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The Dames

Paul Votsis Will No Longer Be Writing for TSM.

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Guest hardyz1
Hey, check out this document I just finished.


I dunno, it seems like a good guideline for a new type of government I'm thinking of creating. I'm thinking of calling it "The government where everyone's free and stuff."

Feh. That'll never work.

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Guest Retro Rob
OK, so that accounts for the owners of the site and the writer of the original article for being angry. Why is everyone else treating the guy like shit? Its not like he didn't anything to the rest of you. I am just saying that you guys can be like a pack of wolves chomping on an already dead horse.

Maybe they respect the integrity of the site and its writers...

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Guest Bruiser Chong
I don't consider plagarism on an internet website as severe as in an academic setting.  It was lame of him to do this, but its really not that as big of a travesty as everyone is making it out to be.  I sure as heck don't think of him as scum...of course I don't write for/own a website.

Well if you were the guy who wrote a very good article on a website, only to have it stolen and re-posted by someone else I don't think you would be happy. No matter what the writing/column was for, someone put their time into it. I know how long it takes me when I write a lengthy column (at least 5-7 hours writing time, not mention sitting through the show which could take another 3) and if anyone put their name on TEN hours of MY TIME, they would be quite high on my hitlist.

OK, so that accounts for the owners of the site and the writer of the original article for being angry. Why is everyone else treating the guy like shit? Its not like he didn't anything to the rest of you. I am just saying that you guys can be like a pack of wolves chomping on an already dead horse.

So what you're saying is that because what he did didn't directly affect most of the people around here, they don't have the right to be offended/angry? By that logic, it'd be wrong for me to hold something against a thief since they had never done me specifically any wrong. Like I said, and like Rob said as well, it's the fact that anyone who's ever taken on the task of writing a column knows how difficult it is and how much effort must be put into it, thus it's quite upsetting to see someone skip over the difficult part and head straight for the praise portion of the writing process. This discussion is getting pretty pointless, so it may just be better to agree to disagree on the subject.

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Guest goodhelmet

there is nothing to agree about. those who piss on the plagiarist are right. those who defend him are wrong.


besides myself, dames, the original author, the writers who actually devote their hard work and energy into writing ORIGINAL columns, this guy offends the reader also since everything he writes (or copies) is written under the pretext of falsehood. fuck him. not only did he lie to me PERSONALLY, but he lied to every single person who wasted any time in reading his article.


yeah, plus he insulted AS!

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

heh, you sound like Marney.


No one's defending...err...whoever it was, it just seems kind of silly to devote 6 pages to calling someone a cum guzzler, especially since he left the board on page 2.

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Guest Cancer Marney
it just seems kind of silly to devote 6 pages to calling someone a cum guzzler, especially since he left the board on page 2.

Actually, he left on page 1, and this thread is only 5 pages long. So far.


And no one's called him a "cum guzzler." Yet.

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Guest Retro Rob
And no one's called him a "cum guzzler." Yet.

Cum guzzling plagiarists like this guy fucking disgust me....





Someone had to make this thread complete.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Is cum guzzler one word or two? I often hear it pronounced as one.

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Guest Anglesault
yeah, plus he insulted AS!


If that were reason to leave the board, this place would be empty.


I'm half convinced that about every two months, Dames personally arranges for a new"rival" to come in and start something with me for no good reason.



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Guest Flyboy
Is cum guzzler one word or two? I often hear it pronounced as one.

Nah. It's just one word.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
might as well be. he's not going to be welcome here anymore.

He left the board because HE wanted to.

after Dames said he'd ban him if he could. He knows where he isn't wanted.

Well, if he wouldn't had plagiarize we would not be having this discussion, right now.

...uh no duh.


my point was that Paul *IS* a good guy and this is completely out of character for him.

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Guest Anglesault
might as well be. he's not going to be welcome here anymore.

He left the board because HE wanted to.

after Dames said he'd ban him if he could. He knows where he isn't wanted.

Well, if he wouldn't had plagiarize we would not be having this discussion, right now.

