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Guest Banky

Who is the Coolest Wrestler in the WWE/All-time

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Guest Banky

So who is it? It can be for how he/she dresses, acts, wrestles, sucks, is insane, dellusional or whatever...


This could be interesting


I think...




Who is the coolest wrestling of all-time

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Flash Funk. He had hoes, he danced himself to the ring and he wore neon clothes. Is there really even an arguement?

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Guest Mik at Cornell
Of all time? That's a bit of a stretch. So, I'll just go with whose the current coolest...


Stevie & Victoria!

*Rechecks the thread title*



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Guest wildpegasus

My picks would be Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect. Coming in 3rd place would be the team of Edge and Christian when they reeked of awesomeness.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Bret Hart is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, but I don't exactly see how he is cool. He had the greasiest hair of all time and he wore pink. What's cool about that? Someone enlighten me.

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Guest eiker_ir

umm....his jacket was cool, and the glasses too.... B-)


Xpac had greasiest hair

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

The Undertaker.


He had a gimmick that was so cool, it survived some of the worst angles and worst opponants to ever grace a wrestling ring, and still be monumentally over.


I don't see anyone even close.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Mick Foley, was the coolest wrestler ever... in three different ways, too, with Cactus Jack, Mankind, AND Dude Love in his repertoire of characters and whatnot.


Ironically enough, he was the LEAST cool when he wrestled under his real name.

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