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A Wrestling Move Discussion

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Guest Incandenza
Sounds like some sleeper german cross breed.

Where was Tanaka's right arm during the move?

After slowing the DVD down to 1/16th speed, I was able to catch Tanaka's right arm hooked around the right arm of Hayabusa.

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Guest Dace59

Well, that makes it:

Cross Face Chickenwing Suplex AKA Mellienuim Suplex then by the sounds of it.

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Guest Dace59

No problem at all man.


One of these days someone is gonna ask me to teach them this stuff, it's not that hard to learn.

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Guest Trivia247

gotta take poweful leg strength to hit those Upperbody Hold Suplexes Half Nelson plexes, Cross face Chickenwing plexes.Tazmission plexes, Soviet suplexes it looks like during those moves there isn't any Lower body support to take them completely over. But I get why the impact is Usually head or neck.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

I read in this year's PWI 500 that, in addition to the Northern Lights Bomb, Kensuke Sasaki uses something called the "Gamma Bomb". Explain the Gamma bomb, please.


Also, something that's been pestering me for a while...


Technically, isn't the Tiger Driver a Bomb, and the Nothern Lights Bomb a Driver?

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Ok, here's an easy one...


Whats the suplex (I've only see William Regal use it lately) that starts off as a german but the opponent gets spun in the air and lands on their face?

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Guest Dace59

Could someone tell me what that move Rey Mysterio did on Smackdown is?


Only thing I can think to call it is a Spin Under Powerbomb or something. That move was insane.



Amazing Red's Code Red, a Standing Sunset Flip Powerbomb.


Also, something that's been pestering me for a while...


Technically, isn't the Tiger Driver a Bomb, and the Nothern Lights Bomb a Driver?




Why? Because they are gimmick names. And those are the names given by their inventors, so their gimick name goes, no ifs or buts.

That and there's no just thing as a Tiger Bomb, and Bomb and Driver are used differently in Japan. That and there's the calling of them in Japanese and i could give the whole driver and bomb speach if you really want.


Whats the suplex (I've only see William Regal use it lately) that starts off as a german but the opponent gets spun in the air and lands on their face?


If it's what i think you mean, it's an amature wasit lock take down. Not a suplex. Or it's the german where the opp flips right over and lands face down, it's an "Over Thrown"/Flipping German Suplex.


AS for the upperbody belly to back suplex verisons..? The opp jumps to help the attacker.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Dace - I realize that those are the official names of both moves - But what I mean is, in overly technical terms, shouldn't a Tiger Driver be called a Double-Underhook Sit-Out (Or sit-down - whatever) Powerbomb?


And I didn't realize that "Bomb" and "Driver" are used differently in Japan. Give me the quick go-over, if you weeeeell.

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Guest Dace59

But what I mean is, in overly technical terms, shouldn't a Tiger Driver be called a Double-Underhook Sit-Out (Or sit-down - whatever) Powerbomb?


Yep, that's the technical name for it.

And the NLB is Scoop/Cradle Brainbuster


Driver and Bomb uses stem from things such as the Fireman's Carry Brainbuster:

In the US called the Death Valley Driver

But in Japan the name by it's inventor is Death Valley Bomb.

Bomb moves like DVB, and Northen Lights Bomb.

But they're not many examples i can think of off the top of my head, so more will be welcome.

Anyway, Bombs are brainbuster likes moves

Drivers come from being driven downin piledriver like moves.


I think is always has something to do with the Japanese named. Like Rolling means spinning EG. Rolling Backdrop/Rolling Eblow (misscalled are Roaring in the US, due to Ls sounding like R's in the Japanese accent)


I havent explained this one in a while, but I think I'm right, I will brush up and think more on it just to check.

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Guest The Electrifyer

I got a question. Whats that move where your opponent just throws you in the air and you land on your stomach? I've seen it many times, I think Chavo does it a lot now. In Smackdown! 2, they call it "Farewell", but I don't know if thats the real term for it.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

But Japan does have Brainbusters and other buster moves, (Fisherman's and others) correct?


If you could list any other moves that they'd call bombs that we would call drivers or busters, that'd be helpful.

