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9/4: Mystery In Alaska

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7 p.m.


• So did you all know that the GOP Vice President candidate has a 17-year-old kid who is knocked up? In another startling development, John Kerry served in Vietnam.


You know what, I don’t care if this chick is a Jesus freak. I’ve heard some of the stuff she’s said regarding God and all that shit, but you know what? I don’t care. I learned years ago that many of the people I vote for are in with the Bible-thumper crowd. But you know what? I don’t care. I’ve accepted that fact. Shit, Rick Santorum was my n*gga but I know if we ever had a conversation about theology for more than 5 minutes Rick would either damn my soul to hell or start a group prayer for my well-being.


Smues, I’m sure you can tell a bunch of stories about Palin regarding stuff I don’t want to hear, but when you’ve had this asshole as your governor for six years…




…even the Community Organizer will start to look appealing. Wait, check that. I can’t let that go. Fuck, I’d rather have Fast Eddie as my political figure than Osama. Now that’s saying something.


8 p.m.


• So what's our exit strategy for pulling out of Chicago?


An estimated 123 people were shot and killed over the summer. That's nearly double the number of soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period.


In May, cbs2chicago.com began tracking city shootings and posting them on Google maps. Information compiled from our reporters, wire service reports and the Chicago Police Major Incidents log indicated that 123 people were shot and killed throughout the city between the start of Memorial Day weekend on May 26, and the end of Labor Day on Sept. 1.


According to the Defense Department, 65 soldiers were killed in combat in Iraq. About the same number were killed in Afghanistan over that same period.


In the same time period, an estimated 245 people were shot and wounded in the city...


Oh, yeah. The exit strategy for urban flight is getting a job and then a UHaul.

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Who wouldn't vote for that?


But seriously, I haven't had any problems with her since she got elected shortly after I moved here. I'd be fine with her as VP, but I really doubt McCain wins. In which case I get to keep her as governor, so works for me.

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Who wouldn't vote for that?


But seriously, I haven't had any problems with her since she got elected shortly after I moved here. I'd be fine with her as VP, but I really doubt McCain wins. In which case I get to keep her as governor, so works for me.



I'll vote for that, but there's no way that picture is authentic. I believe there are dozens of fake photos like that on the net--not that she probably doesn't look that good herself. Snopes has declared it fake and has the original photo with actual chicks head (and she aint as good looking as Palin).

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