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1/26: #3, You Thought I Was Kidding About Mal Voyage? (Part I)

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kkk's Top 103 Posters




Number 3: nl5xsk1


Yes, you read that right. The poster known with one of the more annoying names to type has cracked the number 3 spot on this list. “But kkk, how can this be? You’ve been calling this scat-loving fiend ‘nl-asshole’ for years. How can he be listed so high? Did he pay you off? Did he find you a MILF? What happened?” Well, I’ll tell you what happened.


This "nl-asshole" thing is all a giant SWERVE~!


You may find this hard to believe, but I generally don’t put a lot of thought into my message-boarding. When I’m scrolling down a thread, I rarely spend more than a few seconds reading a post, and when I get to the end of a thread, I typically type the first few thoughts that come to my head – no matter how nonsensical they may be. And on 8:48 a.m. on September 29, 2004, I read the following post by nl5xsk1 in a thread titled “List your aliases.. old board names...”


Not even sure why I'm bothering to post this, but I've always been nl5xsk1 ... among the least liked names on the board.


and I just felt like typing...


Fitting, since you're one of the least-liked posters here...


That’s it. That’s how this great “feud” started. Let me recap: For more than THREE YEARS I’ve been involved in a shootout of insults with someone because of a split-second thought and a few keystrokes. One my say I’m breaking KEYFABE right now, but this is, at its heart, an internet message board, and this is a SHOOT, baby. The Ross Report doesn’t have shit on this. (Is the Ross Report even around anymore?)


So, yeah. Over the years I’ve shaped this “hatred” for nl5xsk1 to include such witty banter like:


nl5xsk1:And then I dated a supermodel. She was in Victoria's Secret and Playboy and everything and was super rich and wanted me to have threesomes with her and her identical twin sister, but I caught her posting our sex videos on the internet so I had to break up with her.


She still calls me all the time, begging and crying for me to take her back.


Me: Is that when the people from the Vonage van threw something orange at you?


However, the highlight of this e-feud, which has spanned multiple message boards, came during kkk Bowl III when nl5xsk1 actually won the whole thing – well, it’s sure a lot better than him not bothering to show up for the posteason.
















Are we typing?



























Is this mic still on?






















Well thank God that’s over and done with. I didn’t know how long I could last saying nice things about this cocksucker. And by “cocksucker,” I mean cocksucker.


1 p.m.


• So I have said in the past that I don’t like flying. In fact, the last time I was on an airplane was back in 1996 during a trip to California just before I met the future Mrs. kkk. Why don’t I like flying? Well, there’s always the chance of crashing into the ground from 10,000 feet. Yeah, I know the odds are much greater that I’d get killed by a fellow motorist than I would by a shitty pilot. However, the illusion that I could actually do something about my status on the highway is a better feeling. If you’re on an interstate and some truck in front of you has a bunch of shit loosely tied down to the roof then you could switch lanes. When you’re in a plane, there’s not much you can do unless you have a parachute strapped to you and near an exit. However, there are other factors that have nothing to do with drunk pilots and pisspoor mechanics.


The passengers


Here’s what I said a while back regarding my Going … Back … To … Cali… in the 1990s.


I was going to California to visit my half-brother and I had an aisle seat with this mom and four brats: One kid was next to her on a window seat and the other three were in the row behind us. Of course they were out of control and I had to get up a bunch of times for her to take her kids to the bathroom. Whatever. However, on this Shittsburgh-to-LA flight, we passed over the Grand Canyon. As I tried to sneak a peek at this hole in the ground, the mom and kid had their heads up to the window with nowhere for me to look. After the plane passed, the mom looked at me and suddenly acted all shocked that they didn’t give me a chance to view the sight. “Billie, sit back so the man can see.” Nice try but way too late seeing how the canyon was out of view. Oh well, the next time she turned around to control her kids behind us I just took up all of the arm rest (we had been sharing the whole flight) and when she turned back around to sit down she had to lean toward her kid for the duration of the tip.


Oh, yeah. There were these Indians in front of us (dot-heads, not tomahawks) who were a pain in the ass the whole time to the stewardesses and gay male attendants. The highlight came when they ordered a veggie meal but didn’t actually order it pre-flight, which is what you were supposed to do. That must have sucked for the flight attendants when they went to the passengers who actually ordered these special meals and realized their mistake.


And while my experiences dealing with passengers during this latest round of flying I just didn’t wasn’t as bad as my ’96 experiences, it didn’t help matters. It amazed me how many people tried to carry on luggage that was too big to fit in overhead compartments. Jesus Christ, I haven’t flown for more than a decade and I was smart enough to take note that my one piece of luggage wasn’t deemed acceptable for overhead storage. Then again, these people are probably the same type that I dealt with in my Quickie Mart days that tried paying for a 25-cent pack of gum with a $50 bill. But I digress.


Connecting flights


So the plan was for my boss and I to take a flight from Shittsburgh to Philadelphia and then from Philly to Albany, N.Y. However, when I got to the airport I found out that we were instead going to New York City. This also meant that our departure would be a few hours later than the Shittsburgh-Philly flight. Great. Well, after my cross-state flight, I ended up in LaGuardia Airport. Holy fuck is that place a dump. And to make matters better, I had to wait a few more hours until this one plane from Harrisburg landed here because that was the vehicle to take me to Albany. One problem: This plane was running late. Whoopie. Here’s another bonus: LaGuardia only had a handful of stores, and most of them featured “I [heart][/heart] N.Y.” Oh, yeah, like I’m going to get that shit. Then I saw Hitlery merchandise. Even better. Fuck. I ended up getting a U.S. Snooze & World Distort magazine that talked about previous election cycles. One thing I like about U.S. News is that they do some neat “looking back” pieces. I remember in ’00 they had an interesting feature about the ’48 conventions – I’m pretty sure it was that year because it dealt with Truman and Dewey. Where was I? Oh, yeah. LaGuardia.


