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Guest wwF1587

The One And Only WWE Unforgiven Thread

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Guest RedJed
But i can understand why everyone is annoyed. I can think of 3 things off the top of my head, the nonsensical flair turn, the hla segments stupidity and bait and switch, and the main even ending, which all pissed me off in 2 hours and 40 minutes.


Thats a problem.

Yup, I was heavy into the show up until HLA. The HHH-RVD match dissapointed me alot, but they rebounded with Angle-Benoit. But then with HLA and the ME.......it just ruined the show for me overall.

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Guest Caliban

HHH needed a little heel rub IMO...


RVD will get revenge... just wait...


It's called a feud... I hope WWE remembers this...

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HHH needed a little heel rub IMO...


RVD will get revenge... just wait...


It's called a feud... I hope WWE remembers this...


Again I pose the question........do you honestly think there will be a rematch? If there is what was Flair's purpose in this whole thing in the first place??? The only time I see them even attempting a rematch is tomorrow on RAW.

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Just curious...why is EVERYONE assuming that Ric Flair will be...well...wrestling?


Think about it...HHH is getting boring overall...his promos suck, and his "wrestling" isn't much better.


Flair is getting on in the years...soon he may actually stop wrestling.


How to keep them both interesting and on camera?




Flair becomes HHH's manager

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Guest PlatypusFool

The PPV was doing just fine and dandy until Rakishi turned up and 'Taker turned in an absolutely HORRIBLE performance.


All the matches were decent - good, RVD even managed to grag some wrestling out of HHH. Jericho was stunning in his match, and Flair was better than I've seen him for some time - the super shin breaker was wonderful. Angle / Benoit was really great too, they are the first two guys to get the crowd REALLY into a submission reversal sequence in god knows how long, lovely stuff. All the other matches were solid as well, and I was enjoying it until...


'Taker turned up. The main event started pretty well with Lesnar trying his absolute best, taking massive bumps and acting pissed in a really cool way. Somewhere around the 5 minute mark however, I just started to think 'hang on, 'Taker's done nothing but punch yet'. From that point the match went from ok to dreadful as Undertaker gave NOTHING to Brock, virtually no selling everything he threw at him and coming back with the punch again. Brock sold like a true champ for 'Taker, even making the punches look like a bullet to the head, but when a match is this one sided, it's a lost cause to try and do anything. When the screwjobs started, well that was the end of the match for me. One ref bump after another, each one resulting in 'Taker getting in a big boot and a near fall - and no offence for Lesnar to even the balance. The Matt Hardy run in was COMPLETELY pointless, as 'Taker just murdered him and it didn't result in Lesnar getting the upper hand. Finally, the finish of the match was just plain abysmal, a double no contest, I mean for fucks sake. Post match it would have made sense to have Brock get his heat back with an F5 or maybe several, but no, of course Undertaker isn't gonna put anyone over, ever. Instead, 'Taker gets to look like a superman by chucking Brock through the screen as the show finishes. What a shower of shite.


And what are we left with after this? A WWE Champ and one of the only people to have a massive chance of actually being really popular in the long term looking like a piece of shit on 'Taker shoe. A main eventer pushed to the absolute moon and kept to look like an unbeatable legend going on paternity leave soon and being unable to have a good match with anyone. Vince, you're a genius.

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Guest Repo Man jr

What pisses me off is that things like Angle/Benoit where the crowd were expected to be dead turned out really hot! They were hot for everything. Eddy, Benoit or whatever. Yet WWE still managed to ruin it with a shitty stinkface skit and a cheap no contest ending.

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Guest Brian

It was actually going to bne a pretty decent match until Undertaker stopped selling and just dragged; plus the three heel bumps. Best moment was the Brock bump at the start into the kip-up on the outside. At some point it wasn't enough for Undertaker to just stop selling but he gets blown up and drags causing Brock to carry him for a few minutes, literally until he gets blown up. There is something in Brock.

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Guest notJames

I wish our cable box had exploded at 10pm.


