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The New Moses

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Swift Terror


ABC is rolling out a new "Ten Commandments" tonight. While listening to the various promos I always bust out laughing whenever Moses talks, not to mention just the audacity of remaking a DeMille classic is really treading on thin ice. The reason I laugh is the ridiculous upper crust Amero-British accent that Moses is sporting. Now, Hollywood has always given the ancient Romans British accents. Fine, whatever. The Romans need to come across as Imperial, the ruling elite, etc. and nothing says elite like a good British accent. But here we're talking ancient Egypt. Hebrews and Egyptians for crissakes. An ancient Hebrew with a British accent?


All I can think of when I hear this guy's accent is Joan Collins in Dynasty. It's not really a pure British accent, more like a pretenious American blue blood trying to sound British.





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By the way, the Red Sea parting does NOT look any better than it did in 1956. (It always looked fine to me, considering the technology with which they had to work.)



Oh, and they shoulda got George Clooney to play Moses. He could've tossed in an alzheimer's joke, maybe have an entire alzheimer's subplot.


Whoever the hell is playing Ramses is a wuss. Yul Brenner could simply look at the guy and he'd drop into a fetal position.

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All I can think of when I hear this guy's accent is Joan Collins in Dynasty. It's not really a pure British accent, more like a pretenious American blue blood trying to sound British.



Paging Madonna and Gweneth Paltrow.

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