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12/7: A Message To College Fooball Fans

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As most all of you know I'm not a big college football fan. However, for the past year or so I've tried getting into the sport more. And if I accept the fact that these are nothing more than meaningless exhibition games post-conference championships, I'm mostly OK with it all. However, this means I've missed the past 100 or so years of this sport, so there are some things that I need explained to me. Here's one. I'm looking at all the divisions out there, and notice there are some "independents," such as Notre Dame, Army and Navy. I knew there were some of these teams out there. (Notre Dame for one; I also know Penn State used to be one before joining the Big 11 10. Army and Navy all by themselves? Sure, I get that. (It's a little odd Air Force is in a conference but whatever.) But why is Western Kentucky all by its lonesome? Did they pee in the punchbowl one year or what?


On another subject, I have a question about teams becoming "bowel eligible." Does that mean they automatically go to a bowel game or does that mean they have the chance to do so but still risk not playing in one of these meaningless exhibitions if nobody wants them?

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Western Kentucky is in a two year transitional period from I-AA to I-A and that's why they aren't currently in a conference. They officially will be a member of I-A in 2009 and will join the Sun Belt Conference.


Bowl eligible means what it means. A school is eligible to be invited to a bowl game but not guaranteed one. With them expanding to 34 bowl games there was some concern there would be 68 eligible teams but they ended up with 72 eligible teams. The only rule in place about who gets left home is if a conference is down to it's final bowl bid or if there is only one at-large bid left, a 7+ win team must be invited over a 6 win team.


With the current state of the economy I won't be surprised if a handful bowl games go belly up after this season.

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