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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Game everyone liked........

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Any of those "You're in a big world and you go EXPLORING~!" games like Banjo-Kazooie, Mario 64, that ilk. I also can't fucking stand the Zelda games.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yeah the exploring stuff is pretty annoying. Because I have this problem where I have to do everything in a game and see everything.....these take forever.........

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Guest KanadianKrusty

Super smash brothers is really fucking bad, I just can't stand it, and Half-Life is one big piece if shite.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
Yeah the exploring stuff is pretty annoying. Because I have this problem where I have to do everything in a game and see everything.....these take forever.........

I constantly find myself going into EVERY single building and area in RPG's, and same with "Adventure" games. Ugh.

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Guest Renegade

Tekken tag tournament, any MGS and and any Castlevania game, I never liked the Castlevania series and cant understand why it still continues.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
Super smash brothers is really fucking bad

you take that back!!!

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Guest Samurai_Goat

Spiderman: The Movie: The Game. It was so much worse in every department except for graphics. Though having Ash teach you how to play owns all.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

The Tony Hawk series- Considering that I never got into the fad to begin, that was like strike 1 for those games. I'd have liked it more if there was some to actually die when you supremely fuck up a trick, but oh well...


FF Tactics- I seriously tried to get into it, but geez, the battle system is so fucking BORING.

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Guest chirs3

Final Fantasy VIII. HATE HATE HATE this game, yet I am constantly assaulted by legions of people who claim Squall is "just like them" and say it's the most beautiful thing to ever be burned on a CD... or 4 CD's, whatever.


I weep for the future.

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Guest CED Ordonez

Huh...I always was under the assumption that FF VIII was the black sheep of the Final Fantasy series.

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Guest EQ
Games such as Warcraft, or any of those "control an army" or whatever strategy games, I can't stand. I'm a fuckin one man army, I don't need no stinkin' fleet.

Oh man... I could not agree with you more. I *hate* those kinds of games.

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Guest The Man in Blak

I'll say Warcraft III...and gently step away, since I've had about four of my favorite games of all time listed.


*grinds axe*

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Guest EricMM

FFVIII WAS the black sheep of the Final Fantasies. One could argue that Final Fantasy IV is the black sheep, but it would be an argument. The only people who like FF8 are people who played it first or second in terms of RPG's.


Nostalgia does naughty things to people's memories, be it for FF4, or FF8. Both games have major gameplay flaws and stupid plots, yet people remember the good parts and not the bad parts.


Games like Final Fantasy VI, VII, and X were so well put together, I don't understand how Square decided to come up with the other ones.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Well I didn't have a problem with FF8 the first time I played through it. Then I went through it a second time and it annoyed the hell out of me. I could barely finish it. But my penchant for mastering games made me do it. Jeez it was boring. Me and my friend made a list as to why it sucks. Let me see if I can remember it:


-The world map made the world look to bland and boring.

-The side quests were incredibley stupid.

-The "i'm a badass main character who has issues" was just reused from the last game.

-The final boss just drops on you towards the end. Not much buildup. A big change from previous FF's where you spend the whole game hunting his ass down(sephiroth,kefka,x-death)

-The world map music added to it's blandness

-The love story was not very entraping at all

-The Laguna stuff was annoying and didn't make much sense

-The backstory of "we're all from the same place!" was kinda like a "well the writers got lazy" type of deal.

Those were just a fraction of the reasons we listed for why it sucks.

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Guest teke184

Tomb Raider


Shitty 3-D graphics and polygon-rendered breasts do NOT make a game good.

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The entire Tony Hawk series (or Skateboarding games for that matter)


All of these Pro Snowboarder and Pro BMX games. (Never got into these at all, never quite seen what was so special about these)


The entire Final Fantasy series (never got into it)


the WCW games made on PS1 (Thunder, Nitro, Mayhem, Backstage Assault) and the last two made on N64 (Mayhem and Backstage Assault)


The Tomb Raider series (the first one drove me away from the series itself)

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Ugh. All you "Adventure" genre haters might as well add The Legend of Zelda: WW on your list now. I played the demo at Circuit City and damn that is an awesome game. Any persons who hated Metroid Prime will probably doubly hate it..


I never got into the FF games either, but im not a big RPG person (I did like Earthbound though, but that was just cause it was funny and over the top..)

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I never cared for fighting games, except for perhaps Killer Instinct 2 and Mortal Kombat 2.


Never got into Zelda for NES, either...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I really don't see the big deal with Soul Caliber. It's basically Virtua Fighter with better graphics and weapons.





You are forever to be known as a crusty cumsock from a 13 year old retard's closet. Soulcalibur has some of the most gorgeous graphics, fluid gameplay, cool characters, and good music in any game I've ever played. You should be stabbed in the right and left testicle with a trucker's rusty pocket knife. Twice, NAY, thrice.


Also, I hereby impeach you from your position as admin. You are clearly not mentally fit to perform your duties, and are to be rushed to the nearest mental health facility for an emergency psychological evaluation. They will no doubt keep you there for an extensive course of medication, ECT, and psychotherapy. When you're finally fit to rejoin society, you'll be issued a dreamcast, and this game. You will love it. You will play it. Then we will play, and I will beat you until you get frustrated and cry.


Thank you.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Tomb Raider.




But I think the majority of die hard gamers feels the same way. I don't know anyone who likes that game

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Guest Youth N Asia

Starcraft, I have a buddy who tried to get me into that damn thing and I was bored out of my skull.


And how can you hate a game without even playing it? That's an unfair call (to the guy who hates FFX)

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Well.....I like Adventure Genre games that have a great story, great music, and feel like an adventure.

Mario and Zelda were fun adventure games. But games like Banjo Kazooie and such are just boring because they have a goofy ass storyline and don't feel epic at all. The only one of that type that I accept is Conkers Bad Fur Day for sheer hilarity.

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Guest Special K

Mortal Kombat may be some of the worst fighting games ever.


Final Fantasies are great IMHO, but I can see how lots of people don't like RPG's


Everquest is laughably dull and bland.


GTA3 and Vice City are OK for the missions, but whenever someone picks up the controller all they do is go on another boring fuckin killing spree.


GOldeneye was leagues behind Halflife and its brethren/


Zelda 64 was nowhere near the perfect game people wanted it to be.


MGS2 was awful, and I loved the 1st one.

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I thought Zelda: Ocarina of Time was absolutely stunning. Great visuals, great gameplay, great fun.


I hated Half Life. I have it for my computer and after playing it and playing it I finally just got fed up and put it away. I couldn't get anywhere without cheat codes.

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Guest razazteca

I do not understand all of the love for Virtual Fighter or its evil spawn of Tekken 4.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

EQ ,your sig owns all there is to own.


I can't fuckin' stand any Final Fantasy game. I prefer games i can relate to and incorporate reality into it's structure, such as Metal Gear etc. It just makes the experience seem authentic.


I'm a fighting game buff anyway, and rarely waste my time with anything else...



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