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Rob E Dangerously

Bush to angry Iraqis: "Just bring it!"

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Bush has shown he is totally incapable of being diplomatic with the very people he says we're there to "protect."

We're not in Iraq to protect loyalist cowards who snipe and take potshots at American troops. We're there to protect the people brutalized and oppressed by Saddam's regime. In fact, the loyalist cowards are exactly the "people" Bush was calling out. I hope it works, too; that way, we can kill the scum in quantity instead of a few at a time. Much more efficient.

That would mean a lot more if the majority of Iraqis didn't resent our presence there. It isn't just a few loyalists that don't like us, it seems to be most of the country now.

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Guest Powerplay
Powerplay, you just don't get it.


The war on terror is not a ground war, but a war against an ideology (Islamic fundamentalism). A quote like this, placed in the hands of recruiters for terrorist organizations makes us look like bullies, and so it doesn't matter if we REALLY ARE, it's how we present ourselves.



No, Zsasz, you don't get it.


Our words and actions are already twisted and distorted by terrorist recruiters. Anything we do is taken by their propagandists and turned into something against us anyways. Don't kid yourself into thinking that that quote will somehow boost their ranks tenfold, or even at all. If we had said what Jobber wanted to say, "They are only a minor threat", all they would say is that we are just trying to downplay our losses in the field and that the loyalists really are gaining ground. So frankly, I couldn't give a shit what this looks like to terrorist recruiters use this for. They would find other things anyways, so what does it matter?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Powerplay, you just don't get it.


The war on terror is not a ground war, but a war against an ideology (Islamic fundamentalism). A quote like this, placed in the hands of recruiters for terrorist organizations makes us look like bullies, and so it doesn't matter if we REALLY ARE, it's how we present ourselves.



No, Zsasz, you don't get it.


Our words and actions are already twisted and distorted by terrorist recruiters. Anything we do is taken by their propagandists and turned into something against us anyways. Don't kid yourself into thinking that that quote will somehow boost their ranks tenfold, or even at all. If we had said what Jobber wanted to say, "They are only a minor threat", all they would say is that we are just trying to downplay our losses in the field and that the loyalists really are gaining ground. So frankly, I couldn't give a shit what this looks like to terrorist recruiters use this for. They would find other things anyways, so what does it matter?

It isn't just terrorist recruiters.


The average Middle Easterner sees this, and it doesn't look like we're doing any good in Iraq. (And we are) It looks like:


A.) No one wants us here. (Which isn't the case, but its the picture that's being painted by everyone in the media)


B.) We don't really care if no one wants us here because we do what we want to do, and if you don't like it bring it on.


Also, I don't like your line of logic here Powerplay. They make up stuff about us, so it's no big deal if we give them more ammo in their propaganda war?



Also, I'd like to know how Bush feels about the people who don't want us in Iraq who AREN'T terrorists or loyalists. The people who have been protesting. What's his response to them, "Bring it on."?

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Guest Powerplay
A.) No one wants us here. (Which isn't the case, but its the picture that's being painted by everyone in the media)


First off, make up your mind.


That would mean a lot more if the majority of Iraqis didn't resent our presence there. It isn't just a few loyalists that don't like us, it seems to be most of the country now.


Secondly, this is President Bush's fault? If anyone is to blame (At least, by your statement), it's the World Media's fault, not his. Why not harp on Al-Jazzera (sp) for showing us as oppressors (Which does far more for propaganda purposes than Bush's little comment) rather than the liberators we truly are.


B.) We don't really care if no one wants us here because we do what we want to do, and if you don't like it bring it on.


Well, it's the truth. We really don't care if they don't want us there, and we do do what we want. Why is this okay? Because what we want is the best thing for the Iraqi people, whether they want it or not.


Also, I don't like your line of logic here Powerplay. They make up stuff about us, so it's no big deal if we give them more ammo in their propaganda war?


