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3/23: The Best of RIGHT-WING RADIO (Part IV)

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And down the final stretch I come. For those that don't know I'm commenting on people I know from this hippie list. If you want to read parts I-III then go to 3/11, 3/10, and 3/8.


I saw number 51 Doug McIntyre on Dennis Miller's short-lived CNBC show, and I liked him whenever he was on that Varsity panel.


52-53: Never heard of 'em.


Never listened to number 54's Mitch Album's radio show, but I see/hear him from time-to-time. That's enough for me.


55-60: Now I'm cruising – most of the rest of this list will probably be local people that aren't local in my market.


The only exposure I have received from the occupiers of the 61 spot (Bob & Tom) is from their television commercials. That is enough for me.


I don't hate Thom Hartmann, who is at 62, because he's a commie. I hate him because he was one of the people that were part of the "new" WPTT, which as a result bumped Boortz. Bastards. I listened to him once for about 5 minutes, laughed and switched back to Rush.


63-76: It says Tom Sullivan fills in for Rush, but with the exception of Walter Williams, I change the channel when there are fill-in hosts.


Now we're getting somewhere. Number 77 Fred Honsberger is a guy I have listened to on KDKA since 1994. When I was away from Shittsburgh from '99-'03, one of the few things I missed from that place was his radio show. "Honzman" is a perfect example of how local radio can compete with the evil CLEAR CHANNELS of the world. It's simple. Have an entertaining show. Fred's program goes up against Hannity in my market, and if Honsberger is taking calls from stupid union workers who loathe the Wal-Marts of the world, there is nothing more entertaining for my ears. Ever since WPGB started up, Fred's show has become a bit more "newsy," which means a lot more boring interviews. When this happens, I usually turn on Mark Madden's local sports show (Yes, that Mark Madden) or, if I'm feeling lucky, turn on Hannity and pray he's worth listening to for the next 20 minutes or so.


The second Shittsburgher on this list is number 78, Jim Quinn (with part-time sidekick Rose). I remember listening to this guy as a kid when he was a Top 40 DJ on some pop radio station called B-94 with a guy named Banana Don. Then Quinn got canned over some sexual harassment lawsuit by this chick that used to read the news. He then got on the RIGHT-WING RADIO bandwagon in the early '90s, when the market wasn't as saturated. Since then he has carved out a nice little niche for himself in the morning, and when he moved to WPGB after being on another station for a decade, he got a few more stations to broadcast his morning show from in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. The show itself isn't that great because most of what he does is read articles that other people wrote, but what else am I going to listen to early in the morning? Besides, he has this sound clip that he treats like Rush's old "caller abortions." It's the sound of someone ululating followed by an explosion; this sound clip was packaged as a key chain last year that was called the "Mobile Martyr," and yes, I bought one. The funny thing is this thing goes off whenever it wants, and there have been a few times I blew up a Palestinian youth when I didn’t mean to, much to the chagrin of some strangers around me.


Oh, and Quinn's old partner, Banana Don? He got canned a few years ago when Howard Stern moved to 93.7 FM.


79: Steve who? Next.


When I lived near Cincinnati, I didn't listen to number 80 Bill Cunningham, who was on WLW, a station I didn’t frequent (WKRC was my RIGHT-WING RADIO station of choice in Cincy), but I've heard him on Hannity's show as a guest, and I'd rather listen to Bill from 3-6 p.m. than Sean.


81-91: Dunno.


Like Cunningham, number 92 Mike McConnell was on WLW I didn't listen to him while living in Cincinnati. However, he also has this syndicated weekend show, and whenever I'm doing errands in the car, I make sure to tune him in. Good stuff.


93-95: Let’s skip Chip and friends.


The last person I know on this list is Bruce Williams (96), and I used to listen to him all the time while living in Sappy Valley. Basically, he's an old guy who gave all kinds of advice. My one former co-worker thought this would be an intellectual show, but in fact it was just the opposite. It was like Dr. Laura for people too cheap to get legitimate legal/financial assistance. There are two calls that I still remember after all these years. One dealt with a guy who wanted to buy a business from someone else (I think it was a pizza shop, but I’m not sure). He said that the seller claimed the business made a certain amount of money "on the books," which wasn't an impressive sum, but "off the books" it made a killing. He then asked Bruce if this was a good investment. Bruce responded with “So you’re going to take somebody’s word that his business, which is a failure on paper, makes money illegally?” Can’t remember what the caller said, but I don’t think he went with this investment opportunity. The other caller was some lady that got a $10,000 deposit in her bank account. She spent it all, and about a week later some bank from Canada told her the deposit was a mistake and that they wanted the money back. Bruce said to the lady, "Do you always spend money that's in your account which you didn't put there?" Her answer? "Yes."


97-100: The End.


Now there were a bunch of names off this list that were mentioned, but I don't feel like talking about any of them. Although I have to note that Lynn Cullen, a local Shittsburgh personality, isn't on this list -- so, WPTT, you took off Boortz, who's ranked NUMBER NINE on this list for someone who isn’t even featured? Go to hell, you joke of a radio station. Hell yeah I'm still bitter about this.


And also, why isn't Paul Harvey on this list?! The guy's more than 80 years old and is still pimping. :angry:

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Glad to hear you like Mike McConnell. I listen to him 9-12, because my workplace banned the web site where I used to get the Glenn Beck feed. Mike is great, christ he's been on since about 1987. He's had offers to move to LA and have a national show, but prefers the idyllic life in Cincinnati. There are a cast of kooky frequent callers to his M-F show that are hilarious. They always get a first class beat down from Mike.



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Is Beck still on WKRC, or are you not allowed radios at work?


Also, does McConnell deal with local issues for his morning show? He seems to be a libertarian-type guy, which is good, because it's always funny to rile up the Jesus freaks. When he gave his take on the syndicated show about Schiavo, boy did he get some hell for it. I didn't agree with him on the subject, but the people calling in were just awful.

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Radios are allowed, but Beck's been replaced on WKRC in favor of Tony Snow. There are some web sites that the "workplace filter" will not permit you to access, but some slip through the filter. It's nonsensical, you're allowed a radio but a web site that streams radio is not allowed because it's classified as "entertainment". But like I said, I can get Beck later in the day on a site that somehow gets through the filter.


Mike does both local and national stories.

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Tony Snow?! Oh Lord. Now that I think back, that radio station sucked. Those morning people were awful. Who were the WLW afternoon guys that did the retarded "We don't, we don't, we don't mess around" chant (please tell me McConnell isn't one of them)? I think that's what turned me off of WLW was hearing that.

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Well, now you're messin' around with a Cincinnati tradition. "Sports or Consequences" is a beloved segment on the Gary Burbank show. That chant is as well-known as Skyline chili or Montgomery Inn ribs. Mike isn't part of Burbank's show. His sidekick is a lame-ass called "Duke Sinatra". You talk about bad, that guy is the poster-boy for lousy radio.



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What a relief; that segment was as retarded as the guy who wears the bicycle helmet and bags your groceries with the eggs underneath the gallon of milk. And considering another Ciny tradition is to put pig sculptures up all over the place, I'll goof on whatever I want.

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