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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

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Guest Trivia247

isn't it sad when the better wrestling show seems to be Raw now instead of Smackdown?

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Guest The Czech Republic

My neighbor and I had more psychology in our trampoline wrestling matches from 5th grade than most of WWE television. No seriously, we figured out that to win the match with a knee-based move, one would work the knee.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They have to make him look weak before they make him look strong.


... This does not follow the heros journey at all...

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Guest JMA

Let me get this straight... Vince went to the place his father is most respected and showed his bare ass? And mentioned whoring his daughter to old men? Then he hit a girl in the face with a cane because of his carelessness? Wow. You must really love your father, Vinnie.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I find that wrestling psychology works better with kids than adults/teens. Watch the fans during the Hart WM X match, so much smarter than the fans in the Attitude Era.

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Guest Kamui

I was there, and it was an okay show. Nothing really special about it, besides the fact that the crowd rocked (any crowd that gives Matt Hardy the monster face pop of the centruy is fine by me, and we reacted well for Ultimo's entrance as well).


Glad to see them bring Kidman back as a cocky heel- I really enjoyed his work in 2000 as part of the New Blood, the only ray of light in THAT stable. He's much more interesting as a heel than a face and with Hardy moving up to the US Title division, the cruiser division needs one. Looks like they'll do Kidman-Ultimo-Rey for Vengeance and save Ultimo-Rey singles for SummerSlam, which is the right thing to do.


The Main Event was fun to watch live, but it will probably come off as just another tag match on TV.



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Guest Kamui
3) Ulitmo and the lil' MF'er?  Well, at least we know Moore will bump like a superball for him.  Hope it got some time.  I'm also dubious about they're latest apparent attempt to inject the Greasy Little Twink with a personality, whatever it might be.

Unfortunatley, it didn't. The match was short and underwhelming, and I'm saying this when the main reason why I bought my ticket was to see Ultimo. Best compared to the debut match Rey had with Chavo- relativley short and spotty, saving his first real good match for a later Smackdown or PPV. Oh well.



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Guest bob_barron
The Gahden will always be the Gahden

New York, not Boston, bob.

That's the way Vince Sr says it though- Blame him

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Guest Kamui
Show did a double chokeslam to Angle and Brock leaving it to him v. America.

And that "Kurt Angle: Competant face, we mean it!" push just keeps on rolling.


I fucking give up.

The pathetic thing- Angle was EASILY more over than Brock in that match. He got an INCREDIBLY louder "Let's Go Angle!" chant when the match started out, and Brock's chants and reactions were MUCH lower.


Of course, Hogan's chants and reactions were louder than them both, but not by all that much and it's to be expected.



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Guest Anglesault
Show did a double chokeslam to Angle and Brock leaving it to him v. America.

And that "Kurt Angle: Competant face, we mean it!" push just keeps on rolling.


I fucking give up.

The pathetic thing- Angle was EASILY more over than Brock in that match. He got an INCREDIBLY louder "Let's Go Angle!" chant when the match started out, and Brock's chants and reactions were MUCH lower.


Of course, Hogan's chants and reactions were louder than them both, but not by all that much and it's to be expected.



This "weak link" booking will kill that soon enough.

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Guest bob_barron

Hmmmmm- Brock seemed to be more over in my section. His pop was larger when he came out.


Angle got the 'HE MADE THE HOT TAG' pop at one point but the crowd died right after

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Guest Kamui
Hmmmmm- Brock seemed to be more over in my section. His pop was larger when he came out.


Angle got the 'HE MADE THE HOT TAG' pop at one point but the crowd died right after

My section loved Brock on entrance, then kind of were "...." when he tagged in. But I'm talking about the chant right at the start of the match when Angle started out the match- was easily louder than the reaction they gave for Brock during the match, and at least as loud as the Hogan and USA chants.


Just for the hell of it, what section were you in, anyway? I was in 19, i.e. a little but above the floor.



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Guest Nanks

I'm one of the "wait til next week"-ers AS, as you might remember. But, don't wait til next week. They've fucked, he's being de-pushed on return.


Makes sense to me................

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AS- I like it how as soon as Haas and Benjamin left Angle's side, they became 'just tag team wrestlers'. But I agree kinda with the botched return. Little overexagerrated in places, but there ya go. ;)


Whoever moaned that Rikishi kicked out of the Twist of Fate...WHO FREAKIN' CARES!!! no-one will remember that by the time next week comes around anyway. All that matters is Matt wins.