Zsasz, do we have to guard every statement we make because some right/left extremist whacko will take it out of context and twist it so that it can be used, by use of some inane form of logic, to show that Bush is part of the imperialist Western World in an effort to find easily swayed fools to their cause? They will always find something to use, and this insignifcant little comment isn't something that will drive thousands upon thousands, or hundreds upon hundreds, or hell, even dozens upon dozens into terrorist organizations. It isn't as though we are invading Syria because "Hey, we could!". Christ, let's blow something out of proportion.


Also, I'd like to know how Bush feels about the people who don't want us in Iraq who AREN'T terrorists or loyalists. The people who have been protesting. What's his response to them, "Bring it on."?


Sure. Bring on more protests. It's not as though we are going to beat them down and torture them like some tolitarian governments. Then again, since the comment (Which specifically cites "Those who feel they can attack us") doesn't apply to those who are peacefully protesting, I'm not sure what Bush would say.


Yes, people have forgotten that Bush said "Those who feel they can attack us", obviously directing the comment towards those who are leading armed resistance against U.S. Forces. This isn't directed at all those who disagree with us (As Zsasz and the other feel it does), but instead those who want to force us out via force. And those ARE the Loyalists and the Terrorists.

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Guest MrRant

Jimmy Dean's response to these terrorist is to bring it on....


Right to a big helping of Jimmy Dean's Spinach and Sausage Balls!




Made with over 1 lb of Jimmy Dean's Fast Sausage Patties this meal is full of down home Jihad-rousing flavor.

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Imagine thr states got "liberated" by some foreign force who you had been told your entire life was the enemy. You feel pissed off. Then, the leader of the country who invaded you tells you to bring it on. Surely thats gonna turn you to the point of never trusting that government.

Bush needs to start telling Iraqi civillians that the US aren't gonna fuck them over, that they're sympathetic to them, that they can feed them and treat them better than Hussein did.

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Guest Powerplay
Imagine thr states got "liberated" by some foreign force who you had been told your entire life was the enemy. You feel pissed off. Then, the leader of the country who invaded you tells you to bring it on. Surely thats gonna turn you to the point of never trusting that government.

Bush needs to start telling Iraqi civillians that the US aren't gonna fuck them over, that they're sympathetic to them, that they can feed them and treat them better than Hussein did.

He only told those who wanted to bring armed attack against us to bring it on. Did you actually read the quote in question? It made absolutely no reference to anyone but those who are bringing armed attack against our troops, saying "Bring it on because we are fully able to deal with you". Where is the blazing outrageous remark against the Iraqi people saying "We don't care what you think, you fools! MWUWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"? Christ, is it that hard to actually read the quote in question and realize that he's talking only to the militants?

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Imagine thr states got "liberated" by some foreign force who you had been told your entire life was the enemy. You feel pissed off. Then, the leader of the country who invaded you tells you to bring it on. Surely thats gonna turn you to the point of never trusting that government.

Bush needs to start telling Iraqi civillians that the US aren't gonna fuck them over, that they're sympathetic to them, that they can feed them and treat them better than Hussein did.

He only told those who wanted to bring armed attack against us to bring it on. Did you actually read the quote in question? It made absolutely no reference to anyone but those who are bringing armed attack against our troops, saying "Bring it on because we are fully able to deal with you". Where is the blazing outrageous remark against the Iraqi people saying "We don't care what you think, you fools! MWUWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"? Christ, is it that hard to actually read the quote in question and realize that he's talking only to the militants?

Yeah, but it's not like the militants are these inherently evil people. They're normal civilians, fighting for what they believe, and what they have been told, is right. If you were in their position, you'd do the same. To antagonise them is just going to cause more lives. Bush needs to placate the Iraqi people, not rile them up.

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Guest Powerplay
Imagine thr states got "liberated" by some foreign force who you had been told your entire life was the enemy. You feel pissed off. Then, the leader of the country who invaded you tells you to bring it on. Surely thats gonna turn you to the point of never trusting that government.

