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High School stories...

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Now constant rain and dark conditions will do it. Suicide and alcoholism rates in Siberia are huge, and it isn't just because they're Russian.


Fo sheez,


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Guest MrRant

I don't believe it. I've lived here for 19 out of 21 years of my life and a week of rain and clouds hasn't made me want to hang myself.

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Guest The Czech Republic

The whole seasonal depression thing is very real, my energy during the day is very much based off of the weather. When the sun is out and it's warm, I've got boundless energy, but when it's cool and cloudy I become very very lethargic and sluggish.

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Guest papacita

For High School, I went to an all-boys Prep school in the suburbs. My freshman year was horrible. First, I was still hung up on leaving Tierra (my first love :rolleyes:) behind...which combined with my shyness, Brian Pillman's death (which really fucked me up), a slight case of culture shock, the fact that I lost touch with my friends on the block and the fact that ALL of the friends I made in school that year were kicked out (apparently, my two closest friends were involved in some elaborate porno ring...:shrugs:) had me very depressed throughout most of the year.


Sophmore year was a little better, but my grades slipped so I really don't have anything good to say about that.


Junior year and senior years were cool. My grades were straight, and for whatever reason I got *really* popular halfway through junior year. Senior year, I was in the paper a few times for art shows and things like that, I started my own "gang", got a couple of girls. Good times.

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Guest bob_barron
Yeah you move on in life, and relize, how stupid highschool was. It was nothing more then a breeding ground for social cliques to form, which prepares you for real life, so make friends with the rich kids, helped alot of ppl in politics, thats for sure. Im over it in general, but this depression shit STILL hasnt left me completely. But those ppl are now memories, unless I run into them, then either the quote on the bottom, or i walk away.


I don't think high school was "stupid" at all. I think overall it made me a better person. I just made sure to have a ton of fun and make myself have a goodtime.


How can you enjoy being in a place that teaches you democracy, but wont let you practice it? School is like jail in that its all scheduled and you do what your told, or else you get punished. Yeah you get free, only to go home and do more work for them, that in reality means nothing, and you get to come back the next day and repeat.


They do it that way for a reason. Structure and order are a good thing. School is not a democracy, deal with it.


According to FROM HELL, highschool is used to prevent older kids from beating up middle school kids who deserve it. I agree.


According to BOB BARRON, that guy is a load of shit who obviously did real well in school.



I think order to enjoy HS you just have to lighten up and have fun with it. I did and I ended up loving high school.


And I went to a school with no "cliques" or anything like that- not every high school is like that.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I was a complete social outcast, but no one ever tried picking on me. Most people just thought I was a weirdo, and that was about it. I even won "Most Mysterious," in those chintzy school newspaper award things. My high school was pretty much separated into two cliques of sorts, poor white trash, and middle-class white trash.

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Guest J*ingus
I think order to enjoy HS you just have to lighten up and have fun with it. I did and I ended up loving high school.


And I went to a school with no "cliques" or anything like that- not every high school is like that.

Frankly Bob, you got lucky. I've seen a couple of schools where the brutal, sadistic social games were SO bad that I was surprised how few suicides they'd had.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Our school had a couple suicides, but it was a pretty big school, so I think it was more due to probability than anything else. I'd never met either kid.

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Guest bob_barron
I think order to enjoy HS you just have to lighten up and have fun with it. I did and I ended up loving high school.


And I went to a school with no "cliques" or anything like that- not every high school is like that.

Frankly Bob, you got lucky. I've seen a couple of schools where the brutal, sadistic social games were SO bad that I was surprised how few suicides they'd had.

I went to a small school about 500 kids total so maybe that's why.


It was one of those schools where everyone pretty much knew everyone

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Guest cynicalprofit
I've always been of the stance that it's strictly a White disease, the whole want to kill oneself because of being harassed. It's REALLY weak, and this is coming from someone who's gotten MORE than his share of harassment.

I really have little tolerance for whiny white people. GET OVER IT.

Fo sheez,


Jeez if that isnt a tad bit racist.

Well in that case I have no tolerance for blacks who want special tratment due to past slavery issues or because they are black. So no equal opportunity then.


Bob, consider you're self lucky, real lucky. I grad with about 100 kids and their were politics worse then what the WWF has.


Matt Groeing, you may know him as simpson creator #1, wrote from hell and he did terrible in school. Always got bitched at for doodling.


Marney admitted hes a dick, what more needs to be said.

Of course I picked on people. I still pick on people even now. Some people deserve it, and to be perfectly honest, it's kind of fun.

Ever hear of growing up. You're the exacty same asshole you were then as you are now. Enjoy.


