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Everything posted by TheInsane

  1. TheInsane

    Booker T vs Buff Bagwell

    I saw it for the first time today so its out of context and all but the match itself isnt half as bad as some people make it out to be. I was expecting a train wreck like that awful intergender match in 2002 (or 03) with Jackie Gayda and Trish Stratus. Cant remember who the males were but it was awful. Booker vs Buff was very much acceptable according to me - as a wrestling match that is.
  2. From the standpoint of WWE Hardy was the better man to sign again. He's over no matter what they do with him. People dont seem to care about Haas though. As to who's decison to come back was worse on a personal level I dont know. Its a shame they cant do anything interesting with Haas. He's a good in ring performer. They could even have changed his name because most wouldnt recognze him anyway.
  3. TheInsane

    Has Mick Foley ruined his legacy?

    He hasnt ruined his legacy but it is becoming weaker and weaker by every passing week right now. He used to be a big favorite of mine abck in 1994 and I always held him in high regard but the latest Foley stuff just havent been that good. I enjoyed some parts of the Edge angle and the match itself was awesome but apart from that + the Carlito bullshit he's sunk down a notch. And the ECW feud is weird because Foley is alligned with a heel. A heel he feuded with just before he became friends with him nontheless. This makes people boo this alliance. However their competition is ECW who also is portrayed as the heels in the eyes of WWE. Maybe ECW could be said to be tweeners. This leads to the bad reactions for both sides. Because if you havent noticed ECW isnt nearly as over as it was around this time last year. Yes, definately. Boh the angle and the match would have been better I think. They are working against the odds now with a stupid angle and 3 guys who arent all that active in the ring anymore.
  4. TheInsane

    The best generation to be a wrestling fan?

    Im not qualified to say since I only know of the wrestling that I grew up with. I started watching in 1992/1993 as a kid (I was about 9 at the time). WWF at that time was made for the kids and as I grew up so did WWF and WCW. And then I discovered ECW and through that all the puroresu stuff which I came to love. Im happy being in this generation as a wrestlingfan. However who knows if the 70ies was better for my personal taste? I dont know since I havent seen stuff from that era. I have nu clue about anything before the 70ies as well. And then there have always been many different promotions so the stuff I know good is basically WWF 1993/1994 (on swedish tv), WCW 1994/1995 (they switched from WW to WCW) and then they cancelled wrestling altogether. I have selected knowledge of 1997/1998 WWF and then selected ECW as well. In 2001 with the Internetboom I was able to watch wrestling full time again. So this is the only thing I really know. I dont know much old NWA stuff, puro int he 80'ies, independents in the 80'ies, the historical stuff of really early wrestling etc. Im happy where I am right now but maybe another era would be better for me, I dont really know. If we ask in 10 years time alot of people will claim that those past 10 years was the best. If we would have asked the question in the70ies they would probably say the last 10-20 years was the best time etc. Its all about where we are in history. Of course we have fond memories about the stuff we know because, well, we KNOW of it. Someone said that we know why Ric Flair is the greatest. True, but ask the same thing in the 80ies and people would claim that that era was great because no one had forgotten about Thez or Sammartino. As a casual fan today and they wont know who they were (they might recognize the names from a hall of fame or something).
  5. TheInsane

    Booker T's New T-Shirt

    Exhibit A: Vince McMahon, CEO of a multi-million dollar business, on national TV with his pants around his ankles, forcing another man to kiss his bare ass. So what? Wrestling has some horrible stuff but thats not why we watch is it? I mean if someone is a fan enough to buy a shirt or even discuss wrestling on a message board regulary he shouldnt care. Im not ashamed of the bad stuff WWE does if I wear a shirt. My shirts display what I think is GOOD in the wrestling world. Compare it to a record company. If you wear a shirt with your favorite band it means that you support them (but they are signed to, work for and use a record company. You might hate another band on the same label but it doesnt really matter now does it? You dont wear thats hirt to support them. If I wear my Benoit shirt it doesnt mean I embrace the Diva search bullshit or the stupid firing of JR angle. If some people connect it to those stupid things its really their problem. If they are stupid enough to draw such conclusions I dont see why I should even bother with what they think. Get my point? I say, be proud of what you are and of what you like (and support it). Dont pay attention to the assholes who judge you for wearing a wrestling shirt. People like that doesnt deserve to be your friend anyway.
  6. TheInsane

    Tough Enough 1 or 2 question

    During the first or second season of tough enough they had to say no to one of their initial picks. He "didnt pass the physical" as they said. Does anyone know what exactly you had to be able to do to pass the physical?
  7. Im not a big fan of making Burchill into a comedy guy however what reation from live crowds do you expect when you job out a wrestler in tv for several weeks straight? Do WWE think he would get over as "the pirate who always loses in less than a couple of minutes"? Fucking stupid...
  8. TheInsane