Not for nothing, but from the minute that Bischoff sent the two "lesbians" (carefully labelled as such for the benefit of the mouthbreathing yokel section, no doubt) out of the ring, two things would happen:


1) the tables were turning on Bischoff




2) Rikishi was going to be involved.


No lie. It's become that predictable.


Same goes for Flair turning on RVD. The backstage segment pretty much spelled it out for me. Oh well, at least it wasn't HBK.


Oh, and did you guys see the sledgehammer end when HHH leaned on it before entering the ring? We were all laughing our guts out when that happened. Man, profits must really be down if they can't even get rubber hammers that at least don't liquefy upon contact.


And if WW_ expects me to pay for even another minute of 'Taker, they are sorely mistaken. Whoever green-lighted that non-finish should get punched right in her fake boobs. (Yeah, you know who I'm talking about...)






(Oh, and just so I don't let the cynic in me take over completely, the rest of the PPV was gem dandy. Especially Benoit and Angle, which had me creaming like a giddy school girl after her first N'SYNC concert. Yeah, so what else is new...)

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Guest Brian

It was only 14 minutes, and there was that brawling sgement on the outside that was totally unnecessary. Maybe ***1/2-3/4.

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Guest XdojimeX

"Benoit/Angle had it all. Great wrestling and a hot crowd. What more can you ask for?"


Great stuff. Best 15 minutes ive seen in wrestling in a long time. They actually had an LA crowd popping for parity, matwork and near subs. With two heels. Amazing. I don't even give a fuck about the finish. Even had some Wrestlemania 17 karma to it. Eddy was on fire tonight too. Eddy/Benoit/Angle make the WWE garbage bin worth sifting through.

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

It's as if WWE thought

"Ratings are down, attendences are down, how can we make things worse..?"

A stupid Flair turn ( the last one didn't work, people want to cheer, not boo-urns the Nature Boy), HHH beating the most over wrestler in the company in a screwy fashion, a stupid ending to the "HLA" segment (we all knew some shit was going to ruin it, but f'n Rikishi? I'd rather it have been Jimmy Snuka out for revenge) and a stupid DQ ending to the main event when even marks wanted Undertaker to get a kicking ( I know, I watched it with some).


Thanks a fucking bunch WWE!

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Guest RedJed

Benoit-Angle was a solid ****, I didn't like the finish that much and it could have went a little longer, I thought....finish came out of nowhere. The crowd was great though, so maybe it will change the WWF admin mindset that you will have the crowd sitting on their hands if you do anything reasonably close to a technically sound bout.

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Guest treble charged

Benoit/Angle was good, but not as good as their WM X7 match.


As for the rest of the show, I really enjoyed it. Not really a bad match in the bunch, if you ask me. I actually enjoyed it more than SummerSlam.

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Benoit/Angle was good, but not as good as their WM X7 match.


I disagree. I think the crowd was hotter for this match. The wrestling was about equal so the hotter crowd elevates it to better than the X7 match in my opinion.

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Guest HartFan86

Straight from SK:


"Sorry, gang, I'm kinda tired tonight and I don't have the willpower to watch a 3-hour PPV again tonight, so you're gonna have to wait until Monday afternoon for the Unforgiven rant. Overall, I thought it was a decent show until the last 45 minutes completely sank the whole effort. Benoit-Angle is my pick for MOTY so far from first viewing, and as for the rest...boy, isn't it great that HHH and Undertaker are such great company men? Always doing what's right for the promotion over their own egos, those two. God bless 'em. More tomorrow. "


I guess he agrees with me about Benoit/Angle.

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Guest Brian

UnAmericans over Americans

I don't remember how but it was a pretty hot little opener, though a little sloppy.


Jericho over Flair

Jericho seemed really cocky and motivated and looked good and Flair seemed pretty game. Good little six minutes; finish was Flair acted hurt on the leg than sprang back up after playing possum and locked in the Walls for the tap.