And you obviously missunderstood my quote, if being a man means drinking, working on cars, and hitting your women, i think ill pass. Id rather talk things out, relax and come to a mutal understanding of an issue, unless its politics, buts another rant. While you and your selfrighteous because I am stronger and better attitude will do whatever it takes to prove your self most dominate, fine, you can be that, and while ppl like you fight over who to kill, ill just sit back and laugh while your kind fuck the world over with your bombs. Its this whole lets all prove whos better attitude that is really fucking the world over, I need to prove Im better, so I need to get more money, thats why were at war. because NO ONE in goverenment has enough sense to leave other governments the fuck alone and let them run things as they see fit. If we had never fucked with the oil to start with there would have been no gulf war, but president Bush in his infintie wisdom decided to, and if he hadnt there whould have been no Sept 11th and there would be no war starting. And who profited out of the Gulf war, why the people in the oil industry, and what was Bush's prime source of income, why his oil businesses in Texas. Agressiveness gets your war, you can fucking have it.


And about whining, while whinning doesnt get bombs dropped on me, being violent and agressive will. See Bush, G.W. Id rather talk, you call it whining, others call it self expression and a release. The more you talk about something, the better it tends to make you feel.


And yeah i tried taht whole attitude change thing, and it got me rihgt back tot eh same cynicalness that im at now, only alot worse. Im more cynical then ever because when i changed my attitude, all i got was shit on ever more. So fuck it, cynical works for me.

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Guest cynicalprofit

If school isnt a democracy then why even give kids political offices like treasurer or president, that mixed messages shit pisses me off to to end. Hell why even let us think while were at it?


If theres so much structure and order, how come there are problems with in school, oh thats right becaues to much structure adn order is not a good thing.


Damn it give highschoolers recess. Might lighten them all up.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
If school isnt a democracy then why even give kids political offices like treasurer or president, that mixed messages shit pisses me off to to end. Hell why even let us think while were at it?


If theres so much structure and order, how come there are problems with in school, oh thats right becaues to much structure adn order is not a good thing.


Damn it give highschoolers recess. Might lighten them all up.

You give kids the opportunity to run for stuff like student council or heads of clubs for pretty simple reasons. Without some sort of leadership, nothing will get done. Furthermore, this gives people who are interested in perhaps running for an office someday or really achieving any sort of role in society where they have a bit of authority a chance to try it out.


Too much structure and order isn't a good thing, but no order is even worse.


Matt Groeing, you may know him as simpson creator #1, wrote from hell and he did terrible in school. Always got bitched at for doodling.


Are you talking about From Hell by Alan Moore, the comic book interpretation of the Jack the Ripper story, and being entirely wrong, or is there something else of which I'm not aware?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

He's talking about a book Matt "hey, I made The Simpsons" Groening wrote about his high school years, I believe.


High school does, indeed, suck. You gain friends, you lose friends, and you go out to remember the reasons why you never killed yourself only to come home and forget said reasons. Basically, it's a 4-year summary of what your life will be like, only every event seems magnified.


Sure, when I graduate, I'll probably look back with fond memories. Hell, right now I have NO problems with high school at all. Junior year so far has been fucking killer. But Sophomore year? I had to have my friends hide the razor blades in my house, and I'm not even suicidal.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Usually the semi-brainy ones were the ones who ran for those offices and weren't really all that well-known or popular. And when someone popular DID run for it, they'd never win.


I like how you ignored my concession that it may happen to other races but I'd only seen it happen with whitey. By the way, slavery can't be compared to getting picked on a bit.


Oftentimes these Sad Sacks can't really see how trivial it all is and thus decide to lash out at everyone and everything, or kill themselves because, like stupid humans, they think that the current situation will be the permanent situation and totally ignore that it will all be over in four years at the most, and those four years each have a two and a half month break within each of them.


Remember kiddies, there IS life after high school, and anyone who messes with you will probably amount to nothing in that post-high school life.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kinetic

You know, depression actually is a real affliction that you can be diagnosed with. Which is not to say that all mopey people in high school have depression, but let's not trivialize the plight of those that do by classifying them as "weak." For instance, I'll openly admit to being completely miserable my entire senior year. Moving from a fantastic school overseas to a really awful one full of obnoxious people can do that to you. I never considered killing myself or anything, but I was definitely unhappy with the situation. Then again, I'm funny and handsome and I have a great record collection, so it all rolls off my back.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Oh, I know depression is very real, but something like this is a matter of not using simple reason to fix the problem, which is taking things either too seriously or too personally.


Fo sheez,


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Guest cynicalprofit
I like how you ignored my concession that it may happen to other races but I'd only seen it happen with whitey. By the way, slavery can't be compared to getting picked on a bit.


While Ive only seen slavery and equal opportunity effects blacks, but Im sure it effects other minorities.