Oh, and if Nidia and Noble become a rip-off of the Michael Wallstreet story, only Nidia doesn't know what a computer is let alone how to work one, yet Noble keeps winning on thanks to her advice and she keeps pretending she's a computer wizz...GOLD!!! All I care about is Noble's got a reason to be out there again, and hoepfully a reason for a push.


Kidman/Rey/Ultimo would have the potential to be the match of the year, no doubt.

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Guest Raven_Effect01

Someone said how Ultimo might be saving his big performance for the upcoming Smackdown PPV...well, The Hurricane and Jamie Noble were given enough time on PPV at last year's King of the Ring and they seemed to wrestle the watered-down WWE style, including Noble hitting a powerbomb like he thought he was Kevin Nash, and then on Velocity, their match actually turned out better. I'm not getting my hopes up too much yet for future Ultimo Dragon WWE matches because I already know they've made him into a masked tajiri who kicks a lot.

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Guest bababooey
Orlando Jordan is nothing special at all.

isn't he the 7up guy. he has a show on fx now.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Whoever moaned that Rikishi kicked out of the Twist of Fate...WHO FREAKIN' CARES!!! no-one will remember that by the time next week comes around anyway. All that matters is Matt wins

So, it's perfectly OK for an opening act to kick out of the finisher of a guy in line for a push? Matt's been finishing people for the last couple months w/ that move, and to have Rikishi (of all people) kick out of it is ridiculous.

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Guest Kamui

FWIW, Rikishi kicking out of the Twist of Fate sure seemed to shock and enrage the crowd, who was unusually pro-Hardy (except for the little kids who liked Rikishi). So, I don't think the marks thought Rikishi could kick out of the move.



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Guest Vyce

Ho-lee shit.


Benoit & Rhyno stuck on Velocity......


.....and Orlando Jordan gets a spot on Smackdown?!?!?!


And for that matter, of all the people Undertaker could and should give "the rub" to, ORLANDO JORDAN?!?!?!?!


As for Kidman showing up: I suggest a Kidman heel run. Make him super dicktastic. I know the guy doesn't have too much charisma, but c'mon, he should have just enough to act like a bastard. He can hit up Finlay for tips if he needs too.

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Guest nikowwf

Angle was no way clearly more over than Brock. I'd say it was about the same, you could even argue Brock got more. (its always the same shit with Brock, he gets a huge pop coming out and everyone reports on it as being a so-so reaction. )


Shannon was a little nervous, wasn't he? A little shaky.


Dragon's entrance rules all, his finisher was cool too. Kidman sitting there scouting him with the hot girl on his arm was a nice touch.


Vince is too weird. Enuff said...


Show was decent. The Velocity stuff was all really good. And i don't think Kanyon got face heat, he was in the crossfire of the gardens intense hatred of faces who are being pushed and such, ala Billy Gunn.)



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I took some pics and a vidcap of Ultimo's entrance, which I can try and put up today...but they're not too great. I also got a vidcap of Benoit's headbutt.


I didn't get the cane incident because I didn't know that was coming.



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Guest nl5xsk1

It cracks me up that there's this perpetual complaining about how "this booking is killing Angle's career" but yet he's still every bit as over as he ever was.


Yes, it sucks that he's not given 30 minutes every week to showcase his skills, but he still gets mad amounts of TV time and looks good in doing it. Be content that he's not out for another 9-10 months like everyone thought he was going to be.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Um, no. Mysterio kicked out of the Twist Of Fate. Matt Hardy doesn't real have a clear-cut finisher at the moment.

I'm OK w/ Misterio doing it, because they were feuding, and it meant something.


What's the point of Rikishi doing it in a 1-time match?

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Guest nikowwf

The complaint last night is not against Brock, its against Big Show choke slamming both Brock and Angle, which is fine. What is not fine is that he cannot fight off Mr. Freaking Too Old to be in the Main Event America. So, the logic says this to me - both Angle and Brock combined are not as strong as Mr. America .



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Guest Askewniverse

It could be worse, AS. I'd love to hear what you would have to say if they ever televised something similar to what happened with Angle at the recent house show that I went to. To quote Choken One from the thread:

Oh and AS wont like this..


"Fucking genius, They homoized Angle now! Damn it...they cant do nothing right!"- AS (upon reading results)


Anyways, to get back on topic, were Haas & Benjamin called "The Best Damn Tag Team Period" at any point?

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Does this mean we’ll get Show v. Hogan at Vengeance?


Also, did they show the brackets for the US Title Tournament?

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