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The one and only 1/2/03 WWE Smackdown thread...

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Guest Mole

As everyone else has figured out I'm sure, it is just a dumb ratings ploy.


Sigh, I think people know she won't get naked on network TV.


I mean, she isn't Stacey Carter...

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Did the crowd not pop at all for that announcement, or am I imagining things again?

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Guest AndrewTS

Steph is going to coach her, having had her titties pop out during her renewing of vowels.


Ah--this is a cheap ploy to get Steph heel heat.

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Guest Quik

Steph, you may be pure evil; but I still wanna blow my load in your face.


Whoop, she's a heel tonight.

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Guest HartFan86

Yeah, ok. No one gives a fuck.


Hey, it's Chuck "I'm not gay or over" Palumbo.



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Guest AndrewTS

Steph probably thinks "repercussions" are a type of musical instrument.



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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Crikey, I think Steph got new implants, or gigantic shoulder pads. She looks like a beast.


The first fifteen minutes of this show have truly blown like nobody's business. Benoit/Somebody vs. Team Angle should give Haas and Benjamin a good little entrance into the spotlight.


...Oh good. Chuck Palumbo and Bill DeMott. Twitch.

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Guest Will Scarlet

What the hell happened to Chuck Palumbo? And it's Bill Demott! Good. I'm hungry anyway.

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Guest Mole

Poor Chuck, he went from being in the last wedding, to getting beaten my DeMott.


HAHAHAHA Cole even said it himself, no cruiser squash

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Guest Anglesault
*FUCK What the FUCK is wrong with Vince?! Angle is made to look weak every FUCKING night!!!! Today, he wasn't allowed to go over every upper carder in 0.5 seconds and HE'S THE FUCKING CHAMP!!!!!! It's all about Brock "No Heat (Okay, he gets heat but I don't really want to admit it)" Lesnar!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!! If Big Show is going to be in the family, he needs to be protecting ANGLE!!!!!! If someone DARE get in Angle's way he should FUCKING EAT THEM!!!!!! If a BABY gets in his way, HE SHOULD FUCKING PULL A FAT BASTARD AND EAT IT!!!!! If a mosquito sucks some of Kurt's precious blood he should eat the mosquito then somehow replace Kurt's blood with HIS OWN!!!!!! If Albert is going to be in that family he needs to be repulsing people with his fur so they can stay away!!!!! FUCK HEYMAN!!!!!! As for Team Angle, these guys are heels!!!!!! They need to be raping virgins, frying babies on griddles for Big Show to eat with maples syrup and grape jelly!!!!! The should be going over EVERY FUCKING MEMBER OF THE ROSTER IN 2 SECONDS SQUASHES just to show you don't FUCK with Kurt Angle!!!!!! As for Angle, he's bigger than the WWE. Every world leader should be forced to suck Angle's manly manhood, and if he can't get off, EXECUTE THE MUTHAFUCKERS!!!!!!! God and the Son of God should surrender heaven to Kurt Angle because ANGLE IS GOD!!!!!! He should go over both God and Jesus in a handicap match after Team Angle interference, BUT DON'T MAKE HIM LOOK WEAK!!!!!! That's how this angle SHOULD be booked!!!! SO FUCK VINCE, PAUL HEYMAN, STEPH, AND BROCK LESNAR!!!!!! And even though they have nothing to do with it and are on another show, FUCK HHH AND TEST!!!!!! AND FUCK SCOTT HALL FOR BEING DRUNK!!!!!! I'M SURE HE HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!! And why is Edge always calling people dork's!!!!!!! And did I mention the fact that I hate rap ONE BILLION TIMES despite the fact I can't even distinguish it and R&B, a totally different genre!!!! I did!!???! Good!!!!!!*



Well, hello.


What the hell was Stacker 2 wearing in that cena match?


Oh, good. Demott/Palumbo.

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