And for the record and from what i can personally recall, of the school shooters i remember, one was black and one was half mexican(i beleive, i know he was of mixed decent though)


Uhm, they were made slaves BECAUSE they were black, you could be pickeed on becaue of WHO YOU ARE, its the same thing. Its not ones fault they are fat, or retarded, or slow, or female, or athesist, or christian(well that is a choice but its not your choice what your parents are and teach you to be as well),or gay, or straight, or mexican or black. But ppl consider that enough to pick on you. Its perscution period.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Ummm...forced labor without pay and in increasingly poor conditions is not nearly the same as some jock douchebag calling you a "faggot" because of your t-shirt.

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Guest J*ingus
You give kids the opportunity to run for stuff like student council or heads of clubs for pretty simple reasons. Without some sort of leadership, nothing will get done. Furthermore, this gives people who are interested in perhaps running for an office someday or really achieving any sort of role in society where they have a bit of authority a chance to try it out.

But in many schools (like my alma mater), the student council and elected leaders have NO powers. Nothing gets done anyway, they basically just come up with suggestions which are either accepted or dismissed at the administration's whim. It's a charade, there is no "authority" involved. (And to make it even more hollow, the elections usually turn into popularity contests, and the most-liked get picked over most-talented.)


Are you talking about From Hell by Alan Moore, the comic book interpretation of the Jack the Ripper story, and being entirely wrong, or is there something else of which I'm not aware?


Matt Groening does a weird comic strip called "Life in Hell".

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Guest Cancer Marney
Marney admitted hes a dick, what more needs to be said.

How about this: Marney never admitted any such thing, as she's pretty much the farthest thing imaginable from a dick. (Note the pronoun. You did cover pronouns in your English classes, I hope? Or were you too busy bemoaning the terrible cruelties of life at the time?)


Ever hear of growing up.
It's rather amusing to hear this coming from someone who was just comparing black slavery to mean names in the playground.


And you obviously missunderstood my quote
No, I understood it perfectly. I just found it irrelevant and silly.


While you and your selfrighteous because I am stronger and better attitude will do whatever it takes to prove your self most dominate, fine, you can be that, and while ppl like you fight over who to kill, ill just sit back and laugh while your kind fuck the world over with your bombs.



WTF? That one really came out of left field. Are you high or something?


I need to prove Im better, so I need to get more money, thats why were at war.
Uh, no. We're at war because the terrorists want to kill 287 million people. We don't want them to. Pretty simple.


because NO ONE in goverenment has enough sense to leave other governments the fuck alone and let them run things as they see fit.
See, if we made dumb teenage slobs who get picked on in school heads of state, the whole world would be full of shiny happy "ppl" holding hands and there would be no war and no hunger and no disease and everything would be just PEACHY-KEEN! I can't wait.


If we had never fucked with the oil to start with there would have been no gulf war
Oil? Heck, don't stop there. If it had been left up to people like you, we'd never have fucked around with fire. Or even the wheel. We'd still be pointing at sticks and grunting. Your posts would look something like this:

Og. Ig ogh uggh. Ogh!

Hmm, then again, that's pretty much what your posts look like anyway. And of course computers wouldn't exist without fire and neither would the Internet. Okay, never mind.


And yeah i tried taht whole attitude change thing, and it got me rihgt back tot eh same cynicalness that im at now, only alot worse. Im more cynical then ever because when i changed my attitude, all i got was shit on ever more. So fuck it, cynical works for me.
Look, I'm not trying to send you running for the razor blades (oh godd everywun hattes me im jus tgonna end itall now ok ppl by hoap ure happy now OW PAPERCUT PAPERCUT), but do you think you might consider letting a basic English class work for you someday?

Just sayin'.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Marney, I have a certain level of respect for you now...


Here's to you and your significant other having many many nights of multi-climaxious (if that's even a word, but you get the point) sex.

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After reading that CynicalProfit dude talk about being picked on because you were a:

"christian(well that is a choice but its not your choice what your parents are and teach you to be as well)".


I would like to point out that while being raised as one, I am a Christian because I want to be one. Also, I am sick and tired of the stereotype that somewhat religious people are less intelligent than those that aren't at all. This is normally spewed by people that are atheist, but feh I don't care.


Anyways, I've never experienced a problem because I wasn't white OR black, nor because of the fact that I am a Christian. I've heard people spew bullshit like there is no God, that opinion being bullshit since it was coming from some pimply faced loner only angry due to the fact that he was, well, a pimply faced loner. Maybe I just go to a good school, I don't know, but anybody who I know that's really nice and acts like it(sort of like the "fat" girl you speak of), gets that attitude in return. So please don't base your whole outlook on life because a few people treated you like shit after you were "nice". I don't know about you, but telling people "you're responsible for the world being fucked up...ASS~!" doesn't sound like being nice to me.