So while waiting for the Harrisburg plane to arrive I sat by the gate because you can only walk the halls a certain number of times before people start thinking you’re a terrorist. My boss and I were supposed to arrive in Albany at 4 p.m. It was past 4 when we heard that the Harrisburg plane had just taken off. After an hour or so we were told that the flight to Albany was seating for Zones 1-8. That sounded odd. Then when I stepped onto this massive transportation vehicle I noted that I was in “Zone 8.” And by “Zone 8” I mean the “eighth row.” The actual flight itself wasn’t too bad. I remember flying on a smaller plane when I was kid vacationing in Florida, and as a bonus I didn’t have to sit next to anyone.


We got into Albany at around 6:30 p.m. just in time to see news television shows talking about the stock market’s REMARKABLE DAY~! When I was at LaGuardia all the news shows were talking about RECESSION and the STOCK MARKET TANKING and other gloom and doom pieces. Then after my shitty flight to Albany, it’s a MIRACLE REBOUND. Then again, these are the same people that thought Obama was going to crush the Hildabeast by double digits in New Hampshire and that by 1985 the earth was going to freeze due to global cooling. And who wonders why people are skeptical of the mainstream media?


So Wednesday I was at airports from 9 a.m. through about 7:30 p.m. All to get on two one-hour-flights. My boss, who travels all the time, said this is the first time in a long while this sort of thing has happened to her. I said I’d gladly take the blame for this if it means a raise. However, the best was yet to come on the way home on Friday...

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Believe me you are NOT alone in not understanding and hating people that try to bring piano sized luggage on flights. I see it all the time, and it pisses me off. It makes me have to board as soon as possible so I can get SOME overhead bin space. What's really great is when it's obvious the luggage won't fit no matter what you do, but the idiot stands there, blocking the people behind him from boarding of course, and tries to cram it in there. And then gets mad when the fly attendent says they'll have to check it. Another thing I've started seeing lately is people trying to bring more than the allowed number of carry ons (1 bag plus 1 personal item) on board. I sure love fighting for overhead space for my one medium sized bag! The best was a few weeks ago on a flight to bethel. It was on a full sized 737, and just me and ONE other person were sharing this overhead bin. TWO people you would think could fit all their shit no problem since usually one bin is for about 6 people worth of seats. And ALL I put up there was my laptop case. I get there first, put it in, and sit down. Then this old hen comes in and starts putting bag after bag after bag of shit up there, then has the fucking nerve to tell me to move my bag so she can get her bag of EGGS (see why I called her a hen? ME SO FUNNY) in there upright. So I say fine whatever fuck you I'll be the better man and put my laptop bag under the seat in front of me so she can have the ENTIRE FUCKING BIN. I sit down and think I'm done dealing with this shit, as she's sitting at the window and I'm in the aisle so I have a gap, but no then she pulls out her fucking dog and puts him on the middle seat. I have nothing against people who take small pets on planes, just put them in the overhead bin in their travel bag like everyone else does, I see cats travel fine like that all the time. But no this dog has to sit right next to me. Thankfully the flight attendents saw all this and had pity for me and asked "would you like to move to a better sit?" OH YES THANK CHRIST THANK YOU. So I got to sit in the back row reserved for the flight attendents and away from crazy egg dog lady. Wow that was quite the rant, fuck air travelers who don't follow the rules and have no respect for other travelers.


As for delayed flights I feel your pain on that one too. But look on the bright side: it could be MUCH worse than being stuck at LaGuardia. If I get delayed in the Anchorage airport I'm fine, but if I'm delayed in say, Bethel, then I'm fucked. The Bethel airport has exactly 0 stores, and actually consists of one giant room. You walk through the front door and there's the ticket counter, baggage claim, security, and gate all right there. So if you get stuck there there is nothing at all to do, other than brave the freezing cold (in the winter) and walk to this pizza place a few blocks away that has a TV. And Bethel's airport is bigger than any other airport I've been to in this state besides Anchorage, if you can believe that.


What airline were you flying anyway?

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<taps mic, adjusts it to the proper height, grabs speech from pocket & clears throat>


Ahem. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I'd be deemed the #3 poster in kkk's list.


That's because my wildest dreams normally involve dog-sex, blood-play, and 'safe words' that are only occasionally acknowledged. But even when I allow myself to fantasize about message boarding, an honor as prestigious as this wouldn't ever cross my mind.


I'd like to thank kkk (for being my inspration & the wind beneath my wings), God (for giving me the ability to type words), and Al Gore (for inventing the internet). I really couldn't have done it without them.


I'd also like to take this time to speak about the trials & tribulations of women in the African nations....


<gets drowned out by loud music, indicating that my speech has run long>

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<gets drowned out by loud music, indicating that my speech has run long>


No, fagbox, you were drowned out because you were talking about helping Africa.


And airport security wasn't that bad, but it wasn't busy. Although taking off the shoes was eh.

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