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Guest mach7

William Regal..

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Guest mach7

Apologies if this has been posted already, from Rajah:


William Regal recently did a chat with the Lils Boys in the UK and revealed a future storyline plan for himself. Regal said that he hopes to get back to the ring soon and will begin once he is cleared by his doctors. He said that he is taking better care of himself and that the current plans are to bring him back as a commissioner on RAW to play a mediator role between Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff. To check out the full transcript, click here.

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Guest Choken One

Make regal the commish of SD just for uncanniness of Stephanie and Regal...


Or Have regal/Bischoff alternate each week...



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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I heard Mick Foley would be filling that role on Monday with Austin being away doing some promotional work.

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Make Regal the joke-figure of Smackdown.


Honestly, I couldn't stop laughing when Regal came out wearing drag in that Texas Showgirls match with Goldust a while back.


He's great in a comedy role.


Love and Mercy.

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Guest Army Eye

Not that Regal wouldn't be great in that role, but COME ON! That's way too many authority figures.. and all these GMs do is get themselves and each other over anyway, never the wrestlers.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

You know..Id rather see him doing something on Smackdown..


thats just me..maybe

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Guest AndrewTS

This would be okay if they weren't still keeping Bisch and Steve on the air.


One figurehead is more than enough, thank you.

Edited by AndrewTS

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Guest razazteca

Does Raw need 4 "talents" in non wrestling roles acting as GMs or the Commish? Just make him the manager of Harvard Nowinski, it was a good idea the 1st time they tried it.


The world needs to hear Regal say Sunshine on tv again.

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Guest Army Eye
I'd like to see Regal manage. He'd be a great heel manager.

Now this is a much more sensible idea.

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Guest AndrewTS

So Raw will probably have co-GMs in Austin and Bisch, co-commishes in Regal and Foley. Vince can pop in whenever he wants, Linda often makes "big announcements," and probably we'll see a new "Chief of Staff" hired.


Oh, vey.

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Regal is an awesome authority figure in my view. I loved him as commish when he had that feud with Chris Jericho and the Duchess of Queensbury match. I have no problem with him being commish. 3 authority figures is a bit much though.

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Personally, going by the way WWE usually acts, I could easily see them trying to get William Regal to manage Le Resistance to try to better get them over.


Maybe that's just me though.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

With all the non-wrestling authority figures on that show you have to wonder where they'll fit the wrestling matches, not that they have many of those anyway.

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Guest razazteca

Regal should be a manager or an announcer. I would more than happy to hear Sunshine or Besmirch than Bawh Gawd or tasteless jokes by Lawler.


Get rid of Coach and make Regal the Heat announcer. Or he could do travel logs or interviews for Confidential.

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Guest The Czech Republic
Personally, going by the way WWE usually acts, I could easily see them trying to get William Regal to manage Le Resistance to try to better get them over.


Maybe that's just me though.

I thought the English hate the French. And I thought we like the English! Ahh WWE Geography it makes my head spin!



Personally I think someone should approach a dejected Regal backstage and say "Hey Will what's eatin' ya? Oh bad choice of words."

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Guest BifEverchad
I'd like to see Regal manage. He'd be a great heel manager.

That should be the next step in his career.


He'd be perfect for it.


Match him up with Nowinski amd I guarrentee Nowinski get over moreso in a matter of weeks.

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Guest Trivia247

heh maybe we will finally get the match we been waitin for 2 years


Commish vs Commish


Regal vs Foley

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Guest bob_barron
I'd like to see Regal manage. He'd be a great heel manager.

That should be the next step in his career.


He'd be perfect for it.


Match him up with Nowinski amd I guarrentee Nowinski get over moreso in a matter of weeks.

They did that last summer and they were a pretty good tag team. Regal then broke with him to go to UnAmericans and he cut a hell of a promo to wish Harvard well

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Guest BifEverchad
I'd like to see Regal manage. He'd be a great heel manager.

That should be the next step in his career.


He'd be perfect for it.


Match him up with Nowinski amd I guarrentee Nowinski get over moreso in a matter of weeks.

They did that last summer and they were a pretty good tag team. Regal then broke with him to go to UnAmericans and he cut a hell of a promo to wish Harvard well

Yeah, I know.


It worked then, so why not reunite them for another great run as the snobish duo.



Sidenote: Barron LOVES quoting me!


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Regal in a Commish role was laways pretty entertaining. I'd like to see it again.

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Thougn Nowinski doesn't really need it, I loved he Regal/Nowinski team and I'd love to see it brought back. Maybe William could even work a tag match or two. Didn't someone say that he was starting to take bumps again or something?

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Guest Mattdotcom
How Many Idiots DOES It Take to run WWE RAW?


Let's....find out!


(HHH) A one!

(Steph) A two!

(Vince) A three!



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Guest Polish_Rifle

Regal as commish = entertainment


Just don't let him wrestle or take off his shirt again.

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