Oh yeah, I'm in Gr.11 now, and while Gr.9,10 was alright due to good friends and healthy dosage of the opposite sex, this year will probably rule it, if only due to the CKY stuff that me and some other guys have been spreading throughout the school. That shit's hilarious.


Don't take this personal or anything, but you haven't tried hard enough Profit if cheering up made you more cynical than ever.

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Zack Malibu,


For someone who is the "king" of all Teen shows, I'm surprised that you can't spell the word sophmore correctly.



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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
Zack Malibu,


For someone who is the "king" of all Teen shows, I'm surprised that you can't spell the word sophmore correctly.







It's rather amusing to hear this coming from someone who was just comparing black slavery to mean names in the playground.


After reading that, I kind of want to take a few hours to write "Uncle Tom's Monkey Bars."


"Evil Simon Legree has stolen Tuptim's lunch money! To the swings, Tuptim, to!"

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Guest papacita

I don't wanna make light of anybody's problems, but I think a lot of what cynicalprofit is describing comes from putting too much stock in what people say. I was never really picked on, but when I was younger people teased me because they knew it would make me mad. When I stopped letting it bother me, that's when it all stopped. I know it probably sounds corny, but what other people think of you really shouldn't matter as long as you've got confidence in yourself. If people like you, fine, if not, fuck em.

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Guest godthedog
Of course I picked on people. I still pick on people even now. Some people deserve it, and to be perfectly honest, it's kind of fun.

although cynicalprofit went off on a tangent there, you really do need to grow the fuck up.


unless you're talking about just making fun of people. making fun of people is fine, i do it quite a bit myself.


to me, the very definition of "picking on" entails that it's making fun of someone for something that shouldn't be made fun of.

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Guest godthedog
I don't wanna make light of anybody's problems, but I think a lot of what cynicalprofit is describing comes from putting too much stock in what people say. I was never really picked on, but when I was younger people teased me because they knew it would make me mad. When I stopped letting it bother me, that's when it all stopped. I know it probably sounds corny, but what other people think of you really shouldn't matter as long as you've got confidence in yourself. If people like you, fine, if not, fuck em.

high school people don't have a very well-developed sense of self. they generally don't have the experience to be able to just say, "oh, fuck them, i'll just be myself anyway." young people's self esteem is more dependent on what others say than most of you seem to be willing to admit. you can't necessarily "just ignore them," it isn't that simple. if you're 14 and you're trying to find out who you are, & you get treated like shit by everyone around you 5 days a week for 7 hours at a time, you will start to believe it.

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Guest Incandenza
oh godd everywun hattes me im jus tgonna end itall now ok ppl by hoap ure happy now OW PAPERCUT PAPERCUT


Were I drinking something while reading that, I would've spit it all over my computer screen.

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Guest Cancer Marney
you really do need to grow the fuck up.

Cordially, fuck you.


unless you're talking about just making fun of people.  making fun of people is fine, i do it quite a bit myself.

to me, the very definition of "picking on" entails that it's making fun of someone for something that shouldn't be made fun of.

How do you define someone that "shouldn't be made fun of?" I'm picking on cynicalprofit and he's just another one of those fat, ugly, acne-ridden, insecure, dumb teenage slobs I mentioned earlier. He's done nothing to deserve it apart from being weak, petty, vindictive, obsessive, and ignorant. Getting blasted on this board, probably the only place where he feels safe anymore, isn't doing him any good at all. It isn't helping him cope, it isn't enlightening him, and it certainly isn't making him change. It won't do a damn thing for him. I'm doing it simply because I enjoy being cruel to whiny, contemptible brats who think their soft, coddled lives are roiling, unendurable cauldrons of despair and anguish. "Oh you made me feel so bad I wanted to kill myself?" The necessary and sufficient response is "Go to hell." I've known people who died when they DIDN'T want to. Life is precious, if you don't know that by the time you're 14, go back to the goddamn classroom. I have no sympathy and no patience for weepy teenagers who use their death as a threat, as an emotional lever, in order to make others care for them. That's extortion. That's blackmail. Such disgusting children don't need understanding or love; they need a hard slap across their fat, stupid faces.

And just whom do you think I should make fun of, anyway? Strong, generous, forgiving, kind, and smart people? What would be the point?


you can't necessarily "just ignore them," it isn't that simple
It absolutely is.


if you're 14 and you're trying to find out who you are, & you get treated like shit by everyone around you 5 days a week for 7 hours at a time, you will start to believe it
Cry me a river. 4 year-olds are starving to death right fucking now. A few hours ago a woman was shot and killed in Falls Church. People have real problems in the real world, and if you're such a self-involved self-pitying drama-queen mess that you're more concerned with your own meaningless, artificial problems while living your meaningless, artificial life, I have no time for you. And I'll say so. Mean? Unkind? Yeah. But that's what you've earned.

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