Bush needs to start telling Iraqi civillians that the US aren't gonna fuck them over, that they're sympathetic to them, that they can feed them and treat them better than Hussein did.

He only told those who wanted to bring armed attack against us to bring it on. Did you actually read the quote in question? It made absolutely no reference to anyone but those who are bringing armed attack against our troops, saying "Bring it on because we are fully able to deal with you". Where is the blazing outrageous remark against the Iraqi people saying "We don't care what you think, you fools! MWUWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"? Christ, is it that hard to actually read the quote in question and realize that he's talking only to the militants?

Yeah, but it's not like the militants are these inherently evil people. They're normal civilians, fighting for what they believe, and what they have been told, is right. If you were in their position, you'd do the same. To antagonise them is just going to cause more lives. Bush needs to placate the Iraqi people, not rile them up.

I really doubt I'd be fighting against Democracy for a deposed tyranical dictator who has most likely either tortured, killed, or kidnapped at least one person I know and care about all while letting us waste in poverty while he roams around one of his massive presidental palaces, but that's just me. But if they find that right, then so be it.


We aren't riling up the Iraqi populace. If anyone, we are riling up the militants, who are already as riled up as can be and aren't going to be calming down anyways. And that's if we are riling up anyone at all. Hey, do you want us to placate the militants as well?

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Imagine thr states got "liberated" by some foreign force who you had been told your entire life was the enemy. You feel pissed off. Then, the leader of the country who invaded you tells you to bring it on. Surely thats gonna turn you to the point of never trusting that government.

Bush needs to start telling Iraqi civillians that the US aren't gonna fuck them over, that they're sympathetic to them, that they can feed them and treat them better than Hussein did.

He only told those who wanted to bring armed attack against us to bring it on. Did you actually read the quote in question? It made absolutely no reference to anyone but those who are bringing armed attack against our troops, saying "Bring it on because we are fully able to deal with you". Where is the blazing outrageous remark against the Iraqi people saying "We don't care what you think, you fools! MWUWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"? Christ, is it that hard to actually read the quote in question and realize that he's talking only to the militants?

Yeah, but it's not like the militants are these inherently evil people. They're normal civilians, fighting for what they believe, and what they have been told, is right. If you were in their position, you'd do the same. To antagonise them is just going to cause more lives. Bush needs to placate the Iraqi people, not rile them up.

I really doubt I'd be fighting against Democracy for a deposed tyranical dictator who has most likely either tortured, killed, or kidnapped at least one person I know and care about all while letting us waste in poverty while he roams around one of his massive presidental palaces, but that's just me. But if they find that right, then so be it.


We aren't riling up the Iraqi populace. If anyone, we are riling up the militants, who are already as riled up as can be and aren't going to be calming down anyways. And that's if we are riling up anyone at all. Hey, do you want us to placate the militants as well?

It's not a simple case of people in Iraq thinking "Hmmm, Saddam is a dictator, America is a Democracy. Therefore America is right." How the fuck is the average Iraqi supposed to trust the American government (who has likely caused the death of people they know) when they've been told that they are war hungry, dumb greedy capitalists who hate the muslim people for the last couple of decades? What Bush needs to do is prove to the Iraqi people that American rule is greater than Husseins rule, not playing up to the negative image they have of him. The Iraqi people will always hate Americans over Hussein, there will never be total peace in Iraq until you give them reason to change their mind.


Yeah, I want to placate the militants, because they're people too, fighting for the same reason that American troops did: to protect their country.

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Guest Cancer Marney

The place: Munich. The time: September 1938. The man: chav... er, Neville Chamberlain, I mean.


Sorry, was that off topic?

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Guest Powerplay

But the thing is, this doesn't do anything that you said. This statement wasn't at all directed at the people of Iraq in general. Why would they take offense when Bush is saying those trying to bring about political unrest to bring it? This is where the connection breaks down, because the statement is soley directed at those who are attacking U.S. troops.


