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2/16: Gay Crowd Chants, Gayer Olympics

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• This was odd. I watched ESPN’s “Around the Horn” today and Jay Mariotti, Woody Paige or Bill Plaschke were on the program. The lineup featured Michael Smith, Jim Armstrong, Jackie MacMullan and Gene Wojciechowski. Wasn’t a bad show. I’ll say this about Gene Woj-something-or-other, he’s not on the show much, but he’s pretty good. I remember the last time Jay was away for a while and Gene stepped in; he won a few Showdowns but could never fill out his face-time and with five seconds life he’d just go “That’s it. I’m done.”


• So the Olympics are getting trounced in the ratings to Fox’s American Idol. Good. I don’t care about the Olympics, no matter what season it is. If other countries give a shit about their athletes winning in curling or some skiing competition, more power to them. For me, I don’t care if Bodie what’s-his-name finishes first or tenth in a race, nor do I care if Michelle Kwan dresses up and does a triple axle. It’s not like I’m a fan of American Idol either, although I might watch bits of the first few episodes of a new season if only to watch the freaks that think they can sing. However, in this case, I’m glad Simon Cowell is trouncing this year’s Winter Games.


Hey Olympic honchos, don’t feel like you’re getting whipped in the ratings. Think of it as taking the Silver.


• This incident reminded me of a funny story that took place when I lived in Ohio. The better half was applying to a few dozen schools for Ph.D. studies and of course she got rejected by all of them. One of them was the University of Miami of Ohio. Now these people had been assholes to Mrs. kkk because she actually had the nerve to follow up with a phone call confirming her materials were successfully received. Well, when she got the customary “You are impressive but you suck” rejection letter, there was something odd about it.


It was addressed to some chick in Toledo.


Not wanting to pass up a good chance to zing some faceless bureaucrat at an academic institution, I called the contact number that was on the letter and said “Hi, my name is Frank Winters, and I’m calling because there’s something that’s disturbing me. You see, my fiancée *Mrs. kkk* applied to your Ph.D. program, and I received a rejection letter for *I forget the name* from Toledo, Ohio. I’m worried because now I’m wondering if the woman I go to bed with every night is some sort of secret agent who goes by a variety of aliases. Either that or you people are so goddamn stupid that you can’t even stuff an envelope correctly. She paid *I forget the amount of money* to apply to your piece-of-shit school and you can’t even give her a proper rejection letter. How the fuck do you people keep your jobs? Call me at *home number* when you are able to figure this out, you incompetent pieces of shit.”


This is great stress-relief technique, by the way. And I sent the rejection letter to the Toledo chick. Never heard back from her.


• However, for as much as I loathe the university system, I have to give some basketball fans at Gonzaga props for doing a “Brokeback Mountain” chant during some recent basketball games. Naturally, this will qualify as “hate speech” or violate some hippie speech code. It’ll only be a matter of time before the free-speech Nazis ship these hoodlums off to the Concentration Camp of Tolerance for their misdeeds. From the article: “President Robert Spitzer has asked for a task force to investigate the campus climate.” Bah. Keep up the good work, I say. That’s definitely more creative than those stupid, “ooooooooooo” chants I hear more and more crowds performing nowadays.

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I follow Stanford basketball and they've had some fun chants especially in the late 90's. For UConn's Khalid El Amin who already had two kids when he was in college they chanted "Who's your baby?" and my personal favorite was for Mike Bibby who they chanted "Your dad hates you!" for him in reference to his dad Henry Bibby who he doesn't get along with.

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And speaking of Stanford.


The Stanford University tree has been toppled for being drunk on the job.


The student wearing the costume of the legendary mascot was suspended from duty after UC Berkeley police observed her drinking from a flask during a Stanford-Cal basketball game last week, officials said today.


"She was taking drinks inside the tree,'' said Kevin Klintworth, assistant athletic director at Cal. "The officers could see the flask through the costume.''

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I hate when fans chant about someone's personal life...i think it falls into the same theory of wrestling fans who chant merely to get themselves over (ECW fans, ROH fans, TNA fans, usually)...it has nothing to do with the game at hand...now I'm not gonna get all up in arms over it and shout that SOMETHING MUST BE DONE...I just think it's retarded and doesn't really have a place in sports.

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One more reason for you to hate the Winter Olympics: Whiny Boy Johnny Weir, U.S. Figure Skater. He whined about his accommodations (no room service, twin bed) and the fact that he had to take a bus, a BUS, instead of being provided a Limo to the arena. He said skating doesn't get the same respect in America that it does in Russia because Americans are to concerned with watching "men in spandex and helmets grabbing each other for 3 hours". Johnny, you're 5 minutes are up. The men's skating is over, you didn't medal, now go away forever.

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I hate when fans chant about someone's personal life...it has nothing to do with the game at hand...


I think it does, if you can get the opponent frazzled. If you can disturb the psyche of someone, making them miss a vital free throw, then that's what they call the home court advantage. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it's funny as hell.


And after all, calling someone a homo is one of the worst things you can do to a Musli... err... athlete.

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One more reason for you to hate the Winter Olympics: Whiny Boy Johnny Weir, U.S. Figure Skater. He whined about his accommodations (no room service, twin bed) and the fact that he had to take a bus, a BUS, instead of being provided a Limo to the arena. He said skating doesn't get the same respect in America that it does in Russia because Americans are to concerned with watching "men in spandex and helmets grabbing each other for 3 hours". Johnny, you're 5 minutes are up. The men's skating is over, you didn't medal, now go away forever.



I wanted to pop the little shit, the moment I saw him wearing an old CCCP warmup shirt during an interview.

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