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Everything posted by HVilleThugg

  1. HVilleThugg

    Ground Zero Comments

    Well, funny you should mention it Ash, but that's the whole reason I've been working on thie SWF Archiving application. It's not done yet, mainly because I haven't had the time to finish it, but it should go into beta within the next 2 weeks. The idea will be that everyone who has the archived matches from IGN will be able to log in and post the matches. Then, everyone else can just search for stuff and find matches and promos based on what they search. It doesn't have to only be IGN stuff, but I figured we could start with that since that's the stuff that isn't public to everyone. I'll give out more information about it when we're closer to beta, and if you're interested, I need like 3 people to beta test thing thing for me when it's ready, so...if you wanna do that for me....uhhhh, PM me or something. Da "should be cool" H
  2. HVilleThugg

    Ground Zero Comments

    I totally agree Frost...and that's kind of my point. I wasn't trying to tell people to care about me...I was more trying to point out that it hurts that people don't. I understand why people don't...I'm not very active anymore (although I'm more active than I was a few months ago). That's just a fact...people deal more with the present than the past, especially around here...I know that. I was just merely trying to comment on something that I felt and that Mark might feel too. And I do agree with the trendiness of Edwin and King praise...believe me, I know. And that's fine...also, I'm not much of a toot my own horn kind of guy. I don't really like to go around saying, "here...look at this...aren't I great" (although you probably can't tell that from my last post, which was essentially, I'm great...now love me). Since I'm not one to pass out pamphlets on how great I am, and I'm not very active, I can't expect people to care about me. I know that and accept it...however, and this is my general point....it still hurts. Whether I accept it or not...whether I do anything aqbout it or not....it still hurts that people don't care. And I know how it feels when you work hard on something and no one seeme to care. Oh, and what are you talking about you liking my last run...dude...that sucked ass. No offense to Bo, but the reason it sucked is because it was a burnt out angle...something that Ive run countless times. I came back so that I could do things with people like you and Tom and Danny, but I ended up just rehashing old angles with Bo, and in the end, it was just the same old shit, just a different day. So, personally, I think it sucked....although, I liked how I was turning Thugg into a sell out, but for me, it was just boring because the immediate angle I was running was EXACTLY the same as 2 before it. I guess you may have liked it since you weren't around for the first two, but I hated it. Da "don't forget asbout the show" H
  3. HVilleThugg

    Promo: Out of Action

    Well, here we go...the traditional, end of summer, mass exodus. Happens every year...people leave at the end of summer for school or work or whatever....it's sad though. Our roster was really starting to look solid, but it looks like we're gonna have to do more to get more people in here. Question: What can we do to make it easier for people to stick around during school and such? I know most of it is a time factor, so how can we make it less time consuming or make it easier to stay when you've got other committments? Oh, and sad to see Janus go....really liked him and his character...maybe because I'm partial to hosses, but I liked him. Damn. Da "knew it was coming" H
  4. HVilleThugg

    Ground Zero Comments

    Ejiro, you do make a good point...which is that in your opinion, the angle isn't a mark out moment for you, mainly because you don't know Mark as more than just the announcer, and you don't know King as more than the commissioner. And you certainly entitled to feel that way. However, Mark's point isn't that you insulted him or that you think he sucks. It's more that he felt his contribution to the fed was greater than it seems it is. He's not mad at you for not caring, but it is the fact that you don't care that is kind of upsetting to him. It's upsetting to me as well. It doesn't make you a bad person or a jackass or anything, it's just a reminder to him and all of us old vets that our glory years have passed, and the last thing we want is for our memory to die. I went through this very same thing last time I came back, which is...all the hard work I put into this fed during my time here has been forgotten and now I"m jsut some old guy who hangs around, and while people respect me, no one truly (or ever will truly) respect me the way they did when I was active. No one will ever be scared to face me...much like, when I started to make my push, I wasn't afraid of people like PDS or Rane, because they were before my time and by the law of evolution, I'm just going to be better than them. Now, that may not be true, but it's something that inevitably happens...the student outshines the teacher. The problem is, the teacher knows this, but dammit if it doesn't still hurt. And, the last thing the teacher wants is to be forgotten. And that's what it boils down to. Us old-timers, that in all honesty, paved the way for you guys and if it wasn't for us busting our asses week in and week out, the SWF would have died a long time ago. Also, let's look at something else that may or may not be making Mark upset...I know it upsets me. One these boards and in chat and in general conversation, there is constant praise bestowed upon King...and to a lesser extent, Edwin. Not that they don't deserve it, because believe me, they do...but it's hard for me (and I can't speak for Mark, but I bet he feels the same way), to never see our name mentioned amongst the best in the history of the fed. It's hard to look at people praise King constantly while people like me and Mark get no love. I mean, Mark won like every single title in the SWF and held the world title 2 twice! He was the locker room workhorse and became world champion when no one thought he would. Likewise, I held the JL world title for a record 53 days, a record that still stands today. I held the ICTV title for a then-record 61 days (or something like that), only to have it broken a year later. Not only did I hold the SWF title, but I broke a record that people thought would never be broken, in that I held the WF title for like 67 days, breaking Rane's old record. Not only did I break that record...but I broke it TWICE! Now, I understand why these complishments by myself and Mark are forgotten. There have been many world champs since Mark...and other, more flamboyant people have held a lot of titles. My JL record is what it is...a JL record that not many people care about. My world title record was torched not only by Edwin, but then by ELM. So I understand why no one cares about that...but the fact still remains that Mark and I did accomplish a lot. You don't forget Babe Ruth or Hank Aaron even though their records are broken. I know it's hard for me to know that people don't really respect what I did. I know it's not because they're mean or anything, but it's the nature of what we do. Things move fast, and people's careers are luck to span more than a year, so there is a lot of turnover. But dammit...it still hurts! And I think that's what Mark is feeling right now...he's hurt because no one cares. He's not saying you're wrong for not caring....but it does hurt that you don't care. I guess maybe us old-timers are delusional in thinking that people who join up will go back and see the kind of history they are becoming a part of...go back and see who came before them...go back and get a feel for the elite group of individuals they are now joining...go back and see the kind of people they might aspire to be like. I dunno....maybe that's silly....but when we were active, we were thought of as living legends....greats that would never die. It's just painful to see that wasn't true, and that we are indeed forgotten and by that means, might as well be dead (figuratively). I hope that sheds some light on why Mark could be upset by the lack of attention his angle with King is getting. If I"m wrong about any of this Mark, please correct me. I just have a gut feelling that you and I feel the same about this. Oh, and Mark, you also have to remember that the SWF is full of many more Smarks than we have every had, and you know how they feel about non-wrestling angles. Not a knock on the smarks, but I'm just saying that they don't usually look too favorably on non-wrestling types doing angles. Da "sorry to drop my pain on you guys, but that's how I feel" H
  5. HVilleThugg

