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Blog Comments posted by bob_barron

  1. Bob, from the looks of your pictures...you got your ass kicked A LOT in school, didn't you. Like, did you EVER get to keep your lunch money?


    Never got my ass kicked once. No one really ever got beat up at my school. Plus I usually brought my lunch.


    With my mouth and the horribly offensive things that come out of it, people always say I'm going to get beat up one day. I'm still waiting.

  2. Explain to me how they suspend their disbelief.  Really.  Don't make me watch ROH.  I just can't


    Booing Austin Aries whenever he did anything during his match against Punk, and cheering Punk for the same. Isn't that suspending disbelief?


    Ditto the Embassy. The fans for the most part HATE Jimmy Rave.


    Another match is Strong v. Punk from Escape from New York. The crowd was begging for Strong to chop the shit out of Punk and take the title.


    The biggest example is Jimmy Rave though, since people really hate the guy. Whenever I see him walking around, I ignore him, since I do hate the guy.


    And people have been raving about feuds in ROH since 2003 since the Raven-Punk feud.


    I haven't heard/read it.  Anything I've read about good "feuds" were because of the matches involved in the feuds rather than any stories being told.  Actually, wait a sec.  Raven or Dreamer pouring beer down Punks throat was part of that angle, I remember that.  Yeah, that's about it, actually. My point still stands - ROH fans don't watch ROH for the feuds.  They watch for more smarkish reasons like "match quality", and their emotional involvement (as Loss mentioned) is kept to a bare minimum.  This leads to more "chants" than "cheers".


    I really don't know what you're trying to argue here. ROH hooked its fanbase on doing indy dream matches for the first little bit. That was starting to get stale, so during their Reborn process, the booking philosophy changed a bit and now most of the matches on the show usually have a lot of backstory and further the feuds.


    I still don't see what the problem is with fans watching a show because they will get a good in-ring product. ROH fans DO get emotionally involved in matches. Aries v. Joe from Final Battle is another example.


    I don't understand how can you rip on the fanbase when you've never been to a show. And at the ROH Board, after every show there's always a thread where people complain about the behaviour of the fans and it gets annoying.


    I've been to indies before, one in particular was comprised of many folk who would (and have) go to ROH shows.  They did the dueling chants.  Some decided to chant both names at the same time.  Think about that.  Not very genuine.  Besides, not actually being in the crowd doesn't disqualify me from commenting on them, or basing an opinion on them, or being absolutely annoyed by them.  The fans (YOU, Bob) are annoying.


    The dueling chants can be lame, but I'll never understand people in the ROH fanbase who just get so anal about what the crowd is doing and what they're chanting, and can't just enjoy the show and have a good time. I mean seriously, it's just wrestling. I mean OMG half the fans are chanting for one guy, the other half are chanting for the other guy, let go and have fun.


    And at Escape from New York, the chants for Homicide and Lethal were legit, because fans were emotionally involved in the Lethal v. Rotts feud.


    Because if sound wasn't an important part of the show, they wouldn't mic the rings, or have announcers.  But they do, so it is.  I can't just watch a show in silence, Bob.  Besides, the crowds reaction should be dictated by the wrestlers.  If the crowd is going out on their own and coming up with several retarded chants that have nothing to do with whats going on in the ring, then whats going on in the ring can't be that good, now can it?


    You're generalising again. Not every match has chants and the fans trying to put themselves over. The wrestlers do get the crowd into their matches, just watch any of the big ROH matches with guys like Homicide, Punk, Joe, Gibson, Aries, etc.


    I mean I go to ROH shows to slap the wrestler's hand, go crazy for Nigel, call Lacey a whore, see my friends and see some good wrestling. Most ROH fans go to the show just to have a good time and good wrestling. Not with some grand notion of how to put themselves over.


    And not with the notion of storylines and feuds, it seems from you discription smile.gif


    I'll go to any ROH show if its in my area and I'm home for it because I like the product they put out. And I do get emotionally invested in the feuds. I mean I get into the big storylines and usually end up booing the heels like mad, and going crazy for the faces. Unless it's Nigel.



    Kobashi vs Joe

    Greatest. Match. Ever. First, the crowd was absolutely on fire for this match. Kobashi was getting a lot of cheers and would get the fans on their feet by just looking at them and hulking up. I have never seen Joe so intense for this match. He came up with Lethal as his second/assistant. Match starts with Joe slapping Kobashi and Kobashi returning the favor. The first Kobashi chop gets the fans on their feet. Kobashi is thrown outside and Joe hits him with a baseball slide (maybe i dont remember well) and hits a suicide dive onto him for "Holy ****" chants. Goes back inside for some insane stiff chopping which gets the electric crowd on their feet. It goes back outside where Joe hits an ole ole kick. However, Kobashi avoids the second one and instead hits a move of his own which received a huge pop but I couldn't see. Kobashi DDTs Joe on the floor. Goes back inside for more chopping. Joe eventually gets control after a Kobashi abdominal stretch and starts locking on submission holds. Eventually Joe reverses a Kobashi suplex into a suplex of his own. Joe places him on the turnbuckle and hits him with a Muscle Buster! Crowd is going wild for only a two count. Joe hits a power bomb and flows into an STF. Kobashi almost gets the ropes but Joe in a crossface holds back his arm! Kobashi finally gets to the ropes. Kobashi eventually regains control and hits joe in the corner with a bunch of chops, leading to a huge pop. Kobashi then hits not one but two Half Nelson Suplexes! Joe kicks out of a couple of pins but then is met with a sleeper into a sleeper suplex! There might have been some more moves afterwards but eventually Kobashi gets pumped up and hits Joe with a crazy lariat for the win. Crowd goes nuts and chants ROH!


