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A Wrestling Move Discussion

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Guest Dids

Another question.


Is the Ganso Bomb/Hangman's DDT a legit move? I've seen a/the clip- and there just doesn't seem to be a safe way to take it.


I thought I'd read that it was a botched move, if so- what was the move that was being attempted?

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As I recall, the Ganso Bomb as we know it (ie, the one used in the Misawa-Kawada match) was supposed to be a standard power bomb, but due to an injury earlier in the match the person taking the move was unable to pull himself back up the parallel-to-the-mat position and mouthed to his opponent to just drop him.


As I recall, Lou Thesz also used a move called the Ganso Bomb (which is where the second one got its name - Thesz's was the original [ganso] power bomb). It was a throwing piledriver, which is obviously not something you'd want to do very often. Basically, he'd hold the opponent upside down as if for a piledriver and just spike him downward.

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The move from the Misawa Kawada match was Planned. Kawada had told Misawa at some point he was doing it.


It was a one off spot, and was NEVER called the Ganso bomb, it was called by it's technical name:


Jumping Kneeling Vertical Sheer Drop Powerbomb.


Thesz's Ganso Bomb was the Original Powerbomb (Ganso meaning Original) It's as Ace309 described, a Throwing Piledriver.


As for the Misawa Kawada spot, you'll notice Misawa's head isnt that far off the group, and he uses his arms to take some of the impact. Still nasty, but not that brutal.


It also didn not end the match. Not even close.

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Bumping this thread because while high today, I though up a spot, and I wanted to know if it sounds good to others, or if it was just me being stupid and high...


Basically, the attacker does a double-leg shoot, and the victim goes back into a defensive position (IE, arms and hands up in front of face, legs locked for guard). The attacker then hits a few strikes to the sides of buddy's head or whatever, making him drop his arms so the attacker can grab his throat, haul him up and give him a double chokeslam powerbomb, basically.


Yeah, sorta contrived, but I think it'd be neat.

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Rukcus does a standing version.


Someone does a Top Rope Sambo Suplex .. I think Saturn might have used to. See WWF WM2K and NM games, it's in there.


As for the spot.. I dunno if you could dead lift them all that way from that possistion.

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Guest Max Peter David

Brian XL did a standing version of the move at the first ROH Show, and Joel Maximo did the one man top rope version before Kazarian did.

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Basically, the attacker does a double-leg shoot, and the victim goes back into a defensive position (IE, arms and hands up in front of face, legs locked for guard). The attacker then hits a few strikes to the sides of buddy's head or whatever, making him drop his arms so the attacker can grab his throat, haul him up and give him a double chokeslam powerbomb, basically.

The way I'm seeing this, it's several strikes to the head and then a Baldo Bomb..right?


Pretty simple, but I'm a big Baldo Bomb fan, so I like it.

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I dunno Dace...I think if the guy was big enough (And really, he'd have to be to even think about doing a spot like that) and if they grabbed onto his wrists or whatever as he lifted (Like in a double-powerbomb) it'd be possible. Maybe not extremely easy, but possible.


And yeah Funk, that's about it...It may not be complicated, but I think it'd look neat...

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need help

please describe:


Chris Chetti's "Amittyville Horror"


Colt Cobanna's"Colt 45"


checkenwing pilerdriver


JImmy Rave's "From Dusk til Dawn"


Chris Hamrick's"Confederate Crunch"


Christian York's"Onion Buster"


Frank Z's "Wave of the Future,

Flux Capacitator"

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Guest Real F'n Show

Chris Chetti's "Amittyville Horror"


Fireman's carry into sit out slam (samoan driver in SD games)


Colt Cobanna's"Colt 45"


double underhook sit out over the shoulder backbreaker (think albert's trainwreck with the arms hooked and a sit out)


checkenwing pilerdriver


double underhook piledriver


JImmy Rave's "From Dusk til Dawn"


satellite headscissors into crippler crossface


Chris Hamrick's"Confederate Crunch"


top rope legdrop


Christian York's"Onion Buster"


never heard of it. sorry


Frank Z's "Wave of the Future,


swinging downward spiral sorta with more impact


Flux Capacitator"


top rope backflip while standing next to opponent and landing with opponent beign rock bottomed (one man spanish fly)

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Guest Real F'n Show

B-boy's"Killer Driller"


could be a dominator lift into a ddt but I'm not sure, haven't seen much B-Boy aside from BOTB2


Big Dick's"Total Pentration" (I think's its the Sky High)


Baldo bomb/Derailer


and what was Evan Karagas' finisher ?


450 splash

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and what was Evan Karagas' finisher ?


450 splash

From what I remember from WCW before the 3 Count days I think it was a lame 1 1/2 twisting splash not a Firebird Splash.

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Hey if you were to have two finshers, what would they be?


Mine would be The Overhead Leg hook Belly to Back sitout Piledriver aka "Kryptonite Krunch"


and the spinning Backdrop to Uranage

I dunno I just think they fit me so well.

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Hey if you were to have two finshers, what would they be?


Mine would be The Overhead Leg hook Belly to Back sitout Piledriver aka "Kryptonite Krunch"


and the spinning Backdrop to Uranage

I dunno I just think they fit me so well.

I'd actually use one finisher I made up and one I've always been a fan of.


The one I've always been a fan of is the Diamond Dust. I dunno why, but I've always liked that move.


The other one, the one I made up, I call the Compressor. You get a person into a dragon Sleeper, kneel down, keep one knee up, driving that knee into someone's spine. With your free arm, you grab a leg, pull it towards the person's body, then lock hands together.


Hope I explained it well enough.

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Guest Real F'n Show
Hey if you were to have two finshers, what would they be?


Mine would be The Overhead Leg hook Belly to Back sitout Piledriver aka "Kryptonite Krunch"


and the spinning Backdrop to Uranage

I dunno I just think they fit me so well.

i'd use the sharpshooter and probably the Last Rites if I could do it as smooth as Daniels usually does. Which is doubtful

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Would their leg be bent behind them, or cradled like a Fisherman's [insert move]?


As for individual finishers...

Blood Rush (Reverse Gory Guerrero Special Knee-Drop Pancake): Lift the opponent for a Kudo Driver/Vertebreaker (Reverse Gory Guerrero Special), and then push them backwards while falling to your knees. The opponent lands with a front bump, a la the Pedigree, while you land on your knees.

USERS: I've only seen Jerry Lynn do this move, but I actually had the idea for it before I saw Lynn do it.


Sunset Driver (Side Piledriver): Lift the opponent into an over-the-shoulder powerbomb position (as if to go for an Awesome Bomb), and then slide them down so that they are vertical. Hold onto their head with the same arm of the side they are on (right arm if over right shoulder, etc.), and hold their body against your shoulder with your other arm. Fall down to the side at an angle between sitting and falling backwards, driving the opponent head-first into the mat (inverted Emerald Fusion).

USERS: AJ Styles does something similar, where he has the opponent in an over-the-shoulder position, and then drops them into a DDT from there.

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Just a few finishers:


The old ECW Super Crazy rolling surfboard move.


Shocker's La Reinera


Headstand Backslide


The Powerbomb that Eddie Guerrero used on Edge at one of the PPVs

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...High Angle Double Arm DDT...

This would be, basically, a double-underhook Implant DDT, correct? My buddy Duth uses that move as a finisher for his character Thunderwolf.


...Crucifix Powerbomb Setup released inot a Seated Necbreaker.


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