    Your dream WWE

    - No more mandatory boob jobs or haircuts. Fuck the generic OVW graduate look. ^^ I second that as well. Individuality is the key.
  9. Sabu somehow picked up his game during that last TNA stint. Someone already said it could be great or it could be a disaster. They are so different. I just hope it involves alot of tables because both men could do some cool stuff with that. And be sure that Rey will be the ultimate heel here. He was booed on the last ONS and now he goes up against Sabu who's a ECW icon. I hope it will be good.
  10. TheInsane

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Someone wrote: "funny Kurt Angle > opissed off Kurt Angle" I actually think thats the norm to think like that. I prefer it the other way around (if the pissed Angle is a heel of course).
  11. TheInsane

    Your dream WWE

    Agreed! I also enjoy SD a whole lot more than RAW. However people dont seem to think like me and without main eventers the ratings are bad and Im thinking its threatening the show. The best would be if both RAW and SD were on about the same level. Competition wise I mean.
  12. TheInsane

    Your dream WWE

    Ok Im gonna break this up into sections: People I want WWE to push (more than they are): Carlito Haas - pushed as a wrestling amchine, maybe get him a mouthpiece? Eugene - as Nick Dinsmore or something else that is serious Rob Conway - Repackage him and give him another chance Val venis - At least try one more time with something new he can do Finlay - He's got a good push but he could be pushed abit higher still Matt Hardy - He does deserve better than to be a jobber. He could easilu be in US/IC title level. Paul Burchill - Future main eventer. Nuff said William Regal People I would get rid off: All the Divas who cant wrestle and isnt a good valet/manager. Viscera Great Khali Boogeyman - I have enjoyed some skits with him but he's awful in the ring and the gimmick is very limited. Jake Jesse Road Warrior Some people like the Bashams and Sylvan and others I havent seen in a looooong time so I wont say alot about them. Big changes: Its clear that Vince dislikes a crusierweight division. So break that up and make the crusiers into tag teams. It seems like Vince tollerates them as teams a whole lot more than as singles competitors. Along with this make SD the tag team brand with the only tag titles. Of course tag matches can happen on RAW as well but not for any kind of title. It will be good to gather the tag teams on one brand now when the divisions are so small. With tag teams championshi exclusive to SD RAW needs something of their own. I say build up the womens division. They had come a long way right before they fired most women that could wrestle. Rehire Molly (is she wants), Jazz, Nidia (she was getting better and better), Gail Kim etc. Then hire some Japanese Joshis. They can both work with the american ladies and learn them stuff as well as being portrayed as on-air charachters. Small stuff: Make RAW and SD look very different. I was never a fan of the ramps on the regular tv shows. Rather I like it minimalistic and I loved the old days when the entrance was pretty narrow and the fans all ahd their arms outstretched. The heel did all they could to not touch the fans while the faces clapped the fans hands. Then the bigger shows had bigger entrances. Make HBK heel. He's not interesting as a face. His charachter totally sucks and its pretty boring. Make him heel and move him to SD. Take Vince McMahon off my tv. Of course they need a draft or some solution as to why SD gets alot of the bigger names. IM all for keeping the rosters static (not to many jumps) since that increases interest when someone changes brand but SD desperately need more main eventers.
  13. TheInsane

    Tough Enough 1 or 2 question

    I think this was season one and they just said that "he didnt pass the physical". Ins eason two someone had a problem with signing the contract. Maybe that was the case ins eason one as well though. The reason I asked is because I was curious on how well trained you would have to be for them to take a look at you as a newcomer. Personally Im not in that great shape but I do run 2-3 times a week for about 30-40 minutes each time. I just wanted to see how far away I was from their physical tests.
  14. TheInsane

    Tough Enough 1 or 2 question

    Serious replies please.
  15. TheInsane

    Booker T's New T-Shirt

    This is what I reacted to: "Doesn't scream out "I'M A WRESTLING FAN!" (unless someone knows who Booker T is), isn't over the top, plus I don't see the WWE logo (although I'm sure it will be on the actual shirt)." I mean the purpose of the shirts are to show that you're a wrestlingfan. The WWE logo is usually a small one just below the neck so I dont see the problem. Of course its about taste as well. I wont wear a "Im your papi" shirt for that reason. I do however wear shirts like the Benoit "crossface" and the black and white Guerrero shirt (w/ world title) with pride.
  16. TheInsane

