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Guest Frank Zappa Mask

MUMIA-"War Against Terror...."

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AND, I would be SO thrilled to see the Kennedys taking Greyhound from town to town for their next political tour.

Hey, it would make our country safer to have Uncle Ted away from any steering wheel.


I can't effect the kennedys.  I laughed when on Hannity and Colmes Hannity asked a Kennedy who was all for CAFE standards about his private jet.  It's FUNNY.


The person in question was RFK's son.


One, one or one hundred jets don't effect gas usage as much as cars, trucks, etc.


I'm assuming you are comparing total usage. If so, then I'm sure the answer is yes. But you'll save a oodles of fuel by driving instead of taking a private jet. If you REALLY have to get From Point A to Point B in a hurry, then take a commercial plane.


Two, whether or not one politician does something good should have nothing to do with whether or not you do.


It does when they preach conservation, then proceed to hop on a private jet. I just found it funny that RFK Jr. dodged this question by Hannity for the longest time. He also has a lawsuit against some alternative-fuel group that wants to set up some hippie windmills or something because it would affect the view (and property values) of the Kennedy Compound.


I'm not "enraged" over any of this -- these stories aren't even in the same league as, say, Racist Dusty. It's all in good fun...

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Notices there's plenty of Oil in Alaska.

Yeah, but while we can't eliminate oil, we can use oil more efficiently and not waste it.


You know how Saddam was threatening to stop sending us oil a while back, and some government beancounter was quoted as saying we get 13% of our oil from Saddam? If we used 13% less oil, we could have cut Saddam out of the picture. And this isn't political commentary about whether or not we should have gone into Iraq. I'm talking pure economics here. Just 13% less oil not only in cars but any other way we find we waste oil = one less Middle East country to depend on.

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