    Look at the self-importance. NINE references to the crowd in this. And, apparently, the match was SO great that the FIRST thing this guy had to say about it was something about THE FANS. Was the ECW audience even this absorbed into being ECW fans? Well, they *did* chant "ECW"...



    Okay, so the crowd was into Kobashi v. Joe, which apparently was the best match in ROH history. I fail to see the problem.

  3. I rarely _ever_ hear anyone report on or talk about how good a feud is when it comes to ROH, so I find that very hard to believe.


    I've listed a bunch of big ROH feuds they've had. In 2002-2003 they did have matches that existed just for people to clap at spots and all that, but they've evolved.


    Punk drawing in Chicago?  Get OUTTA here. 


    The show drew because people wanted to see Punk kick Rave's ass in the cage match, since last time they met in Chicago, Rave blinded him and beat up his girlfriend.


    Saying War Games is the selling point of a show is proving my point exactly.  Any buzz surrounding that match won't be "I can't wait for this to blow off", it's going to be "That match is going to be crazy! ROH~! WAR GAMES!  I'M GONNA START A FOUR HORSEMEN CHANT!"


    No, people want to see The Embassy get their asses kicked, and see Strong and Aries kick it. Isn't that wrestling? And no, no one would start a Four Horsemen chant. Again Rudo, you don't go to the shows. I agree the dueling chants are sometimes lame, and I hate people who cheer Cide, but you generalising a whole fanbase.


    ROH Fans don't suspend disbelief. They wouldn't do and chant the shit they do if they did.

  4. Yes they do.


    Watch Punk v. Rave in the steel cage match. Or some stuff from the Lethal/Joe v. Rotts feud, Punk v. Aries. ROH fans can suspend their disbelief.


    And people have been raving about feuds in ROH since 2003 since the Raven-Punk feud.


    I don't understand how can you rip on the fanbase when you've never been to a show. And at the ROH Board, after every show there's always a thread where people complain about the behaviour of the fans and it gets annoying.


    Why let other people affect your enjoyment of a show? I mean I go to ROH shows to slap the wrestler's hand, go crazy for Nigel, call Lacey a whore, see my friends and see some good wrestling. Most ROH fans go to the show just to have a good time and good wrestling. Not with some grand notion of how to put themselves over.

  5. ROH earned its rep on the good wrestling and used it to draw people in with feuds. Now all the matches are usually based on storyline and feuds.


    Take the Punk v. Rave feud, that helped them draw huge numbers in Chicago for the blowoff.


    And the main selling point of 12/3 looks to be the War Games.


    CM Punk wasn't a heel his last night in ROH, and fans do suspend beliefs. You should see the Embassy.

  6. I'm glad you spoke higly of Nigel, HTQ. He's my favourite wrestler in ROH, I just love watching him wrestle. I felt so bad for him at Escape of New York when his match with Colt got shit on, since it was real good and Nigel was an awesome hell.


    Defintely check out his match with Colt from Night of Grudges 2. A shit show, but a fun match. Nigel's also a really cool guy, he doesn't seem to mind that I have to talk to him for 30 minutes after each show. He's going to be on HEAT this week.


    I could see Gabe's point in the Gibson thing, but indy wrestling wars are so 2002.


    Some more names just throwing them out there:






    Jimmy Rave


    Jack Evans

    Prince Nana

    Rob Feinstein

    Steve Corino

    Dan Wahlers


    As funny as a vegetable that’s grown into a rude and amusing shape.


    Yea, you're going to have explain that to me. smile.gif


    Bob brings the content to the wrestling forums, and he’s one of the better posters around. I don’t always agree with what he says, but he usually can back up what he says.


    Thanks. I have my biases, but I try not to let them get in the way of good discussion.

  7. Thank god.  If two guys who like sissy television and movies can't stick together, we're done for.


    I'd kill to be called ornery.  You could call me Ornerudo.  It'd be great times.


    The Perfect Man wasn't sissy- it had a Jewish PIMP!~ and Mike O'Malley.


    But I'm glad we're buddies again Rudo. I think me posting the lyrics to A Country Boy Can Survive may have caused me to drop a bit in HTQ's eyes though. sad.gif

  8. ROH shouldn't have used Matt Hardy. Their fanbase should be smart enough to know that Hardy is just there to further a WWE angle, and that is the absolute last thing that ROH fans want to see at an ROH show. And then to have Hardy make Chris Daniels tap out? Even with the interference of CM Punk, that one was just stupid. Sapolsky must be smoking something low grade if he agreed to that, not least because Daniels isn't getting his heat back from Hardy.


    Considering ROH got almost 1,000 fans for their show, that Hardy was over, that the Hardy v. Daniels match was over, that CM Punk became a heel because of it, and now everyone really wants to see Punk v. Daniels- how can you say they shouldn't have used him?


    Daniels took tons of punishment from Hardy, kicked out of his Twist of Fate and only lost because of Punk. Daniels came out of the match looking great.


    Hardy did his usual disses of Edge and Lita, and got a fuck Johnny Ace chant going, but then put over ROH on the mic and proceeded to have a good match.