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Guest MaxPower27

I was watching my Best of Dragon Kid yesterday, and they showed part of his feud(??) with Darkness Dragon. Darkness Dragon did this fucking sick move that I'm trying to figure out the name of.


He stands with the opp. like he's going to scoop slam him, but he crosses his opps. arms into a staightjacket type of move, picks him up, and Snowplows him. I guess it would be a Straightjacket Brainbuster? Maybe? Help!

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Guest Dace59

I guess it would be a Straightjacket Brainbuster? Maybe? Help!

That his Darkness Buster, a Cross Armed Northen Lights Bomb.


Whats that move where your opponent just throws you in the air and you land on your stomach?

On the mat? Press Slam drop basicly.


Yes Japan has Buster, and all busters are upper back bumbs (Yes even brainbusters) And are NEVER headbumps unless they are stupidly stiff or messed up. DDT versions however are head bumps.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Pretty sure the head-drop Brainbusters are just called Sheer Drop Brainbusters. Hashimoto's head-drops were always called DDT's, but I think he was the only one who regularly called them that.

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Guest Dace59

Pretty sure the head-drop Brainbusters are just called Sheer Drop Brainbusters


Ok, as any trained wrestler will tell you, and I know several. Brainbusters are BACK BUMPS!

You land with your back on the mat and your feet in the air then lay them out real quick to give the illousion of being dropped on you're head, but you NEVER are. The sheer drop ones would be shoulders at the most.

Because brainbuster are suplexes.


One or two do them extremlt stiffly or slopply as head bumps. Those label DDTs are so becuase they are like all other DDTs, head bumps.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

So is a Buster is a shoulders bump, does that mean that a driver is a head bump?


And does that explain the Backdrop Driver? A backdrop onto the top of the head, hence it's a driver?

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Guest Sandman9000

I've heard of this move, but never could figure it out or see it done.


What is a Plum Stretch, what Reckless Youth does?

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Guest MaxPower27

How about LowKi's finishers? I haven't seen him wrestle in a while. What is the Ki Krusher? Other Low Ki finishers? American Dragon finishers? Anyone? Bueller?

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Is the Plum Stretch where they take a seated opponent, stand behind him, put their left foot between the victim's legs, bend the victim's face under their left arm, and hook V's right arm where their left arm?


If not, then what's that?

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Guest Dace59

So is a Buster is a shoulders bump, does that mean that a driver is a head bump?

Nope, cuz of things like Tiger Drivers.


And does that explain the Backdrop Driver? A backdrop onto the top of the head, hence it's a driver?

BackDrop Driver/Dangerous/Murder/Homical Backdrop are all sheer drop versions of the back drop, so are head bump verisons of backdrops. The drive thero doesnt really hold up I dont think.


What is this Egoist Driver that Magnum TOKYO is using now?


I think it's his Cross Armed RockBottom, if not, it's the new name for his Viagra Driver.


What is a Plum Stretch, what Reckless Youth does?

One of Kawada's big moves, it's an Abdomial Stertch with an inverted face lock.

There are both standing and seated versions.


How about LowKi's finishers? I haven't seen him wrestle in a while. What is the Ki Krusher? Ki' Krusher '99: Fishermans MD2

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Guest Trivia247

What is that Wheelbarrow into a Bulldog move Rey Mystero does, and later we seen Trish apparently do?

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Guest Dace59

What is that Wheelbarrow into a Bulldog move Rey Mystero does, and later we seen Trish apparently do?


Body Scissors to Bulldog.

One of the many, many ways of apply a body scissors.

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Guest Trivia247

Another one for you Dace...this is Kinda old School. I watched some Orient Express vs the Rockers some time back, and I saw that Tanaka pulled off a sorta Spinning Headbutt and or Forearm on his opponent that he had whipped into the ropes. has anyone done that move since Pat and what is it called?

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Guest razazteca

I think I seen Rayo de Jalisco or Hijo de Santo do a Headbutt type move like that before

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Guest Trivia247

my fan eye view the difference looks like the Liger bomb is a Jumping Sitout Powerbomb. With the Running Variety. he lifts the opponent up the Jumps up and goes into a Sitting Position while Powerbombing the guy, with his legs atop the opponent's arms...


but thats what I think anyway.

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