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Everything posted by {''({o..o})''}

  1. {''({o..o})''}

    HHH injured AGAIN...

    Triple H: Come 'ere! Chris Jericho: What are you going to do, bleed on me? Triple H: I'm invincible! Chris Jericho: You're a loony. Triple H: Triple H always triumphs! Have at you! Come on then. [whop] [Chris Jericho chops the Triple H's other leg off] Triple H: All right; we'll call it a draw. Chris Jericho: Come, Christian. Triple H: Oh, oh, I see, running away then. You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!
  2. {''({o..o})''}

    HHH injured AGAIN...

    If this keeps up Triple H is gonna steal Zach Gowens gimmick of a one legged wrestler.
  3. {''({o..o})''}

    HHH injured AGAIN...

    Without his kicks how will he set up the pedigree?
  4. {''({o..o})''}

    HHH injured AGAIN...

    Personally I think its just Karma.
  5. {''({o..o})''}

    I cant open pop-up windows

    Control panel to Internet options to Advanced and then there should be an option to restore default settings.
  6. {''({o..o})''}

    I cant open pop-up windows

    Have you replaced your Hosts file in your Windows folder? Or have you uninstalled a pop-up stoper recently? I had a problem like this before when I uninstalled a pop-up killer which left me unable to open any windows. I fixed it by going to my control panel and restoring IE default settings. If not I wish you luck because I know it sucks.
  7. {''({o..o})''}

    HHH injured AGAIN...

    ^ Nash?
  8. {''({o..o})''}

    HHH injured AGAIN...

    Walking probably.
  9. {''({o..o})''}

    Do I HAVE to get an import PS2 to play...

    Opps my bad here's a page in dollars. http://tomekswholesale.zoovy.com/category/...ps2repairparts/ Check around though they sell these anywhere and you can probably find them cheaper. Just do a google search.
  10. {''({o..o})''}

    How can I get .avi's to work on KaZaA?

    If you mean preview them whilst still downloading you need to get a version of kazza lite with K-dat or a similar program. It creates a temporary file that can be read usaully with Avi-preview. Go to www.k-lite.tk and download the newest version. Then go to the Tools taskbar and you should be all set.
  11. {''({o..o})''}

    Do I HAVE to get an import PS2 to play...

    If you get a Fliptop for your PS2 you can play KOC. It takes about 15 minutes to install and comes with 2 boot discs, one for cd games and another for dvd games. EDIT: Check out http://www.console-direct.co.uk/fliptoplid.htm for more info.
  12. {''({o..o})''}

    Times Shawn Michaels tapped out in a match

    Didn't Bret Hart also tap at Suvivor Series '97 to Shawn Mic... What do you mean screwjob?
  13. {''({o..o})''}

    One Million Reasons why Johnson

    5. He thinks Kobe is the most recognized man in sports around the world.
  14. {''({o..o})''}


    Johnson is needed to meet this boards idiot quota. Without posters like him all boards get boring real fast. Btw that fish pic gave my 4 year old nephew nightmares for a week.
  15. {''({o..o})''}

    Sean O Haire

    Sorry to beg but can anybody post this segment? The power went out at my friends house during most of this segment. Thanks in advance. Oh yeah O'Haire is one cool hombre.
  16. {''({o..o})''}

    Dirty Old Stan Lee is at it again.

    Do you mean cancelled as in not on the air or cancelled as in not making any more? If not making anymore that happened before the first epsiode aired.
  17. {''({o..o})''}

    How will they crap up Smackdown's

    What "Prove Me Wrong" isn't a catchphrase? We both are fans of Benoit that is obvious. When we watch we watch as smarks. We like our technical workers and we like having a nice oldschool mentaility to our interviews. Benoit is like Bret Hart in many respects in that like you said he's quick and to the point. The thing is though he can't give a money interview. He can't make the crowd come alive when he talks. He has gotten quite a bit better since his return to Smackdown since his surgery but in most of the cases all his decent work has been with superior mic workers. He can't improvise to the crowds mood with his promos, and if he loses his momentum he loses the crowd. His best promos have been backstage promos talking about his personal life which in all likelyhood had to be taped a couple of times. Once again this if from a fan. I'm not comparing him to the blackhole of Charisma Billy Kidman.
  18. {''({o..o})''}

    How will they crap up Smackdown's

    Well that would explain Nathan Jones, Scott Steiner, Mark Jindrak, and so many more recently that it could be true. I heard on Wrestling Observer Live I think that the road agents are quite careful not to say anybody sucks in order to avoid stepping on the toes of some of the management(i.e. everyone giving passing notes to Booker vs. Bagwell before that dreaded raw match.)
  19. {''({o..o})''}

    How will they crap up Smackdown's

    While Benoit can get a real nice intensity on the mic to say he doesn't suck at it is blind hero worship. And thats from a huge fan of his.
  20. {''({o..o})''}

    Well Vince already hates Ultimo

    Already posted. Twice in fact.
  21. {''({o..o})''}

    How will they crap up Smackdown's

    Like you just said A-Train is a good example of a WWE push. Get wins on some jobbers one week, disapears to Velocity for a few more, and isn't taken seriously as a result. This not really the fault of A-Train in this case becauses WWE wastes so many like this. If Heyman or Oldschool WCW had free reign with A-Train his weaknesses would be hidden and his strengths showplaced. I agree A-Train sucks on the mic but so does one of my favorites Chris Benoit and in fact so did Vader for the most part. Thats why a Harley Race was used with Vader and an Arn Anderson or Ric Flair or Heyman should be used today with the weak mic workers. Vader got over by squashing Sting not much after his debut, if anybody got to do this today with a WWE main eventer the fans would care.
  22. {''({o..o})''}

    How will they crap up Smackdown's

    Well hasn't WWE switched over to a slower style? I'm not a A-Train fan by any means but I have to believe that management pretty much decides on his attire or lack there of. Also Vader got a program with a redhot Sting and still somewhat young Ric Flair. Are we to compare this with a couple of matches with Benoit that were quite Ok and teaming up with Test, facing Funaki in a best of 100 of 199 series? Remember the great match vs Kane a while ago? Kane has to be carried to a good match and A-Train did it. And while he does use big man offense he is using different and usaully quite cool moves compared to a lot of the others Hosses~! I just watched a lot of Vader matches off Kazaa and he wasn't exactly a thin ball of energy. He has a unique look different from the cookie cutter image WWe is favoring lately. BTW I can't believe I used my 100th post defending A-Train
  23. {''({o..o})''}

    How will they crap up Smackdown's

    I really don't get the A-Train hate. He tries hard, is constantly adding some to a pretty good moveset, and could become quite a worker if he went on a couple of tours in Japan or put in with some more skilled opponents. I think if Vader, one of the best big men ever, was debuting today he would get booed just because of his fatness.
  24. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only RAW Thread

    I would like to believe that Shanes return is set up just to put Kane over, but quite honestly when was the last time that WWE has put over the person that would make sense? Undertaker over Cena last night and tonight on Raw the announcers totally harping on the fact that Jericho didn't beat Micheals on his own should solidfy the fact that the Ego stroking takes preference over making sense and making money.
  25. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only RAW Thread

    That shark had a better workrate than Nash.