kept it on because there was nothing else Halloweeny on except for the Michael Myers-fest on AMC. Then, after these 100 SCARY MOMENTS there were 30 EXTRA ONES that I DVR’d so I could goof on them today. Army of Darkness was included in this one. ARMY OF DARKNESS? Look, I have this movie. I like this movie. BUT IT’S NOT SCARY! You don’t watch this film to be scared. You watch this film for stuff like “I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town.”

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yeah, most of the SCARIEST MOMENTS aren't scary. I can't believe I watched some of that nonsense. They pick out particular gory or disturbing moments, but that doesn't always equal scary. And Army of Darkness for sure isn't supposed to be scary. One of their EVEN SCARIER MOMENTS was from "Oldboy" where a guy cuts off his own tongue. Lovely, yeah that's great, but not scary in the least.

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