12/7: A Message To College Fooball Fans
As most all of you know I'm not a big college football fan. However, for the past year or so I've tried getting into the sport more. And if I accept the fact that these are nothing more than meaningless exhibition games post-conference championships, I'm mostly OK with it all. However, this means I've missed the past 100 or so years of this sport, so there are some things that I need explained to me. Here's one. I'm looking at all the divisions out there, and notice there are some "independents," such as Notre Dame, Army and Navy. I knew there were some of these teams out there. (Notre Dame for one; I also know Penn State used to be one before joining the Big 11 10. Army and Navy all by themselves? Sure, I get that. (It's a little odd Air Force is in a conference but whatever.) But why is Western Kentucky all by its lonesome? Did they pee in the punchbowl one year or what?
On another subject, I have a question about teams becoming "bowel eligible." Does that mean they automatically go to a bowel game or does that mean they have the chance to do so but still risk not playing in one of these meaningless exhibitions if nobody wants them?
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