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2/8/06: Millions Of Condoms, 10 Choice Jobs

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• No wonder George W. Bush doesn’t care about black people –– look at how he was treated at Coretta Scott King’s funeral. Even though she was the dead one at this house of worship, it seemed that some of the speakers at the event were trying to bury the President of the United States. Culprit A was Rev. Joseph Lowry when he said, "We know now that there were no weapons of mass destruction over there. But Coretta knew, and we know, that there are weapons of misdirection right down here.” Culprit B was former president Jimmy Carter, who wasn’t much better by bringing up “secret wire tapping” along with racially charged drivel about Hurricane Katrina.


These two dipshits said what they did with the intention of belittling the president, who was seated nearby and had to take these insults with a smile. Didn’t these people learn anything from the Paul Wellstone memorial a few years ago? Keep the insults coming, I say, and watch Bush look like a sympathetic figure more and more each and every time.


• Here's what I don't get about Democrats. Hitlery is the latest lib to say that Republicans are playing the "fear card" of terrorism to win elections. And just what in the blue hell does your party do, senator? Whenever election season comes around, what exactly do you call saying that the GOP wants to starve children, throw the elderly in the gutter, pollute the planet, cut social security, slash Medicare, encourage hate crimes, among other things? I'll save my left-leaning friends the trouble of hitting the Fast Reply button and typing in "I call it the truth -- lolz."


• A list of the top 10 tech jobs was recently released, and after looking at this list I must agree with these rankings, considering I have no idea what most of the job titles mean.


• Monday Night Football is not only moving to a new station, but it's also getting a new announcing team. Replacing Al Michaels and John Madden will be Joe Theismann, Tony Kornheiser and Mike Tirico. Eh. Don't really care. I was probably one of the only people in this world that didn't mind the Sunday Night crew of Theismann, Mike Patrick and Paul Maguire, although it wouldn't have killed them to say a team they were commenting on was "average" or "not quite up to playoff caliber." Even though I have some issues with Michael Wilbon, I wouldn't mind having him replace Theismann in this lineup. This way we could listen for three hours of him and Kornheiser bicker back and forth, much like they do on “Pardon The Interruption.” However, I'd be sure to have the TV on mute whenever the Philadelphia Eagles are slated to appear during a telecast; the knob-slobbing of Donovan McNabb would be too much, even for Patrick to bear.


• The Brazilian government is planning on passing out 25 million condoms during the country's Carnival holiday, which is scheduled to start on February 25. Two things: 1) Even though the rate of failure among condoms is debated, let’s just assume for this instance that the failure rate is three percent. That means if you go to this festival, get a rubber from the government and do your thing, you could have one of the 750,000 that won’t stop your boys from getting out, or from anything else getting inside of you. 2) I wouldn’t eat government cheese, why would I slide something onto my winky that was given to me by the State?


• So there I was scouring the Internet looking for a photo of Britney Spears driving around with her kid sitting on her lap when I came across this blurb: “The paparazzi came to Britney Spears aid this week when the car which she was driving broke down on a busy road in Malibu. According to reports, Spears was driving her husband's Ferrari near her Malibu home when it suddenly cut out, leaving her stranded on a very busy highway.”


Her husband’s Ferrari? Uh-huh.


Oh, and here is that stupid picture.


• So USA Today is speaking out against those who are cowering in the face Muslims offended by cartoons. In a February 8 editorial titled, “Shameful Appeasement, the article says, “What's clear is that East and West are not just cultures apart, but centuries, and that certain elements of the Muslim world would like to drag us back into the Dark Ages. What is also clear is that the West's own leaders, both in Europe and the USA, as well as many of our own journalists, have been weak-spined when it comes to defending the principles of free expression that the artists in Denmark were exploring.”


Now after reading this editorial, you would think that USA Today would stand in solidarity with its Global Media brethren and show it’s readers what the fuss is all about with these drawings? In a February 7 USA Today’s Life section column, Deputy World Editor Jim Michaels said, "(At USA Today) we concluded that we could cover the issue comprehensively without republishing the cartoon, something clearly offensive to many Muslims. It's not censorship, self or otherwise.”


• And speaking of these offensives cartoons, I have come up with a way to bring everybody together on this issue. Maybe even Allah will chill out for a few minutes before getting mad at us infidels again.

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This new Monday Night Football crew is awesome. Tirico is the best in the business. His call of the crazy end of the Michigan v. Nebraska bowl game was outstanding. At a time when most announcers would be fumbling and stuttering with their cock in their hand, Tirico was right on top of the everything that was happening, telling the viewer--correctly--that the play was not dead and even naming every player involved in the lateral attempts (with the exception of some poor Offensive Lineman). So Tirico will be the voice of reason and stability while Kornheiser and Theismann engage in goofy banter.


Spears, as most celebs do, looks terrible in everyday life. She's trying to lose weight and has a potential endorsement deal with some lose-weight drug. Is she the next Jarrod...?



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Well let's just see how your better half looks like after she pops out a kid. BTW: Are you two lovebirds thinking about producing some demonspawn?


Oh, and I've heard that Cameron Diaz is one of the worst screen-to-real-life differences in the looks department.

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You can throw Pam Anderson, Christina Aguilera, and Kelly Clarkson right underneath Cameron Diaz for that list of folks who are BUTT ass ugly without the makeover.

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Here is a list of those that look good and bad in HDTV. Funny thing is in the 2005 list that can be found by clicking on a link on that page, Bush and Clinton are listed as those suffereing from HDTV. It's funny (and a little sad) to watch how Presidents age from their first year in office to their last.

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Regarding the HDTV list, it's unfair to pick on William Devane and Michael Douglas. Their OLD for crissakes.



Regarding a demonspawn, it's a strong possibility.

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Well if that's the case, then it's time to start drilling. Oh, remember that bridesmaid with the kid at my wedding? Well, she's about two weeks from popping out another one, and that baby's daddy said to her last night as she was walking out of the kitchen, "I'm surprised you don't have any food in your mouth." And from what I heard, it wasn't said in a joking manner.

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