And placating the militants means leavign the country and allowing either Saddam or a Theocracy to rule Iraq again. That's the minimum there.

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The place: Munich. The time: September 1938. The man: chav... er, Neville Chamberlain, I mean.


Sorry, was that off topic?

Because, as we all know, WWII would have been avoided if we had told Hitler to bring it on.


The situation in Iraq will, provided no more major war takes place, end up similar to the situation with the I.R.A and Northern Ireland. The way that has bee placated? Constant discussion and the eradication of further generations mad at the regime.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Just my thougts on this thread. Bush said nothing wrong and his comment probably RAISED the morale of the troops, letting them know that we have confidence in them to fend off any attackers.

Whoever made the point that this agressive language is the only thing the terrorists understand is correct. I think a lot of people are upset because they desperately want to believe in the good of all people and that even the Iraqi murderers can have change of hearts if only we'd offer them a big hug or something. It isn't happening. These people live and breath an ideology of hate and will only understand force. That's it. Strike fear into them. Fight fire with fire, and we have way more firepower.

On another note, presented with the 2 choices I would not hesitate to vote in Jimmy Dean over Howard Dean. The man's a NUTCASE.

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Guest Cancer Marney
The place: Munich. The time: September 1938. The man: chav... er, Neville Chamberlain, I mean.


Sorry, was that off topic?

Because, as we all know, WWII would have been avoided if we had told Hitler to bring it on.

You're right! You're so right. We should sing Kumbaya to them.

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Whoever made the point that this agressive language is the only thing the terrorists understand is correct. I think a lot of people are upset because they desperately want to believe in the good of all people and that even the Iraqi murderers can have change of hearts if only we'd offer them a big hug or something. It isn't happening. These people live and breath an ideology of hate and will only understand force. That's it. Strike fear into them. Fight fire with fire, and we have way more firepower.

Are you serious? Do you honestly believe that the average Iraqi upset with American rule is some murdering tyrant who will only understand a bullet in the head?


No seriously, are you a gimmick or something? I can't comprehend that point of view. I thought only rednecks who don't know how to turn a computor on, let alone access the internet, thought like that :huh:

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Guest Slapnuts00

I dont know why you are calling me a redneck or why you are putting words in my mouth. President Bush in asked to respond to those that attempt to attack our troops says "bring it on". I agree with the statement because it's the only thing murderous zealots understand. I never once mentioned "the Iraqi people." they are irrelevant. They are allowed to be discontented but if they attack our troops they are terrorists and enemy combatants and will and should be dealt with.

Hopefully now that I explained it slowly for you, you can understand. Or maybe your gimmick is that you irrationally make connections that aren't there and use sarcasm and name calling towards people who's views you don't agree with. Either one.

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Guest Slapnuts00
The place: Munich. The time: September 1938. The man: chav... er, Neville Chamberlain, I mean.


Sorry, was that off topic?

Because, as we all know, WWII would have been avoided if we had told Hitler to bring it on.

You're right! You're so right. We should sing Kumbaya to them.

LOL. That was awesome.

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I dont know why you are calling me a redneck or why you are putting words in my mouth. President Bush in asked to respond to those that attempt to attack our troops says "bring it on". I agree with the statement because it's the only thing murderous zealots understand. I never once mentioned "the Iraqi people." they are irrelevant. They are allowed to be discontented but if they attack our troops they are terrorists and enemy combatants and will and should be dealt with.

Hopefully now that I explained it slowly for you, you can understand. Or maybe your gimmick is that you irrationally make connections that aren't there and use sarcasm and name calling towards people who's views you don't agree with. Either one.

Sorry dude, it's just that the way you presented your argument was a tad over the top, so I wasn't sure if you're a gimmick or kosher.


