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Guest DeputyHawk

The one & only War On Terror thread

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Guest EricMM

What if the people want the Mullahs to stay?


I mean, what if they vote one into office, and he puts all his council as his cabinet?

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Guest RevEvil
What if the people want the Mullahs to stay?


I mean, what if they vote one into office, and he puts all his council as his cabinet?

We don't give a fuck about what the Iranians want, if they don't give a fuck about us.

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Guest Cancer Marney
What if the people want the Mullahs to stay?

It's just a guess, but I don't think they do. Not anymore.


If they do, well, it's another case where democracy has to take second place to liberty and justice. The ever-derided white man's burden is real and it can be borne honourably. People must be educated and empowered before they can govern themselves responsibly.

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Iran was the main reason I hated the "Axis of Evil" speech, since I thought that it could harden the attitudes of the moderates.


Nice to see that people are willing to give this a chance rather than barge in and demand change.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Suprising North Korea looks like their trying to ease tensions between themselves, South Korea and the west. The have a long ways to go but maybe they got President Bush's message.

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Guest danielisthor
Suprising North Korea looks like their trying to ease tensions between themselves, South Korea and the west. The have a long ways to go but maybe they got President Bush's message.

i would have to agree with that also. Especially admitting that they were kidnapping Japanese citizens. It's not enough to trust them, but its an inch in the right direction.

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Guest Vern Gagne

You can't trust a commie country. But maybe democracy will slowly trickle into North Korea and eventually the gov't might be overthrown.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Dossier on Iraq released in Britain today. Much debate and speech making. Blair very impressive.


We like to pretend we're important :)

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Dossier on Iraq released in Britain today. Much debate and speech making. Blair very impressive.


We like to pretend we're important :)

Just read it in today's paper. Very interesting. Hopefully it will convinve a few doubters.

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Guest Vern Gagne
Dossier on Iraq released in Britain today. Much debate and speech making. Blair very impressive.


We like to pretend we're important :)

Blair did a good job on the speech. He even addressed the questions opponents of the attack had.

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Guest Ken
Dossier on Iraq released in Britain today. Much debate and speech making. Blair very impressive.


We like to pretend we're important :)

Just read it in today's paper. Very interesting. Hopefully it will convinve a few doubters.

As a "doubter", I can say it has not convinced me. It was exactly the same as what we've been hearing ever since the U.S realised Bin Laden had eluded capture.

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Dossier on Iraq released in Britain today. Much debate and speech making. Blair very impressive.


We like to pretend we're important :)

Just read it in today's paper. Very interesting. Hopefully it will convinve a few doubters.

As a "doubter", I can say it has not convinced me. It was exactly the same as what we've been hearing ever since the U.S realised Bin Laden had eluded capture.

Well as a 'doubter' perhaps you could provide your solution to how the Iraq situation should be addressed.

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Guest Vern Gagne

How does everyone feel the War on Terror is going so far.


Overall I'd say Good...not great but not horrible. It would be great if we had Bin Laden's head on a pole and a few more of the top rankings officials in Al Qaeda. But we've killed or captured quite a few. For some people since Bin Laden isn't dead?, the war's been a failure and I guess I understand their thinking. He's the leader of the group that committed the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil. I guess I'm a little more patient and know that it will take time to hunt down these terrorist. There's no doubt more work has to be done, but no one ever said this was going to be a walk in the park.

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Guest DrTom

I think the War on Terror is going well. We can't expect this to be a short effort, since bin Laden has proved elusive for years, and his organization is spread out to many countries. We're in this for the long haul, though, and we WILL meet our goals and fully have our justice and revenge when it's all said and done.

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Guest HecateRose

I find it mildly amusing that people think the war an terrorism is going well. The only reason anyone thinks that is because we have to trust what the government is releasing to the media, and what a few media professionals have seen. In all actuallity, we have no idea how it is going. I have spoken to people who were there, fighting and they have no idea if it is going well. How can an person who hasn't been there form a realistic opinion on the matter?

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Guest HecateRose

I'm not suggesting conspiracy here (though I have plenty of ammo on that), I'm suggesting that we are far from getting the entire story, even the guys fighting out there aren't getting the whole story. They can't tell them everything, they sure as hell won't tell the media everything during a news conference seen half way across the world. We know about 1/1,000,000 of what is actually happening, and even part of that might be misinformation, or atleast not the whole story. You can't make a sound judgement, or even a decent opinion off of that.

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Guest Cancer Marney

The President himself said that some of the battles we are now fighting will remain secret even in victory. But he also said this: "Your mission is defined. Your objectives are clear. Your goal is just."


No, we won't give you all the information at all times. We can't. It would be self-defeating.

Your only option is to trust in the American government with its fine-tuned system of checks and balances. This isn't coming from the executive branch alone; we have Congressional oversight and judicial review. With such measures in place, no tyranny can stand and no conspiracy can exist.


America works. Trust me. She's proven herself time and time again.


Believe in her.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
America works. Trust me.



But if it breaks, I'm blaming YOU~!

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Guest HecateRose

I'm not saying distrust the government entirely, but recognize that the war on terrorism is like a reality tv show (Survivor, Real World, etc), we get the bits and pieces they want us to see, to paint the picture they want to present. It's media, it's part information, part entertainment.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I remember someone here saying something like if there was any conspiracy going on, it would come out since the 3 branches hate each other. I really don't see what could be being kept secret from us. It's a war of attrition, if we kill more of them than they kill of us, then we're winning.

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Guest DrTom
but recognize that the war on terrorism is like a reality tv show

What a ludicrous comparison.


Perhaps if some Marine, after shooting Usama bin Laden in the head, stood over him and shouted, "You've been voted off the island, BITCH!" I might see some legitimacy in your claim. But to compare a war to crappy TV shows like Survivor insults the people who are going over there and fighting. Perhaps you'd like to tell them that the next time you speak to all those military chaps you know.

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Guest Cancer Marney
if some Marine, after shooting Usama bin Laden in the head, stood over him and shouted, "You've been voted off the island, BITCH!"

Is it just me or would that actually be rather funny to watch?

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Guest Vern Gagne
America works. Trust me. She's proven herself time and time again.


Believe in her.

Hell this country survived the Civil War. Dems and Republicans bickering is nothing compared to that.

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Guest HecateRose

What I meant about it being like a reality tv show is that it's like the was is edited for our viewing. Not that it has cheap dialogue and some big breasted bimbo flashing her chest every too seconds. Its just that you don't get to see everything in a reality tv show, just like you don't get to see everything in a war.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Afghani Survivor.


They just stick a dozen pretentious fucks out in the middle of a minefield, and the winner is in fact, the survivor.

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