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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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HHH and HBK (as DX) did an in ring promo on RAW after Bret Hart left WWF following the Montreal screwjob (taking Bulldog and Anvil with him to WCW). DX commented how Owen was like "the little nugget that just won't get flushed down the toilet," or words very similar to that.

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1. Was there some report in the Observer (or Torch) that Savage was injured at this time? That seemed to be the context Hogan brought the newsletter up in before talking about The Giant. If so, was Savage winning the title some sort of big "screw you" to Meltzer (or whoever)?.

Just thought I'd throw out this bit from Meltzer:



Brian Pillman called me up from the show the moment after it happened and we couldn't stop laughing about it.


He said how the dirtsheet said The Giant would win the Battle Royal and it wasn't going to happen. Two weeks earlier in the Observer, it said Giant would win because that was the plan. The problem was, when they changed it to Savage winning, we had that in the week of the show.


He said Savage had been working the boys about a torn tricep and he was fine. The funny thing was one arm at the time was half the size of the other, and the injury was legit, but he was working on it. Pillman called saying Hogan & Sting (it was Hogan's idea but Sting was with him on it) had lost their mind because Savage was going to lose to an armbar on the arm half the size of the other and Hogan killed the match storyline of his selling the arm. Plus,he told everyone Show wasn't winning.


He said, "Observe this" and through it in a fire.


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HHH and HBK (as DX) did an in ring promo on RAW after Bret Hart left WWF following the Montreal screwjob (taking Bulldog and Anvil with him to WCW). DX commented how Owen was like "the little nugget that just won't get flushed down the toilet," or words very similar to that.


To be technical this was the RAW after the D-X PPV where Owen attacked Shawn after the main event (HBK vs Shamrock)


What should have been Owen's finest hour though was tarnished by D-X's (and probably Austin's) political power not allowing Owen to go over HBK, or even HHH cleanly, for the title.


With all the heat drained from him, Owen spent his final year as a mid-card stable member/tag team partner/gimmicked heel



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Austin was always winning the title at WM XIV. If Montreal had not happened, Austin was going to beat Bret for the title. Owen's fued with Shawn not panning out was not due to politics from Austin.

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Why would Austin care if Owen went over Shawn or HHH?


I was just guessing as to a reason Owen wasn't giving a quick hotshot face run. The HBK/HHH stuff is well know, and I've never heard anything about Austin, but considering some of the stuff Austin did pull through the yeares it wouldn't shock me if he didn't want to share the top face spotlight with Owen, even if it was a brief winter time run that would be long over by the time Austin went over at WM

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Austin never really forgave Owen for the piledriver at SS '97 and he was very cold (no pun intended) to the idea of using the neck injury as the imputus for a feud in '98. But again, that has nothing to do with why Owen feud with Shawn never panned out.


Owen's problems with Shawn were different. After Montreal, Shawn held both the WWF World Title and the European Title. Owen was supposed to beat Shawn for the Euro title to set him up as #1 Contender. But Shawn didn't want to do the job (I don't think it was personal, Shawn was just an ass and wouldn't do a job to anyone.) and instead had the "fake" match with HHH to transfer the fued over to him. So basically, the feud didn't happen because Shawn wouldn't do the initiall job in order to build heat for a ppv rematch (which he would have won).

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Austin was always winning the title at WM XIV. If Montreal had not happened, Austin was going to beat Bret for the title. Owen's fued with Shawn not panning out was not due to politics from Austin.
Except that Bret wouldn't have been around at XIV to lose the title now would he?


and Ken Shamrock - late 80ties jobber before hitting UFC and making a name for himself.

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what was up with grandmaster sexay's return to raw in 2004? he was there for a few weeks and then disappeared. i think i may have read a story about it, but i forget it...so what happened with this?

He was late all the time, and because he was on a last chance deal he got fired. It also didn't help that nobody likes him. He's just a complete prick.

Wasn't this because he got caught at the Canadian border with some illegal drugs? You know the ones he was "holding for a friend" *wink*wink*

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Austin was always winning the title at WM XIV. If Montreal had not happened, Austin was going to beat Bret for the title. Owen's fued with Shawn not panning out was not due to politics from Austin.

Except that Bret wouldn't have been around at XIV to lose the title now would he?




I think you've misunderstood something I wrote. What I was talking about was that the plan since at least August '97 was for Austin to win the title at WM XIV. Originally he was supposed to win it from Bret, but after Bret went to WCW the main event slot went to Shawn.

Owen's fued with Shawn didn't pan out because Shawn wouldn't do a job to build heat for the fued. The WWF likely didn't use the "Owen broke Austin's neck" deal to it's full potential since Austin didn't want to feud with Owen.

You can say Austin being a backstage politician was the reason Owen didn't get a run with him in '98, but Austin had nothing to do with the Shawn-Owen feud.