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    I agree people only focus on the bad WCW stuff and ECW's product doesnt stand the test of time at all. IT was great as a counter reaction to the main stream wrestling in the middle of the 90'ies.- However they are far from awesome like some people still think they are. Thats my opinion.
  17. TheInsane

    Booker T's New T-Shirt

    Why in the green hell would you even want a wrestling shirt if you didnt want people to know you were a wrestling fan? I mean come on people. You wear merchendise to show others what you feel about a certain thing. If you dont want to be connected to wrestling dont fucking buy their merchendise. I wear wrestling merchendise and I do so because I love wrestling. I do so because I like the shirts I wear. And I do so because I wanyt others to see that Im a proud wrestling fan. Why the heck are people ashamed of being pro-wrestling fans? Be proud of what you are. You dont need to have every other person like your special interest but stand up for your own opinions. With that being said I think the shirt looks pretty good.
  18. TheInsane

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    - I dislike the looks of most WWE divas (to much plastics for me). - The hottest WWE/F diva ever is Molly Holly hands down. Especially Super Molly as well as that first few months when she became a brunette. No one beats her... ever!
  19. TheInsane

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    I dont think "WWE is copying MMA" hold any ground. Somewhere a person complained about that very same thing in the Taker vs Angle match. Oh no Taker uses a triangle choke etc. I mean come on wrestling is simulated combat. It grew out of a real sport which used real submissions. IT also reflects on the popular trend we see in society today. Of course MMA has grown quite popular which is probably why Taker uses those MMA style gloves and the triangle choke. However to say that WWE is imitating MMA is pretty ignorant. There are small elements in WWE that take inspiration from MMA but not a whole lot more. UWFi on the othe rhand immitated MMA almost before there was such a thing. They did MMA in a wrestling contex and it worked very well for them for a while. I enjoy their product as well.
  20. TheInsane

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Yeah its kind of unknown. How would you say they are ripping off MMA?
  21. TheInsane

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    I never saw big money in Ken kennedy. Fun midcard act? Yes, but I fail to see him as a main eventer. Of course I said the same thing about Batista...
  22. TheInsane

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    I liked Goldberg too. I don't get the hate for him. Some people accuse him of being selfish and only it for the money with no real love of wrestling. Then they turn around and praise Hogan. Boggles the mind. Well you can like or dislike a persons attitude to his work as a wrestler. I dont like Goldbvergs attitude. However when he was pushed right I enjoyed it. Its a shame that the only time WWE did make the right thing with him was in that elimination chamber match. And I enjoyed that one quite a bit.
  23. TheInsane

    Spirit Squad

    Well its hard for me to tell them apart because they never really focus on just one of them. Even the announcers confuse them at times (well thats no surprise for JR I guess). I know one of the "M-guys" is the short one. But sure I hate the gimmick and dont find them entertaining so I dont even try to distinguish them from another. The same way I wont even try to see individual charachteristics with Jesse and Jake.
  24. TheInsane

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    I will probably jump on the "Cena wagon" if he turns heel. That is if he goes back to the awesomeness that was his first heel run as a rapper. His charachter then was awesome. I believe the heel turn is coming up soon as well. I could have seen Val Venis as a main eventer and Nick Dinsmore could easily be a huge name if they just drop the awful Eugene gimmick. But to the stuff that people might disagree on: I like Goldberg. As long as they used him right he was great. I enjoyed his stuff. I liked the Maxx Moon charahcter back in the day. I dont think Tatanka has been as bad as people seem to think in his comeback. Lita is not, and have never been, a good wrestler. I dont care what people think of her. You are allowed to like people who arent that great in the ring (hey I like Goldberg) but to claim she a good wrestler just shows how stupid you are Push Finlay! Im glad ECW is coming back and Im glad that they wont try to immitate that which once was ECW. Its something new under a old banner. Trying to re-do what has been done before is doomed from the start. I think most WWE divas arent that hot. I like my women natural and the fake boobs and Barbie plastic faces dont do alot for me. I loathe when HBK is doing his thing. I can enjoy his matches but I hate his charachter and I hate his mic work. Its awful. I would rather dont see Vince at all on tv.
  25. I actually like the Kane thing. I for one hates Kane. I hate the facial expressions, his laugh and he's boring in the ring. I couldnt even remember why I used to think he was one of the better big guys. And then I hear that awesome old Kane music and see his old costume and I suddenly remember. The Kane charachter used to be pretty damn good. Sure enough Kane II looked abit weird. They really need to fix that wig so it doesnt look like too much like old Psicosis (w. mask). And the way he moved looked weird (maybe thats because IM used to seeing Glen Jacobs do the Kane gimmick. But IM sure glad I saw that old Kane gimmick again. I used to like it alot.