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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

NFL Pick 'em contests announcement...

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To refresh:


Submit your picks as to which teams will win each week to Bravesfan's contest. He is doing a highest-score-at-the-end-of-the-season-wins-all contest.


I'm doing mine a little differently.


With the picks you submit to Braves' contest, those are also the same picks submitted to my contest. Your picks of that week go up against another person's picks. The person you go up against for that week is the representative of the opponent of the football team you have selected.


Example, in Week 1 I (steelers) will be facing off against Dr. Tom (ravens). Whoever correctly picked the most games between the two of us wins and goes up with 1 win and 0 losses for the season.


Not only will you submit your picks each week, but, as a tiebreaker, predict how many points your team will score for that week. If, for example, Dr. Tom and I each correctly guessed 7 games in Week 1, whoever was closer to their team's point total prediction will win.




I predicted the Steelers will score 10 points, Tom predicts the Ravens will score 14. The Ravens win the game 17-3. Since Tom was 4 points off and I was 7, Tom wins.


And like a regular NFL season, if you are either a division winner or wild-card team you move on to the playoffs. If there is a tie between two or more teams for a wild card spot, I have several tiebreakers in place...

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Updated standings, since I can't change the previous one due to the "great crash"


Chuck Woolery, did you used to be VanSiclen 31?...


Buffalo Bills (Eagan469)

Miami Dolphins (two tuff toddy)

New England Patriots (nl5xsk1)

New York Jets (Gert T)


Baltimore Ravens (Dr.Tom)

Cincinnati Bengals (Choken One)

Cleveland Browns (Chuck Woolery)

Pittsburgh Steelers (kkktookmybabyaway)


Houston Texans (Bored)

Indianapolis Colts (Hardyz1's Ghost)

Jacksonville Jaguars (AlwaysPissedOff)

Tennessee Titans (Space Cowboy)


Denver Broncos (Canadian Chris)

Kansas City Chiefs (cartman)

Oakland Raiders (LaParkaMarka)

San Diego Chargers (Agent Bond34)


Dallas Cowboys (Just John)

New York Giants (bob_barron)

Philadelphia Eagles (MD2020)

Washington Redskins (Human Fly)


Chicago Bears (Swift Terror)

Detroit Lions (Will Scarlet)

Green Bay Packers (Spaceman Spiff)

Minnesota Vikings (razazteca)


Atlanta Falcons (Lightning Flik)

Carolina Panthers (fazzle)

New Orleans Saints (Flyboy)

Tampa Bay Buccaneers (MarvinisaLunatic)


Arizona Cardinals (Vern Gagne)

St. Louis Rams (Prime Time Andrew Doyle)

San Francisco 49ers (Bravesfan)

Seattle Seahawks (DawnBTVS)

Edited by kkktookmybabyaway

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So we still are doing Pre-Season? Can someone find me the last preseason games?


Can't find who's playing who.


Edit: Nevermind. < is stupid.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Just because he's banned doesn't mean he can't participate.

Just my opinion, but I think it absolutely should. Isn't this contest ostensibly for posters of TSM? I know I'd be bent if I lost to someone who couldn't even post in the thread.

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Just my opinion, but I think it absolutely should.  Isn't this contest ostensibly for posters of TSM?  I know I'd be bent if I lost to someone who couldn't even post in the thread.

I see your point, but I just think it would be funny if he would wind up winning the whole thing -- kinda like when Ashcroft lost to the dead guy in the 2000 Election.


Oh, Swift Terror is now with the Bears...

Edited by kkktookmybabyaway

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