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Guest croweater

Stand Back. Here comes HHH's second coming

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Guest croweater

The one and only thing that really pissed me off on raw was that once again, one of the most over and talented performars on the RAW roster got Jobbed to RANDY "THE SILENCER" ORTON. Seriously. Hurricane was MEGA over.... despite being buried by HHH, and they job him in about 3 minutes to someone who's shown no chance of getting over as he couldn't even get a reaction wit FLAIR introducing him. I know it's what we've all come to expect but JESUS. A guy gets MEGA over, pins the Rock, wrestles Main events, and then gets pushed so far down the card that he is squashed by a returning lower-mid carder with NO heat.

It's like making Jericho job to Jamal in a 2 minute squas, which achieves nothing.


If nothing else it hides the fact that ORTON can't go a full length match on PPV. I was practically sure that their "mini-fued" would be on the PPV, it had build up and preceeding circumstances. But NO, Hurricane Jobs in a 3 minute blowoff to the man with no heat Randy "4th Iceage" Orton. Hurricane looked like the most pathetic weak character EVER.


It's just like the WWE to build up a great thing and then have it blown off by a Heatless Hunk of Hoss.

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Guest Banky

Everyone in the company creams over Orton because he is a 3rd generation star. They think he must be a throw back to something, which I really have no inspiration to put my finger on. He has a decent look, fairly good charisma, a boring moveset, and terribly high expectations. Its safe to say barring a major mircale that this kid will toil in the mid cards for some time. They'll try to push him hard, but it just won't work out.

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Everyone in the company creams over Orton because he is a 3rd generation star. They think he must be a throw back to something, which I really have no inspiration to put my finger on. He has a decent look, fairly good charisma, a boring moveset, and terribly high expectations. Its safe to say barring a major mircale that this kid will toil in the mid cards for some time. They'll try to push him hard, but it just won't work out.

They said the same thing about Rocky Malvia, ya know.

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Guest buffybeast

Randy Orton is one hunk of burning love. I seldom pay attention to his moveset or skills in the ring. I simply stare at his beautiful body.

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Guest AndrewTS

I think that match was more like a minute and a half long.


Orton blows, but I don't see him turning into another Rock.

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Guest Anglesault

Hey, leave Randy alone! He's OBVIOUSLY SO MUCH BETTER! He changed his tights! Because, after all, that's why he was sucking-he wasn't showing enough leg.


Orton is useless

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croweater, how did HHH bury Hurricaine? You didn't expect him to the champion. Also, he didn't "beat" The Rock, he merely benefited from Stone Cold distracting The Rock.

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croweater, how did HHH bury Hurricaine? You didn't expect him to the champion. Also, he didn't "beat" The Rock, he merely benefited from Stone Cold distracting The Rock.

Would coming out and Pedigreeing Hurricane for no reason whatsoever after Flair beat Shane count?

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Guest Goodear

"Oh my goodness, a wrestler I don't like won a match! Let me get out my handbook of stupid smark phrases so I don't have to actually think about what to actually say. He's being crammed down my throat! He's getting pushed too hard for someone who isn't over! He sucks! He's a hoss! He's burying (insert another nondraw here)!"

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"Oh my goodness, a wrestler I don't like won a match! Let me get out my handbook of stupid smark phrases so I don't have to actually think about what to actually say. He's being crammed down my throat! He's getting pushed too hard for someone who isn't over! He sucks! He's a hoss! He's burying (insert another nondraw here)!"

I have to admit, I got a laugh out of this.

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Guest Anglesault
croweater, how did HHH bury Hurricaine? You didn't expect him to the champion. Also, he didn't "beat" The Rock, he merely benefited from Stone Cold distracting The Rock.

The repeated Pedigrees for no apparent reason helped ALOT!

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Guest Austin3164life

I doubt Hurricane will ever really become a major player in the WWE, but this is the uncreative team's fault.


But, back on topic, I noticed that Randy Orton's reaction was so silent you could hear a pindrop in the arena. I haven't heard barely any good things about him. Has he even had a good match?

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Guest Goodear

When did "buried" translate into "lost to" because maybe I'm crazy because I never thought they were synonyms. Funaki is buried. Crash is buried. Hurricane is more over now than he was as a comedy act working mostly with Kane. Weird burial system there.

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Guest razazteca

Orton needs more interview and promo time to get over, yeah that's the ticket. Just being in Evilution will get him nowhere, what has he done other than run around with the Black Scorpion mask and lurk backstage? He has done nothing for me to care about his character one bit nothing.


