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Guest CoreyLazarus416

The One and Only TNA Week 31 Thread

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

The announers mention Trinity being in Daredevil. They act like she's got a decent-sized role in the film, then mention the fact that she was just a stunt double.


Nice one.


Match isn't bad. Just kind of slow moving right now.


When Tenay said, "He just got t-boned," I could sworn he said, "He just got teabagged."

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Desire crotches Kash. Trinity gets Desire away. Siaki clotheslines Trinty to the floor. PRetty hard to.


Kid Kash goes off the top with something (damn you computer) and WINS THE X-TITLE.


Well, that was pretty anti-clamatic.

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Guest RedJed

Jesus Christ, that was a scary spot there when Kash landed on his head. Weird they decided to do the finish with that.


But at least its off Siaki........I just wish I knew why Red didn't get it instead.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Last wek was terrible. Tonight hasn't been that good either...but at lesat Siaki lost the title.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

There's the second part of the combination. My favorite guy who's actually classified as X-Division with the title and Jarrett/Styles next week.


But I swear, if they have some bullshit ending to that match...

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Yes, Siaki's reign of crap is over. Now hopefully the X Division can move back to being at the level it once was without Siaki to drag things down.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

OMG! So gay.


The Interrogators, with Tenay and West.


They set up The Truth in the dark, and make him answer a lot of "blank or blank" questions.


Tenay: "Vince McMahon."

Truth: "Asshole."


They even had a screen with Tenay and West looking tough.


Disco and Sanders are awesome on the mic. "BeastieAnne, KuKluxKatie." - Disco to Goldylocks.


They even make fun of Crimson Dragon. And somewhere, Chris Hamrick cries.


"The Evil Architect, as a member of the Ku Klux Jews."


They refer to The Truth as "the black guy" while Disco continues to look at a calendar with a buff guy that looks like Juvi.


Funny stuff.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Time for the 6 man tag. They replaced David Flair with Disco Inferno which sadly is a step up.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Estrada looks fucking ridiculous with the Austin tights and a huge afro.


I missed Tenacious Z last week, so I can't wait to see this shit.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo
Time for the 6 man tag. They replaced David Flair with Disco Inferno which sadly is a step up.

You know, I was going to complain about Disco wrestling, but something in my mind told me I shouldn't.


And there's the reason.


Estrada's in now. Please, somebody fucking kill this bitch.


Pretty cool story about Z, as Hulk Hogan visited him in the hospital through the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


I can't believe Estrada just pulled out a crappy, yet still, a standing shooting star press. And you know a move is played out when the announcers don't even recognize it.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
OMG! So gay.


The Interrogators, with Tenay and West.


They set up The Truth in the dark, and make him answer a lot of "blank or blank" questions.


Tenay: "Vince McMahon."

Truth: "Asshole."


They even had a screen with Tenay and West looking tough.


Disco and Sanders are awesome on the mic. "BeastieAnne, KuKluxKatie." - Disco to Goldylocks.


They even make fun of Crimson Dragon. And somewhere, Chris Hamrick cries.


"The Evil Architect, as a member of the Ku Klux Jews."


They refer to The Truth as "the black guy" while Disco continues to look at a calendar with a buff guy that looks like Juvi.


Funny stuff.

I'm sure it was funny to watch, but if you just read it, it sounds awful.


Good, no Flair to stink things up. Think they'll ever say what's in that damn bag?

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

That one-legged dropkick was impressive, and God damn BG James knocks him off the top ring rope before he can bust something out.


It was pretty funny to those who know all the stories about Disco Inferno being the worst idea man in the business. I'm surprised he didn't bring up the invisibility gimmick.


I just found it funny because Disco was bringing up all these horrible ideas for Goldy, then the buff guy who looked like Juvi.


Steve Armstrong distracts BG James, Truth punches James, and we a one-legged moonsault!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Raven about Sandman:


"They were seperated when I took his wife."


"It doesn't matter that I took his son Tyler Fullington, who knew I'd make a better dad than his drunken father."


AJ Styles runs out and beats the crap out of Raven in the parking lot.


Where's Raven's bitchy Grandma? And according to Bischoff logic, isn't The Sandman Raven's cousin?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

well...it was better than I thought it would be...and Sanders brought back the "Hey!" for once.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

He busted it out once early in the match. A feeling of relief swept over the crowd.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

David Flair interview. Arghhh! We can't escape him!


Flair says he's still learning the sport of wrestling.


Tenacious Z has one leg and he can bust a dropkick, in addition to the fact that he's only been in the sport for nine months. Come on David.


David does the whole "My dad wasn't there for me" spiel.

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Guest RedJed

That six man was way better than I thought it would be.


Wow, what a WrestleCrap idea that Interrogator vignette was. So bad it was funny though.


God damn, get David Flair off my TV!! This is horrible. I think all of us here could easily cut a better promo than this dipshit.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Sit down interview with Flair.


He also inherited none of his father's charisma.


I think he could have had a good sit down interview if he was just talking and not trying to stay somewhat in his character.



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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Low Ki does not look intimidating with black pants on.


My God, it's Steve Corino. I like him and everything, as he's fun to see at ROH, but I hope Low Ki squashes this fool.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Old School!




The angle that was MADE for Steve Corino!

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Guest RedJed

This is the guy who I would have thought of first and foremost for the oldschool side, obviously. Thank god they brought him in, this is great.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Well geez, I was free last week and gave the show an order after a few weeks off, and they give a crap show with NO surpises, and now this week they have like 3 or 4 in one show. Bullshit...I guess I'll try again next week...

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