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A Wrestling Move Discussion

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Guest Dace59

Nope, to both.

Maybe it means a head scissors take over (from rana possistion, twist to side and over)

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Now Dace, feel free to correct me on these, because I'm a little sketchy on them myself, but here's my understanding of the terms, VicFish:


Hilo: Almost always used as "con hilo," it means somersault plancha, methinks. A tope con hilo is a somersault plancha over the top rope to the outside. Might need to be springboard, though...


Plancha: any move done off the top rope to a standing opponent, usually on the outside, where the attacker's body, and not a limb, comes in contact with the receiver.


Tope: move done without the aid of the turnbuckles from inside the ring to the outside.


Salto: Fuck if I know...

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Guest Dace59

Con Hilo means with Thread.

It's a rope assisted dive to the outside.


Plancha is a dive over the ropes, done from standing on the ropes or turnbuckles, where the main impact is from the body.


Tope is a none rope assited dive, like just diving over the ropes or through them (Means cloud I think)


Salto is a somersault type move.


Someone translate the Mexican, I'm a tape sketchy too, but this seems right.

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Guest ViciousFish

One more....what's the Miracle Ecstasy? I've been trying to figure it out for about a week now.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Chokeslam powerbomb. I forget who does it, Dick Togo or Men's Teioh, but it's a pretty good move.

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Guest dreamer420

Chokeslam Powerbomb. Sounds interesting. Aren't those guys a little too small to be pulling that move off though.

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Guest Dace59

Men's Teioh does it, and when everyone else in the fed is as small, you can do power moves no problem.

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Guest J*ingus

I've heard a couple of wrestlers debate the theory that there is no such thing as a Salto, and that it's just a random word used to describe any high-flying move that the announcer doesn't know what to call.


Also, this has probably been covered before but I'm waaay too lazy to go back and check, so: what's an STO? Is it kinda like a Stroke, but with the victim facing the opposite direction?

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Guest Dace59

STO: Yep, Stroke with the opp facing towards you, as in the gamse.


Space Tornado Owaga (sp?)

DOES NOT MEAN Standing Take over, or other such things.


Hook head like RB, bring closet arm across infront of you, hook near lleg with yours, sweep it awaya and for them to the mat.


Comes from the basic judo style heel trips.

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Guest dreamer420
STO: Yep, Stroke with the opp facing towards you, as in the gamse.

Edge used to use it as a finisher. It's also called a Downward Spiral.

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Guest Dace59

Edge used to use it as a finisher. It's also called a Downward Spiral.




Stroke falls fowards, as doesn an STO.

A DS has the same set up as an STO (Inverted Stroke) And fall Backwards.

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Guest Dace59

A Reverse Somersault Senton could either be:


Tope rope, facing into ring, do an SSP, but flip an extra 180 and land on your back




Top tope, facing out of ring, jump backwards but flips forwards into a somersault senton (So you go back towards the turnbuckles)




Tope Rope, facing out of ring, do a moonsault, but flip over more, doing 450 degrees of turn, landing back first, feet towards the turnbuckle you started off.


All can be classed as Reverse Somersault Sentons.

It's most likely to be one of the last two.

The third one is the only one I've seen done.

Sasuke's Moonsault Senton/450 Moonsault.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Rings Of Saturn I: Double-armbar, with one arm held by Saturn's arm, the other by Saturn's legs.


Rings Of Saturn II: I think it's a Stranglehold Gamma, but don't quote me. Dace?

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Wow it's been a long time since I've seen this thread. I think it's a big help. Especially for those of us in OAOAST and SWF/SJL.


We can come here if we don't understand a spot or move we read about and discuss it.

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Ahh, I'd missed this thread.


SWF has a slight advantage in that I know write for the, but I'll always be around to help people.


And, for your viewing pleasure.




The username is wgu2

The password is gifs


You have to reenter them to look at the wmv clips, dont worry. Enjoy the fun.


But please, this isn't mine, so let's not hog the guys bandwidth.

Edited by Dace59

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Ahh, I'd missed this thread.


SWF has a slight advantage in that I know write for the, but I'll always be around to help people.


And, for your viewing pleasure.




The username is wgu2

The password is gifs


You have to reenter them to look at the wmv clips, dont worry. Enjoy the fun.


But please, this isn't mine, so let's not hog the guys bandwidth.

Oh you freakin rule for providing that link!!


Thanks man.

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Glad to see this thread come back. I have a few moves I need explained:


Kryptonite Krunch

Emerald Fusion (?)

Orange Crush


Also there's this move Billy Kidman did to X-Pac on Smackdown way back on the Invasion days (actually the SD right before Invasion) when they teamed with RVD and Jeff Hardy, respectively, I hope somebody knows what I'm talking about: He sorta hooked X-Pac's upper body with his legs, turned him over, and gave him a Pedigree-like move. Does that have a name? Thanks in advance.

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Guest bort

Also there's this move Billy Kidman did to X-Pac on Smackdown way back on the Invasion days (actually the SD right before Invasion) when they teamed with RVD and Jeff Hardy, respectively, I hope somebody knows what I'm talking about: He sorta hooked X-Pac's upper body with his legs, turned him over, and gave him a Pedigree-like move. Does that have a name? Thanks in advance.



kidman started using that move just before wcw closed down and for a few weeks in the wwf, i think it was called the kid Krusher



Orange Crush-suplex into a power bomb, not many in the USA use it the closest would be EZ moneys i think


Kryptonite Krunch-novas finisher, its a reality check or kiss goodnight, its in the clips page, its pretty much a firemans carry but u put youre opponets head much lower and udrop them on there back of neck/sholders


Emerald Fusion (?)- miswa uses it, its pretty much a body slam where u put there head more to the side, and sit out

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Kryptonite Krunch: Pick opp up so they are hanging down your back, facing the same way, their head out to one side. One arm cradles their head, the other hooks one of their legs over your shoulder. Sit down, driving them neck first into the mat. EF 3 in SD4. Also know as the Schwin.


Emerald Fusion: Scoop opp up over one shoulder (like a running powerslam) and cradle their head with one arm. Sit down, and drop them head/shoulder first to the mat on your side. In SD4.


Orange Crush: Suplex into Sitout Powerbomb. Under that name in SD4



The Kidman one sounds like his Inverted Pedigreee (like one, but with Kidman facing the other way) It never had a name.

The Kid Krusher is the same as the Unprettier.

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