My point is that these people aren't any more terrorists than the American troops that attacked them. They are both fighting to protect their country and for what they believe in. By your logic, any group of civillians who oppose a regime, such as in most civil wars, are terrorists. Bush shouldn't be attempting to antagonise them because, for the most part the war is already won. The only way that the Iraqi millitia will overthrow the new regime, is if Bush antagonises them to the point that enough people are dis-content. For every Iraqi killed, his/her family will hate the American government. Say you kill a millitant. If he has 4 sons, they wil all grow up to hate the Americans, leading to long-term instability in the country. THATS why it's important to do everything possible to minimise Iraqi deaths.

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Guest MrRant

Well I don't think we are trying to MAXIMIZE the amount of bullets we put in people.




Just certain people.

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Guest DrTom



That would mean a lot more if the majority of Iraqis didn't resent our presence there.

That has nothing at all to do with it. The statement was explicitly directed at the militant loyalists who cowardly attack our troops. I fail to see what's complicated about that, but so many people seem ignorant of it, so something must be. I'm not going to get into the unreliability of polling a country in the midst of national turmoil like this, but I think their opinion will improve once we've restored order there and show them democracy.


It's to Chave for the next two.

Yeah, but it's not like the militants are these inherently evil people.

Of course they are. They are the last vestiges of unquestioning support for a regime that engaged in mass murder, rape, torture, and many other crimes. Anyone who chooses to support such a regime is as evil as the regime is/was, and all they deserve is to be shot until they stop twitching.


Yeah, I want to placate the militants, because they're people too...

Boo fucking hoo. These people continue to support an evil twisted regime and make cowardly terrorist attacks on American troops who are trying to make the country a better place. The only thing we should do with them is find every single one of them and execute them.

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Guest NoCalMike

IMO, the "bring it on" is something inciteful. It doesn't matter how we as americans perceive it. I am sure Bush didn't MEAN IT in a harmful way, but with that statement, it is almost an invite to attack. It is a cockiness that can get unnecessary troops killed. If that statement alone causes an extra attack a day on american troops, then how does that not do damage? I hate cowardly attacks on our military just like everyone else, but I would also word my statements a lot better than, "bring it on"


Shouldn't the message be, "PUT DOWN YOUR GUNS"? Not that every single Iraqi militant is going to instantly listen, but I felt Bush's sentiments towards the beginning of the war, which he was telling Iraqis that if they put down their guns and join our side, was a lot more effective, then saying "bring it on" Umm sorry, but please DON'T BRING IT ON.

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Guest DrTom

The President was inviting these cowards to band together and actual fight a real fight against our troops. The last time they tried that, it didn't go very well for them. We're already being attacked, and I seriously doubt something like this is going to increase the frequency of them.

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Guest EricMM

Jesus christ people.


Do you think it's easy to be President?


*EDIT* Take him out from under your fine toothed comb for once. It's fine to have legitimate gripes but seriously. I wouldn't like to have all my words quoted back at me, let alone people trying to kill me. Not only is his life in danger because of the office he holds but people are always trying to fuck with him for the same reason.


If you disagree with him environmentally, that's fine. If you REALLY think he's an idiot, you're wrong!

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Guest Jobber of the Week
You're right! You're so right. We should sing Kumbaya to them.

No. What should be done is the choice that saves the most lives.


Maybe you'll agree with this: In different situations, sometimes you'll save more lives over going to war and stepping up to the plate and sometimes you'll save more lives with a diplomatic solution. Our leadership made the former choice and now the public is scouring over what we know, trying to figure out what we don't, and see if the right choice was made.

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Guest Tyler McClelland
On another note, presented with the 2 choices I would not hesitate to vote in Jimmy Dean over Howard Dean. The man's a NUTCASE.


And through what misinformed means did your each that conclusion?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

(watches as Tyler teeters the line of being informative and being our left wing version of Marney =b)






U.S. soldiers have been beset by daily attacks from an increasingly bold insurgency, raising fear of a political and military quagmire just two months after President Bush declared an end to major combat on May 1.


At least 27 U.S. troops have been killed in hostile fire since Bush's statement.

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