...uh no duh.


my point was that Paul *IS* a good guy and this is completely out of character for him.

I was surprised as well.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i'm laying it out here right now for Paul to respond here and tell us why he did it. Paul you can Email me, PM me, or even post it at UGS if you want but you OWE your friends an explanation.

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Guest Flyboy
might as well be. he's not going to be welcome here anymore.

He left the board because HE wanted to.

after Dames said he'd ban him if he could. He knows where he isn't wanted.

Well, if he wouldn't had plagiarize we would not be having this discussion, right now.

...uh no duh.


my point was that Paul *IS* a good guy and this is completely out of character for him.

Stop trying to defend him.


He did it. Enough said.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis

Just had to weigh in... it's good to see fellow Journalism majors jump on this kind of moronic behavior. In an arena that offers a great deal of exposure to aspiring writers, every act like this hurts our collective credibility. Plagiarism bugs the shit out of me. Seriously. When I put in all kinds of time to build up a portfolio, and I see shit like this, it bothers me to no end. I'm proud to say I've never plagiarized... even though that shouldn't be a credit, it should be expected.




Oh yeah....



... dude's a total cum guzzler.

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Guest Retro Rob
i'm laying it out here right now for Paul to respond here and tell us why he did it. Paul you can Email me, PM me, or even post it at UGS if you want but you OWE your friends an explanation.

I realize the lazy-ass thing I did by plagarizing, and the stupid thing I did by crediting myself with it's creation....  There's no excuse for my being a lazy ass to take someone else's material and use it as my own, and lie to you guys as well.... I have been too busy with my personal life and I made a quick decision, which was obviously the wrong decision to make, and that's not only inexcusable but unforgivable....

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Guest Retro Rob

I didn't even know TV Tome archived wrestling shows...


Thanks for the tip, I'll have to look into that.


Although, I'm sorta flattered. :wub:

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Guest Flyboy

I just looked and DrV is right. I would be flattered, too. TV Tome is a swank site... although, now, they are plagiarists.

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Guest Retro Rob

Actually the 16 year old "lead editor" of WWE Confidential is. Not to worry though, I have already e-mailed him and requested certain changes be made within 5 days, or he will no longer be the "lead editor" of ANYTHING.


I actually agree with you Adam, but since none of the TV Tome users know *I* wrote the reviews, it really doesn't do me any good having my shit on their site.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

Is cum guzzler one word or two? I often hear it pronounced as one.


It's actually three words...think about it

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Guest Retro Rob

Good news everyone.... My demands have been met over at TV Tome. You can all sleep well at night knowing that.

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I would now like to thank Rob (aka Retro Rob) for providing the information needed for this guide. These are reviews written by Rob. I thank him very much for the help, and the permission to post these reviews. You may contact Rob with questions, comments, or general info. at [email protected] and be sure to visit his reviews archive for WWE Confidential by visiting http://www.wrestlingheadlines.com/reports/excess/ And, while you're at it, also please visit www.thesmartmarks.com THANKS TO ROB FOR ALL THE HELP

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Guest Retro Rob
Um...Rob.  I've got to ask.  Why did he plug Wrestling Headlines (LOP) for your archives instead of TSM?



Yeah, I have to contact him about that still, but my e-mail server isn't working at the moment. Either way, as soon as I send the e-mail it will be changed, so whatever.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
i'm laying it out here right now for Paul to respond here and tell us why he did it. Paul you can Email me, PM me, or even post it at UGS if you want but you OWE your friends an explanation.

I realize the lazy-ass thing I did by plagarizing, and the stupid thing I did by crediting myself with it's creation....  There's no excuse for my being a lazy ass to take someone else's material and use it as my own, and lie to you guys as well.... I have been too busy with my personal life and I made a quick decision, which was obviously the wrong decision to make, and that's not only inexcusable but unforgivable....

there's more to it than that. I know Paul. He wouldn't do something this stupid just because he's been busy.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Perhaps he was winding through a wild acid frenzy, and was too overburdened with the terrible brunt that watching professional wrestling puts on one's life...

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