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A Wrestling Move Discussion

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Of course an NLB is going to be like a Suplex as its a second sub form of a suplex.


Suplex -> Brainbuster -> Northern Lights Bomb.

What I meant was, the NL Bomb is similar to the NL Suplex, as they both share the same basic set-up: Getting your opponent to get you into a front-facelock.


You said they shared nothing in common. Just sayin'.

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Ermm, they dont.


Been as you don't get put in a Facelock for a Northern Lights Suplex. Yes you can counter out of one with an NLS, but it's just a way of trapping the arm.


You put your shoulder in their guy and wrap your arms around them waist.

They jus have similar gimmick names, nothing more.


Are are aware a NLB is a Scoop Brainbuster, looks like the Snow Plow only much better.

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Ehh, I thought that saying "put in a front facelock" was more convienent then saying "stick your head into their armpit". Same basic thing, just worded oddly.


And with both moves, a NLB and an NLS, you would start the move like that. To do any basic vertical suplex (a scoop brainbuster being just a variation) you have to start with your head in their armpit. From there of course, you gotta facelock them and hook them in the crotch or whatever, but still.


I'm just saying, it's not as if the moves are totally different. They're both similar in some ways, enough that someone probably saw a NLB and though "gee, that kinda looks like a NLS variation - Let's call it a Northern Lights something".

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In a Suplex you put the Facelock on FIRST.

And the arm of the shoulders is not a Facelock as it is not closed around your neck.

You're finding very contrived ways to say they're similar.


The original Tiger Driver was a Front Facelock Suplex. Has nothing to do with a Piledriver or anything.

DVD/DVB has nothing to do with a Powerbomb or Piledriver.

Having Similar Gimmick names does not mean they are similar moves.


Maybe it's the fact I have a cold and I might not be thinking straight, I dunno.

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Yeah, I am...but that's just cuz I'm having trouble articulating what I want to say here.


Bottom line, I don't think it's fair to say that the two moves are totally dis-similar, though I'll agree that they're probably not similar enough to warrant having the same name.

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I think this might be what you're missing.


Northern Lights Suplex and Northern Lights Bomb are just gimmick names. Yes they've come into common technical use, but they're still gimmick names, just like Stunner, Style Clash and Mad Splash are.


The only thing that links their technical names are they are both suplexes.


I'd have to do some digging to see if they have routes in the same creator or something to give them both the name Northern Lights.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Reverse/inverted front facelock lifting into a michinoku driver. I do a simialr move, dropping into a tombstone. (cheap plug i know)

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Satellite is generally only used for Flying Headscissors to describe Diving Swing version.


Eg the "Litacanrana" is a very shitty Diving Swinging Flying HeadScissors.


The term comes from the motion of a Satellite. Diving through space (the air) and swinging around the Earth (the opp.)

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Guest Markingout
Is it possible to do a tornado back drop driver(spin them around then do the move) and a snap back drop driver?

Yeah, its possible ,but isnt that sort of a combo?

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I wish someone would use the Texas Cloverleaf again. It was always one of my favorite submissions to see.

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Would you happen to have a pic?

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is the side effect the reverse bulldog?

I always thought it was the sitout choke slam, or would they be about the same move anyways?

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I don't know. in a reverse bulldog, the attacker would only grab his opponents head, while a side effect involves hooking your opponents arm like a reverse half nelson.




Eh just let Dace explain it.

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Havent seen it to say about Daniels' move.


Sitout choke slam = Chokeslam to Powerbomb = MEB.


The Side Effect only hooks around the head. It's an Inverted Side Headlock (it's just the opp stands as it saves a broken back from being bent over backwards).


Leap forwards and bulldog.


As the opp faces the other way, they are inverted. So it's an Inverted Bulldog.

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Guest Ghettoman

Matt hooks the arm with the side effect too, essentially making it a sitting Rock Bottom. He's hit a similar move where he grabs just the head and comes down sort of like a DDT. He had a name for it in one of his commentaries.


And does anyone know, or has seen a move that starts out in a firemans carry, ala F5, and is worked into a flat neckbreaker? I've been trying out this move and it has a great snap to it, but running out quickly so it comes off as a neckbreaker is a pain in the ass. If anyone has seen this move done or has a clip, wouldn't mind a discussion on hitting it.

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He's not hooking the arm in the clips I've got. But I can't date them, so I'm not sure if he's changed in.


If he does, that makes it a Single Arm Trap Inverted Bulldog.


He'd have to have his hand over their throat when hooking the arm for it to be an Inverted Half Nelson.


He doesnt do it like a Sitout RB, mainly due to then hooking of the head and they way he has to land.


As for the Fireman's Carry to Neckbreaker, havent seen it do. It's going to be very hard and probably slightly dangerous to pull off.


There's the Inverted TKO (Torture Rack to Neckbreaker) which has been done, which is far easier to do.

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