Where does

Except that Bret wouldn't have been around at XIV to lose the title now would he?

come into this?

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"if Montreal hadn't happened" was why I added that comment - Montreal or not Bret was leaving the WWE


And not because he wanted out of the contract - so the plan may have been for Austin to win the title all along but from the moment Vince approached Bret about his 10 year contract the Bret/Austin WM plan was out the window


Montreal screw-job or not


Not commenting on Austin's role in anything with Owen/Shawn at all

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what was up with grandmaster sexay's return to raw in 2004? he was there for a few weeks and then disappeared. i think i may have read a story about it, but i forget it...so what happened with this?

He was late all the time, and because he was on a last chance deal he got fired. It also didn't help that nobody likes him. He's just a complete prick.

Wasn't this because he got caught at the Canadian border with some illegal drugs? You know the ones he was "holding for a friend" *wink*wink*


That's why he was fired in 2001, not 04.

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Guest Rayda

Guys, I had a few questions I was hoping some of you would be able to help me out with. Some of them I have researched for considerable amounts of time, but as yet have not found the correct answer.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


What disorder does Abdullah the Butcher suffer from that caused him to spend much of his time in Japan?


Apart from Rick Martel, what was the similiartiy between the Martel/Hansen and Strike Force/Hart Foundation title matches? (EDIT: Answered.)


When considered the number 1 Female Wrestler in the world, what title did Misty Blue Simms hold?

Edited by Rayda

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Guest Rayda

Thanks a lot for that, much appreciated.


Does anybody have any idea on the remaining two? They've got me stumped, thats for sure.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Miasty Blue Simmes was NWA woman's champ in 1986ish IIRC


Just check some title history sites...

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This is gonna sound really stupid if I'm way off:


What the hell kind of name was the Dingo Warrior for Hellwig?


Did he have some kind of Crocodile Hunter gimmick?


If not, was "Dingo" the best adjective a guy could possibly come up with?

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Guest Fook

Well in the 80s there was this whole Aussie fad going around. There was Crocodile Dundee, all sorts of Australian bands, and hell, even Vince came up with an Australian wrestler (Outback Jack). I guess the Warrior was just capitalizing on the fad.


In conclusion, the 80s were a fucked up decade.

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Well in the 80s there was this whole Aussie fad going around. There was Crocodile Dundee, all sorts of Australian bands, and hell, even Vince came up with an Australian wrestler (Outback Jack). I guess the Warrior was just capitalizing on the fad.


In conclusion, the 80s were a fucked up decade.


That makes sense in retrospect, but they still coulda done better, IMO

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WWF @ Greensboro, NC - Coliseum - July 29, 1989

Barry Horowitz pinned Ken Shamrock




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I just finished watching Wrestling With Shadows again, and one family member is slipping my mind: who is the fourth Hart brother-in-law?


I know the other three are Davey Boy, Neidhart and Brakkus.


Umm, yeah... it's not Brakkus, it's Ben Bassarab you're thinking of. He was married to Allison Hart, but they're divorced now.


In summation, here's the Hart Family Tree:


Stu Hart (deceased)=Helen Hart (deceased)


| Alison Hart=Ben Bassarab (divorced)

| Bret Hart=Julie ? (divorced, Julie's sister is divorced from The Dynamite Kid), Bret Hart=Cinzia

| Bruce Hart=?

| Diana Hart=Davey Boy Smith (divorced, DBS is deceased)


Harry Smith

| Dean Hart (deceased)

| Ellie Hart=Jim Neidhart


Nattie Neidhart (is currently dating T.J. Wilson)

| Georgia Hart=B.J. Annis


Teddy Hart (Teddy's sister is supposedly marrying Jack Evans)

| Keith Hart=?

| Owen Hart (deceased)=Martha ?

| Ross Hart=?

| Smith Hart

| Wayne Hart


I'm not sure exactly where Michael Hart fits into this (if at all.) I heard he was Bret's nephew, but you never know who's truly related in the world of wrestling.

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Not a question as much as an observation...


Watching the 1991 Rumble match today, I don't think Rick Martel was legally eliminated. He's "eliminated" when he's knocked off the top rope by Bulldog. However, he first went through the ropes to the apron, and then climbed to the top, where he was knocked out. It would seem to me that to be legally back in the ring would be for both feet to touch the apron inside, which they weren't. Don't know if it's ever been noticed before...


Yeah, it was a boring day.

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They always flip flop on what actually constitutes getting eliminated. Sometimes they get to go back in, sometimes they don't. I assume it all depends on if the guy has an important spot to do later in the match.

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Guest Ice Classic V.2

A few questions about Savage/Warrior after watching Wrestlemania 7.


What was the reasoning for the original splitting between Savage and Elizabeth?


What led to the Savage/Sherri relationship?


How did Savage end up losing a career ending match only to face the Warrior the following year at Summerslam?

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