Eddie over Edge

Very good match. I think this was almost as good as Angle/Benoit. Guerrero was on and Edge was doing his normal. Much better job selling and a good finish.


Jamal and Rosey over Billy and Chuck. Parts were watchable. Rico interfered.


HHH vs. RVD. This was okay for a while, but the wrestling exchanges were really pedestrian and not always smooth. Flair came out and hit Van Dam with the sledgehammer.


Trish over Molly. Okay.


Benoit over Angle. Really good to start, very very well built. Angle did a bralwing segment on the outside for no reason. They come back in and build towards an end. Benoit pins with a roll-up and the ropes. Angle had control of the first few minutes, Benoit took it home until the brawling and seemed to control everything afterwards. Really good, only like fifteen minutes though.


No Contest in the main event. Much better than expected for the first part. Undertaker totally stunk it up after getting totally dead, and Lesnar tried to lug him to no avail, and got winded just minutes later. Shitty selling by Taker. Lesnar looked super good at first, but after three ref bumps his push has ended. I'm serious. It's over. Heyman can't even salvage that, and it was the ego.

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Here's your rundown


Kane got the win for the Americans by pinning Storm

Jericho sand bagged to sucker Flair into the Walls and made him tap

Island Boys beat Billy and Chuck (please excuse my typo I had a sec ago)

Eddy beat Edge in a good match

HHH beat RVD when Flair hit RVD with a sledge hammer

Benoit/Angle put on Match of the Year and the crowd was actually hot for this one

Trish won the women's title

When Steph went out for the HLA Bisch called out an ugly lesbo that ended up being Rikishi in drag who then stink faced Bischoff

Brock/Taker ended in a DQ/No Contest which pissed off the crowd beyond belief. Taker made Brock look like a bitch and ended the ppv by throwing Brock through the set.


That's about it.

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Guest AndrewTS
Can someone give me a quick rundown of what happened tonight?

Team America won when Kane pinned Storm


Jericho made Flair tap to the Walls to retain. Too short people say.


Eddy beat Edge by 2nd rope powerbomb and holding the tights.


The Samoan Squash Team defeated Billy and Chuck


HHH beat RVD when Ric Flair nailed RVD with the Sledgehammer after a ref bump, Pedigree, and pin. This would have been nice 2 years ago when HHH didn't suck.


Trish over Molly with the Stratusfaction, new champ.


Benoit beat Angle in a bitchin' match, with feet onthe ropes.


Rikishi in drag was who Steph was to perform HLA with...but instead Eric got stinkfaced. Yaaay!


Brock vs. Taker was No Contest DQ bullshit. Chokeslam afterward. Crowd chants "Bullshit." Lesnar gets face heat during the match.

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Guest Brian

Well, you can tell I could have cared less. But now I remember them waving the flag at the end.

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Guest cabbageboy

Oh come on, there HAS to be an RVD/HHH rematch. I mean nothing was settled tonight at all. RVD will make quick work of Flair and then I'd say by Survivor Series he will enlist the aid of Michaels to counter Flair.


Why has no one mentioned this? HHH has Flair with him so now RVD counters with Shawn. Could be a nice tag match and also would lead to RVD winning the title around S. Series I'd say.


I thought the Brock/UT match was bullshit too but thinking closer on it there is really no one to face Brock that has any cred. Might as well have a no decision here and then at the next show have Brock beat him. They should have had this switched in position with RVD/HHH though.

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Guest Brian

I could understand the finish if Undertaker didn't treat him like absolute shit.


I mentioned the tag match sometime last week and think it's good, but unless there's an RVD rematch (where he wins) I feel it's worthless.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Thanks guys...but...


What the fuck? A Flair turn? How much rub does HHH need? Fuck fuck fuck this!


Looks like Jericho may be on his way back to being the cocky, chicken shit heel...who can actually beat people. Good.

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Guest Bricks

Brock should've destroyed 'Taker like he did Rock and Hogan. I honestly don't know why a no contest was even thought up much less happened. Is it that damn hard to book using common sense.

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