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Guest ViciousFish

WWE Promos

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Guest Youth N Asia
Kurt (to Kane): "How was your Thanksgiving? I had a great time with my family in Pittsburgh. Nothing like having a family that loves you. I don't know where I'd be with out them. I take it the Undertaker didn't call you. Heartless, heartless man. Well, I just want to say that you're more than welcome to come over to the Angle house for Thanksgiving next year. Better yet, What are you doing for Christmas? It would be an honor for you to come to my house to help us trim the tree or we could have a mennora- whatever your thing is."

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Guest TheBlurricane

Hurricane: "Brendan Frasier beat the Scorpion King!"


Rock: "It was a special effect for a movie!"

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Guest CanadianChick

This is from Raw last year on April 8...and I am serious about this happening.


"Just like the lion roars and the chicken clucks, it’s a simple fact of life — X-PAC SUCKS!" -Kane

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Guest Youth N Asia
Kurt's take on who hit Austin: "Why not Essa? I mean every body knows, it's always the quiet ones. Maybe Stone Cold Steve Austin stole his greencard or something."

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Guest bob_barron

Angle to Hogan:


"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. This is a joke, right? YOU wanna face Lesnar. What are you gonna do - challenge him in a game of shuffleboard?

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Guest eiker_ir
Hurricane: "Brendan Frasier beat the Scorpion King!"


Rock: "It was a special effect for a movie!"


the best part was at the end when Hurricane flew away and the ROck:


''..........it was a special effect for the movie!.......''

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Guest Youth N Asia

One more classic from the great Kurt Angle


Kurt: "Undertaker, if that really is your name..."


I'm off to bed now

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"He's the game all right."- Edge

"Yeah if the game is pin the tail on the two faced reekazoid." -Christian


"Now, Bad Ass, you run your mouth about Summerslam. Well, here's the situation. The Rock says this, if the Rock hits you he'll kill you. If he misses, the wind behind the punch will give you pneumonia and you'll die anyway,so the choice is yours jabroni." -The Rock

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Guest ViciousFish

After all the Kurt one liners in this thread I've come to a conclusion. Kurt Angle could have the wrestling talents of Nathan Jones with alcohol poisoning and still be totally over just from the promos.

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Guest CanadianChick

I gotta go to bed, but I will you all with this Jericho quote:


"Seriously, Eddie - I think the Taco Bell chihuahua has more Latino heat than you."

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Guest bob_barron

Edge: The Game- what's up with that?

Christian: Yea- whose his manager- Milton Bradley?

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Kurt: Yeah, where was HHH during the invasion.

Christian: Probably at home listening to U2 records.


Kurt: People don't realise that wrestling is a very dangerous business. At any given moment I could fall and become a loser just like all you people. (Crowd boos) I know, I don't want it to happen either.

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Guest eiker_ir

'' book book book.....i'm just you booker t(booker t)........i'm not you suckaah (suckaaaa)''

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Guest ViciousFish

Not a great one liner but a typical 'Foleyism'


I can't jump high, so I jump off high places

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Guest ViciousFish


I'm sorry I had to post that.

Those aren't a whole lot better than his real 'sharky' teeth.

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Guest TheBlurricane

I wish I had the whole jug band pic of Edge, Christian, and Angle.

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Guest eiker_ir

Hurricane to Billy and Chuck


''this two...with hot chicks...whassupwitdat?!?


and the only superhero that u have anything in common with, is the Human Toch. Flaaame On''

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

From Wrestlemania this year, go back and watch as Book is on the top fighting Flair off setting up the harlem hangover, JR explodes out of nowhere and screams "FLAIR HAS NO BUSINESS OUT HERE DAMMIT!" That still just kills me for some reason. Not a promo, but I have to make sure JR's insanity is represented.

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Guest godthedog

right before edge's match with albert (back when he was with x factor), when he said that nobody's watching his match right now, cause they've all changed the channel due to how much albert's music sucks.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

From CRZ's recap, with some additions in paranthesees by myself so you can enjoy it better:


"Finally, the Rock has come BACK to Las Vegas! Undertaker, Mankind, Kane, and the Big Show. The Rock says you all four jabrones can go right down to the Tropicana hotel, it's right up the road... you find the absolute best slot machine you can find, you can't miss it - it's got a big Brahma bull on the front and it says 'the People's slot machine.' And then, one of you jabrones pulls the handles. And there it is - one brahma bull - two brahma bulls - three brahma bulls - you jabrones hit the jackpot. And then all of a sudden, you're jumping around like a bunch of idiots... Undertaker, with his Mickey Mouse tattoos and his 33-pound head - jumping around, screaming like a girl - (high pitched girly giggle) eheheheheheh ehehehehe - and then all of a sudden, Kane, running around doing cartwheels, scaring everyone in the casino... (Kane voicebox voice) 'I won, I won, let's par-tee.' And the biggest goof of them all, the Big Slow, sits there scaring all the Rock's fans - (retarded voice, raising hand up and down) ahhhhuhhhauuhhu ahuuhhuhhuhhahhohhah ... and then the doors open and the Rock arrives. And as the Rock looks at all four of you jabrones with tears rolling down your cheeks and (beep)ss running down your legs... The Rock says he's gonna gather up all the gold coins you guys won... and in front of the millions - of Rock fans, he's gonna shine all the gold coins up - shine all the gold coins up, turn them sum(beep) sideways, and stick 'em straight up your candyass! If ya smellllllllllll...what the Rock...is cookin'."

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I'm sorry I had to post that.

OH...MY...GOD that is the funniest f'n picture ever! Well, apart from this...




God bless Wrestlecrap.



HHH as The Crock to X-Pac as 'Mizark'

Let me ask you one thing Mark...how do you get your pecs, to go AAALL the way around your body like that?


Rock's pre-Summerslam vs Billy Gunn speech to 'God'


'Billy'(Rock in a really squeaky voice)-But my name is Bill..



Angle-Word on the street is that I, Kurt Angle, am...'All That'.

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Guest commie_050

"So apparently all you fans are from San Diego, but I think the INS would have something to say about that"

-Kurt Angle


"GOD BLESS LOU THESZ!!!" or "That's some serious-ass impact!"

-JR at WM 19


"A lot of people talk about the Kennedy assassination, but I think its a moot point. If JFK had spent 15 more minutes in Dalls, he would have killed himself!"



"JR, shut up or I'll stab you in the face."

-The Taker


"Badges! We don't need no stinkin' badges!"



"Quoth Stone Cold, you suck"

- Austin to Raven


"Kane scares me, and I AM A FEARLESS MAN!"

- Paul Heyman

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Hurricane- I've got my hurri-powers BIATCH~! craked me up.

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Guest Renegade

"What exactly is a Nature Boy? Do you like nature? Do you like boys?

... no don't answer that, don't answer that at all!" - Steve Austin to Ric Flair


King: "...and that's just terrible! How would you like it, J.R., if Jericho talked that way about your wife?!"


J.R.: "Well, quite obviously, I would be extremely upset."


*One Minute Later*


King: "...and that's why he's the Game, J.R. I mean, wouldn't you be mad if someone said that about your wife?!"


J.R.: "Again, yes, I'd be quite upset."


*One Minute Later*


King: "...and win back the title, but tonight's about revenge, for his wife, Stephanie. I can't believe he said those things, J.R. I imagine somebody saying something like that about your wife!"


J.R.: "[irritated] Yes, King, I would be very, very upset, alright!?"


*One Minute Later*


King: "...and don't you think he'll forget what he said, J.R. Imagine if he said that about your wife! How would you feel?!"


J.R.: "Dammit, King, I said I wouldn't like it, for the 50th time!!! How would you like it if someone said that about one of your seven ex-wives?!"


King: "...*Pause* What are you talking about, J.R.? I've never been married."


"Hey Rey, you don't know who you're messin with... Im a man and you're just a little boy, and i love to play with little boys! Wait a minute no no thats not what i meant!" - Kurt Angle to Rey Mysterio


"Lets face it: Essa Rios stole Kurt Angle's t-shirt and sold it for tequila money"


"Let me open my Present. I'm not even sure what i got Myself!!" - Kurt Angle


Ah 3Strand

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Guest Youth N Asia

*Rock sings "Gambler" to Austin*

Rock: "How do you feel now?"

Austin: "I feel like crap."


*Austin explains his problem with Vince to Tajiri*

Tajiri: *Bunch of Japaneese*

Austin: "Uh huh."

Tajiri: "Bunch of Japaneese*

Austin: "You're a very wise man, Tajiri."


Austin (to Vince later): "You know what! Tajiri was right!"


And that fact that he called him Tye-Jiri made it even funnier

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

"Mark Henry is handling the big Johnson..."

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Guest j.o.b. squad

this handicap match has turned into a two on one affair


i believe this was said be cole

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