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Guest Redhawk

Who is the most overrated by smarks?

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Guest Redhawk

I like Christian's television character. He's a good actor for a wrestler, he's funny and he's got good "stage presence" or charisma, whatever you want to call it. But maybe there's a reason why he never gets pushed beyond a Jobber to the Stars, and it's not his size: I don't think the guy is that good of a wrestler. Think of a younger Roddy Piper, and that's Christian. His offense is weak aside from a couple of decent moves, and from what I've seen, his best stuff in the ring is when he's on "defense" (selling and bumping) and his mannerisms and stuff. Not very much in-ring talent, but an entertaining guy.

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Guest bob_barron

Christian easily.


Edge is so much better then him that it's scary.


Lance Storm is also overrated.


I wouldn't call Booker T overrated. No one really thinks he's a great worker at all. Everyone knows that he can have a great match with someone good but can't carry anyone

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I would concur that Christian while very, very entertaining on the mic. He isn't as good as people make him out to be. He doesn't suck, but his offense is fairly bland minus the Unprettier, and he doesn't impress me with alot of his stuff.

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Guest bob_barron

How the heck is Edge overrated by smarks who constantly pick him apart for every little thing he does???


Edge was in many great matches this year but since he didn't sell a shoulder injury in one match- the guy gets shit on

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Lance Storm, Kurt Angle, post-92 Ric Flair, Chris Jericho, and Hurricane.

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Lance Storm. There's a general consensus that Christian is an awesome promo guy, actor, and bumper but his offense is horrible and if he wants a push, he needs some more offensive moves... and Steiner taking the reverse DDT for his finisher doesn't help Christian at all.


I like Lance, but he hasn't had a good match in a couple years at the least.

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Guest bob_barron

Will you explain to me how Regal is overrated considering everyone but me thinks he sucks?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Booker T


He has recieved more passes for bad matches than anyone. EVER.

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Booker T to an extent...but definitely Rico. I've seen signs of potential, I'll admit, but some guys claim he's the next big thing. I've never seen any of his OVW stuff, but he hasn't impressed me at all so far.



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Guest Lil Naitch

I think if they gave Rico a chance, dames, he might actually be decent. Being stuck with the Ambigously Gay Duo and 3 Moron Warning haven't helped him.


Oh, and Christian and Storm are way overrated. I found it funny how the WWE was promoting Goldberg-Christian as smoething important. I still see Christian throwing temper tanturms in the ring.

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Guest bob_barron

Yea- Rico had a fantastic HEAT match with Am Dragon recently

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Guest Olympic Slam

Christian is easily the most overrated as he's all choke, chinlock, reverse DDT, choke, chinlock.


Here's some other guys that get away with far too much praise.....



Booker T - great character but his in-ring style is slow and very loose. He looks like he's trying too hard not to screw up out there.

Storm - Hasn't had a good match since he lost the I.C title to Edge at Summerslam 01.

Rico - He hasn't done enough to warrant a real solid opinion by anyone.

Hurricane - A fine wrestler that deserves a lot of praise, but you're crazy if you think he's worth anything more than mid-card comedy match or cruiserweight champion.


If the Brock love gets any stronger around here, I might have to add him to the list.

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Guest bravesfan
Will you explain to me how Regal is overrated considering everyone but me thinks he sucks?


:waits for his "Best of Regal" compilation tape to come in the mail, in order make a decision:


Just kidding, Bob. I AM waiting, though. :P


Whoever clamored for a Christian push needs to be shot immediately. All of his matches have the same formula, build-up, rest-holds, offensive manuevers...it's sickening to watch. His charisma, although exceptional, is NOWHERE near a young, old or dead Roddy Piper.




Piper never needed a belt to get over, as evidenced by the first 8-9 years of his WWF run. Hell, his only title reign was a token reign which would then become a transitional reign for Bret.

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Guest DawnBTVS

Booker T. sure he isn't a great wrestler but the dude also sucks on the mic and is only over cause of the spinaroonie

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Storm. The epitome of boring.


Oh and Booker is God. Blasphemers.(sp)

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Up until the last couple of weeks where he's shown some decent personality, I felt Brian "Spany" Kendrick was about the most overhyped wrestler by smarks. I kept hearing how great this guy Spanky was on the indy scene and since he's debuted I've just found him to be an extremly annoying babyface and was underwhelmed by his workrate.


Oh and on the subject Booker T, him and RVD (who I'm surprised hasn't been really mentioned) are neither that great of workers or that great on the mic but they both have a certain charisma about them that makes them entertaining and gets them over.

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Guest Midnight Express83

Lance Strom is a soild wrestler, but hasn't been in a good match since...well, um, I never seen a GOOD Lance Storm match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

RVD hasn't been mentioned because you probably couldn't find 3 people on this board that would call him a good wrestler.


Even I wouldn't say that...and I'm his biggest fan.

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Guest Infinit

Is it just me or is this whole list comprised of RAW guys? (Other than Kendrick)



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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

It's a case of wrestlers being neutered into WWE-Style workers.


Lance Storm in Japan and WCW to an extent was FANTASTIC. That's where his rep comes from. His half-crab came out of many mat-wrestling reversals - it had a place. Also he can carry a match no sweat. One of my favs.


Lance Storm in WWE is reduced to punching (and his punches are the worst in the business besides Big Dick Dudley). His half crabs come out of nowhere since technical wrestling is forbidden most of the time (although I have hope when Angle becomes a road agent). He's been reduced to shit.


Christian has always been trash to me - even though he's on steroids now and thus finally getting a push - he still sucks.

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Christian- From an ring standpoint yes. On the mic, he saves himself...and then some. I liked the comparison with Piper...I always thought Piper was totally overrated in the ring, but on the mic was one of the best.


Booker- Yeah, I guess...I like him, but there ya go.

Storm- Nah. The way he's used at the moment...it shows nothing like he could do. like he did in ECW and WCW when given the chance. Even WWE for the first few months...

Angle- Lol, I can't see how he can't be overrated. He's near god of wrestling like from some on here.

Kendrick- Wha'? Ok...that's like saying Jamie Noble is overrated.


Team Angle kind of are too. Although the Guerreros/Team Angle match at Backlash is one of my favourite matches of the year so far...kind of overrated though.


Sean O'Haire pops into mind too


Lance Strom is a soild wrestler, but hasn't been in a good match since...well, um, I never seen a GOOD Lance Storm match.


The one I can think of off the top of my head is RVD-Storm from Guilty As Charged 99. He was decent enough when he debuted in WCW. And he had some other decent matches before leaving ECW. Oh, Edge vs Storm at Summerslam 2001 would count as 'GOOD', if not spectacular.

So...now everyone agrees Christian is overrated, I take it he's gonna be getting some stick from now on. Booker too? Angle...ok, I know the answer to that one.

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