    Promo: Press Release

    You ass fucker! Da "glad to see Frost go...fucker!" H
  6. Wait? Huh? Frost retured? Why? What? I'm very confused... And Muzz has low self-esteem and wishes people to verbally assault him? Well, it is comforting to know that some things never change. Muzz, yo momma so fat, she be on both sides of your family. ...and yo grandmomma so fat, she sits next to everybody. Da "got the old school momma jokes flyin' " H
  7. HVilleThugg

    Ground Zero Comments

    Well, let's not be too hard on the people that no show. We haven't had a problem with no shows in a while now, so I don't think we should ream them totally. I guess it's just frustrating because of the timing of these no shows and the reasons for them. It just so happens that this was the first PPV that we actually advertised on other boards and other websites, trying to get more people to check us out. It just so happens that this will probably be the first time that people other than those reading my words now will actually be reading your matches. So, the timing could not be worse for these no shows. Also, I think what's upsetting CC is that this was a PPV and the majority of the no show reasonings were essentially, "I didn't feel like writing," or "I didn't have any motivation," and stuff like that. Not that there's anything wrong with those reasons, per say, but I think CC has to wonder: If you can't get up for PPV, then what can you get up for? I mean, I've been in that situation where you just don't feel up for writing or whatever, and that's cool...I just think that CC feels like you would force yourself for a PPV. A regular show...whatever, that's cool...but they figured a PPV, where we on CC worked very hard to advertise and get the word out there, you woulf force yourself to write. I'm not mad...I'm just trying to give possible reasons for King's (and maybe other CC members) anger and frustration. Now...on to the PPV comments: I can't dwell on the no shows because what was there was excellent. Window Pane match....superb. I'm going to go back and read in depth...that and the Main event and the cage match. Johnny Dangerous is back! And he's a heel! That'll be a hell of a fued...Dangerous vs. Wildchild! WOOO! And why has no one yet mentioned this HUGE news: MARK STEVENS HAS BEEN FIRED!! WTF??? King, you jackass! I'm sorry, buy if this is going where I think it's going....BY GAWD! This is gonna be a huge angle, and a very much anticipated Genesis match! That's all I have so far. I"m gonna have to wait until tomorrow to post the results of this PPV on the other boads, mainly because I wanna see if we can't get a few of those no shows cleaned up. Da "sweet PPV..." H
  8. HVilleThugg

    Empire Fed?

    Well, I'm already entered the tourney myself, but they're only allowing 2 slots for each fed. But, since there will probably be spots left over, you all can probably get on anyway. I'll enter myself as a free agent to free up those 2 spots for SWF guys to get down. I already put Conklin in there, so... And as far as SWF guys whooping up...there isn't a doubt in my mind that we will crush them. Mcl is already raving about our shows, and I, having never RPed a day in my life prior, just creamed some dude in a challenge match, who supposedly was good. So, if I, ye of the punch, punch, whip, finisher philosophy, can do it...anyone can. Da "and that's the damn truth" H