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Rob E Dangerously

Bush to angry Iraqis: "Just bring it!"

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Guest Cancer Marney

Mmmfglph! Tyler, you little piece of shit!


Christ, I was trying to get those bad Vulcan imitation eyebrows out of my head and then you had to make me look at the lunatic serial-killer clown grin again... I'll get you for this, Tyler. I'll get you good.




Oh my God, what an abomination. Oh. My. God.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Jack Grimes (Pennsylvania)

I told you there were some serious crazies. I never looked below Al Sharpton for that reason.







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Guest Tyler McClelland

Oh, but the crazies are about ten times as fun as Sharpton himself. Let's not discount Mr. Grimes' speech to the Flying Saucer Society, please.

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Guest Jobber of the Week


Georgia Hough is a high school teacher making her first run for elective office. Hough -- who has bachelor's and master's degrees in history -- has been teaching classes for over 26 years. In fact, teaching is a family tradition as she notes her mother and both grandmothers were also teachers. Hough says that teaching social studies classes has given her "a good understanding of the underlying issues driving our government and our economy." She also stated that she "comes from a family with a strong Methodist heritage ... [that] has led to an active roll in the church" by teaching Sunday School, singing in the choir, etc. Her write-in bid for President seems mainly inspired to get students interested in the political process.


She even has a campaign website powered by AngelFire.


I think the best crazy is:


Muadin -- yup, he just uses one name -- is an announced write-in candidate for President. His slogan is a New Age-sounding mantra of "One People, One Planet, One Awareness." Muadin writes he is the candidate of the "E-Democratic Party" -- an unknown entity which he apparently created. What does he stand for? Here are his own words: "The people of earth must use the Internet to network and organize at the grassroots level, outside of the corporate global power structure, in a leaderless revolution of awareness and ideas, a second enlightenment, aimed at establishing e-democracy at every level of human government and in every aspect of human society and affairs. The e-democratic spirit of this leaderless cyber-revolution must culminate in a planetary e-democratic federal government through which all executive, legislative, judicial, and economic power ultimately rests directly in the hands of the people of earth." This focus includes is a requirement that Congressmen and US Senators must vote based upon e-votes on each issue cast by their constitutuents -- and that the federal government be changed from three branches into five branches (don't ask!). Other positions in his platform include a 10% flat tax, abolition of the death penalty, a constitutional ban on political parties (so all candidates must run as Independents), federal term limits, separate national election of the Vice President, repeal of the Second Amendment (gun rights) ... in fact, when we last checked, Muadin was proposing 18 constitutional amendments. If you dig through Muadin's off-beat campaign site, you can also find pix of Muadin badly cropped into poses in the White House ... and a picture of "future First Lady" Jessica Muadin (who, unlike her husband, has a full name). Muadin describes himself as a motivational speaker and President of the Planet Pilgrims Center for E-Democracy and Planetary Awareness.


The "don't ask!" in the middle of all his babble just does it for me. :lol:

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I've been sitting here for like 5 minutes trying to pick a joke about Grimes' girlfriend, but it aint gonna happen anytime soon. That's just godawful hideous.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

She looks kind of like someone murdered Kathleen Turner, resurrected her, and got a new skin for her that was about two sizes too small. Jebus. I expect the next Omen sequel to be made with her in the lead within the next 2 years.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
She looks kind of like someone murdered Kathleen Turner, resurrected her, and got a new skin for her that was about two sizes too small. Jebus. I expect the next Omen sequel to be made with her in the lead within the next 2 years.

Remember in Man in Black when Vincent D'unpronounceble killed that guy and wore his skin?


I wondered what happened to Kathleen Turner.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Just for completeness, we discussed Kucinich's abortion stance. From those NPR interviews Tyler linked me to in the other thread:


EDWARDS: Until recently, you opposed abortion. Why the change of heart?


Rep. KUCINICH: Well, actually the evolution that I've had on the issue of abortion has come about as a result of a number of factors. One has been the fact that over the last few years there's been a move in the Congress to try to criminalize abortion. I don't believe in criminalization. I think abortion should be made less necessary and you do that through birth control and sex education. But when this Congress makes a move towards criminalization, what it's really saying is that a woman doesn't equality in the society and I support a woman's right to choose. I think that it is fundamental in a democracy that a woman have equality and any effort to try to criminalize abortion would strike at the heart of that equality. So I support Roe v. Wade... Was I always there? No. But with the help of women in my life and women who I've had the opportunity to talk to over the years, I've seen how this really has become such a divisive and destructive issue and I think that we can work to achieve a society which supports a woman's right to choose and we can do that within the context of working to make abortions less necessary. We also have to, through sex education and birth control..., to try to create a culture which is life-affirming through prenatal care and postnatal care and child care and a living wage, universal health care and all these things which can help life unfold to the fullest. But I think that we are at a moment where there is a serious effort afoot to wipe out Roe v. Wade and I'm not going to be any part of that. I support a woman's right to choose.