I am still waiting for the Goldust revenge angle but that will never happen.

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Guest Anglesault
When did "buried" translate into "lost to" because maybe I'm crazy because I never thought they were synonyms.  Funaki is buried.  Crash is buried.  Hurricane is more over now than he was as a comedy act working mostly with Kane.  Weird burial system there.

When was the last time Hurricane won?


When was the last time he was on PPV?


And why must HHH repeately Pedrigree him for no reason?

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Guest MaxPower27

I don't think Randy Orton will become the next Rocky. He doesn't have 10 percent of the charisma or promo skills that made Rock so entertaining.


I think Orton will become the next Billy Gunn. Always gets a push, gets hurt, and comes back to another push, only to get hurt. The cycle will repeat.

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When did "buried" translate into "lost to" because maybe I'm crazy because I never thought they were synonyms.  Funaki is buried.  Crash is buried.  Hurricane is more over now than he was as a comedy act working mostly with Kane.  Weird burial system there.

When was the last time Hurricane won?


When was the last time he was on PPV?


And why must HHH repeately Pedrigree him for no reason?

1. Heat against Stevie. Last time he won on RAW, however, was against Sean Morley.


2. He did an angle with Mr. America at Judgment Day... However, match-wise, vs. Jamie Noble, KOTR, ONE YEAR AGO. He wasn't even in the damn Royal Rumble! AND he's not on Bad Blood!


3. Because getting beaten up by big names makes you a STAR, silly!

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Guest bob_barron
When did "buried" translate into "lost to" because maybe I'm crazy because I never thought they were synonyms.  Funaki is buried.  Crash is buried.  Hurricane is more over now than he was as a comedy act working mostly with Kane.  Weird burial system there.

When was the last time Hurricane won?


When was the last time he was on PPV?


And why must HHH repeately Pedrigree him for no reason?

1. Heat against Stevie. Last time he won on RAW, however, was against Sean Morley.


2. He did an angle with Mr. America at Judgment Day... However, match-wise, vs. Jamie Noble, KOTR, ONE YEAR AGO. He wasn't even in the damn Royal Rumble! AND he's not on Bad Blood!


3. Because getting beaten up by big names makes you a STAR, silly!

No- he beat Harvard a week after that on HEAT.

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Guest Anglesault

No one watches Heat.


When as that Morely win?The night after Backlash?



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When did "buried" translate into "lost to" because maybe I'm crazy because I never thought they were synonyms.  Funaki is buried.  Crash is buried.  Hurricane is more over now than he was as a comedy act working mostly with Kane.  Weird burial system there.

When was the last time Hurricane won?


When was the last time he was on PPV?


And why must HHH repeately Pedrigree him for no reason?

1. Heat against Stevie. Last time he won on RAW, however, was against Sean Morley.


2. He did an angle with Mr. America at Judgment Day... However, match-wise, vs. Jamie Noble, KOTR, ONE YEAR AGO. He wasn't even in the damn Royal Rumble! AND he's not on Bad Blood!


3. Because getting beaten up by big names makes you a STAR, silly!

No- he beat Harvard a week after that on HEAT.

Oh, yeah, that's right. I thought that was an international Heat and didn't count for some stupid reason.


Well, we can all look forward to Hurricane vs. Stevie XXVII on Heat before Bad Blood....

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Guest Anglesault
I watch Heat...

Does any match that ever happens on HeAt ever affect a PPV in any way?

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Guest Goodear

Christ why do I even bother?


Triple H is not freaking burying Hurricane because he beats him in a match or two. Just like when Angle beats Mysterio everytime out doesn't mean that he's burying Rey. One person is justifiably higher on the card and should be winning all of those matches.


The fact that Hurricane hasn't been on a pay per view for a year doesn't help you make the case that it is actually Triple H slamming the guy either. It instead shows that Hurricane had a total and absolute lack of direction during that period before now. Only in the last few weeks has Helms actually gotten into a semblance with a feud with Evolution after a whole lot of nothing. Why the hell would Hunter take a 'nobody' like Hurricane and insert Hurricane into the Nash/Shawn vs Evolution storylines unless he thought that it would do something for himself? Why not use Goldust? Or any other guy off the midcard heap?


So in effect, Hurricane in Main Events on RAW and and in an actual angle is a burial compared to him doing nothing. Funny, when its Test or A-Train in that same exact circumstance it is a SUPER PUSH. Why is that?

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