EDWARDS: This is curious, though... you've been around a while. Did you have some sort of epiphany or did you decide to run for president?


Rep. KUCINICH: Well, actually long before I became a candidate for president... this was an issue that I had been thinking about in the last Congress. I was the only member of Congress who cast a 'present' vote on an issue that dealt with late-term abortions when the Congress came back after a Supreme Court decision that said that a bill that the Nebraska legislature had passed, which is similar to a bill that Congress had passed, was unconstitutional because it didn't provide for a woman's health and didn't really describe the procedure. When I saw Congress over the Supreme Court's constitutional issues that had been raised nevertheless pass the same bill, when that moment came, I thought this really isn't about a concern for life that's being expressed here. What I saw it as was a concern about crass politics. I am concerned about life and I think that we need to do everything we can to make abortions less necessary. But we have to remember in this constitutionally based government we have that the right of equality is also at stake here for women and women will never truly be equal unless they can be free to make their own choices. And so I would say that my evolution on this issue has come about as a result of being in the House, looking at the way these votes have developed, looking at the politics of it and not wanting to play politics with this because this is the kind of deeply personal issue that affects so many lives. At the same time the underlying question is what can we do to minimize the number of abortions. The way to do it, I think, and what I've always supported is to make sure that sex education and birth control can make abortions less necessary. And for myself, I could not have got to the position I'm at without the help of a lot of women who have appealed to me and said, 'Look, there are so many issues that are at stake here, would you please look at them.' I've kept an open mind and finally arrived at a place as a member of Congress before I became a presidential candidate where I was able to say what I think what's best for the country is to try to take a position where you work to try to make abortions less necessary but do it within a constitutional framework. And that's where I am and as president, I think, because of my experience with this issue, I'll be in a position to heal this nation, where I can take the nation away from the bitterness and the divisiveness which has occurred over the issue of abortion and understanding the concerns of people on both sides but being very firmly supportive of the constitutional rights which women have, not only under Roe v. Wade, but of an inherent constitutional right a woman has to equality.


Don't care for the guy myself though. A wee bit too socialist for my taste.


We now return to your previously scheduled Oddball Candidates.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Aha! I actually do remember reading that, and I'm rather angry at myself that I forgot.

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Guest JMA

We should just abolish the two party system. Just think of all the wackos who would get to debate on television! :)

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Guest Tyler McClelland

...I'd be forced to move somewhere quiet and lonely.

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Guest DrTom

Since the thread seems to have taken a much different turn, I'll just answer this one briefly.


One simple question Tom... would you oppose these forces?

It's all about standard of living for me, not social conditioning. No, I wouldn't oppose them if my life were as shitty as the average Iraqi's.


We now return you to your dicussion of fringe candidates and their dreadfully hideous girlfriends.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Hmmm, I always thought Susan Estrich was a Democrat...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Oh, she's not THAT bad. Besides, I bet she's a FREAK.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway







Freaky guy's chick



I pray to God the one on the bottom doesn't have the one on the top's voice...

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Guest Vyce
Dem Candidates Try Versions of Bush Taunt

(2003-07-07) -- After seeing the news coverage that U.S. President George Bush generated last week with his "bring 'em on" comment regarding Iraqi terrorists, several Democrat presidential candidates are testing their own versions of a brash taunt.


"There are some who feel that the conditions are such that they can attack us [in Iraq]," Bush said. "My answer is: Bring 'em on. We've got the force necessary to deal with the security situation."


In an effort to appear strong on defense and tough internationally, the Democrat hopefuls have put several dozen macho phrases before focus groups this week, including the following.


Howard Dean: "My answer is: Bring 'em home. We're ashamed that we used force to free the Iraqi people."

Al Sharpton: "My answer is: Bring in da noise. Bring in da funk."

John Kerry: "My answer is: I'm a Vietnam veteran. Need I say more?"

John Edwards: "My answer is: Mister, you'll be hearing from my attorney. Wait...I am an attorney. Well then, you'll be getting a terse letter from me if you don't cease and desist."

Dick Gephardt: "I'm issuing an executive order to stop these attacks."

Carol Mosely-Braun: "Is this thing on? Can you hear me now? Am I still running for president?"

Dennis Kucinich: "Back off, or I'll do the same thing to you that I did to Cleveland when I was mayor."

Joe Lieberman "Look within yourself and answer this question: Is it right to shoot our troops?"

Bob Graham: "My answer is: I disavow anything Franklin Graham says about Muslims. I am not related to Franklin or Billy Graham."

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

The only one I found funny was Dennis Kucinich.


But it was worth the time going through all nine slogans...

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